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Center Mass (Code 11-KPD SWAT 1)

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It’d been eventful, that was for sure.

And I couldn’t seem to get my mind off the large blonde man.

Him and his eyes. The ones that changed colors.

In the darker light, they resembled more of a light honey brown with the inner edges taking on a greenish tint.

In the light, they lightened, going from a light brown to a pale green.

They were mesmerizing.

Then there was his beard.

It was sexy as hell, and I wanted to sink my hands into it while I rode his face.

“Reese!” My sister yelled.

I blinked, jerking out of my daydream about officer hot-stuff.

“What?” I asked, inspecting my nails for any flaws.

“Can you get the cake and decorations in the next couple of weeks?” She asked.

I nodded. “Sure. But you know you’ll have to remind me. I can’t write it down right now because my fingers are wet. I just painted my nails hot pink with black dots.”

“I need to do that. You should’ve just gone to get a pedicure with me,” she sighed. “Now I’ll have to go alone.”

I rolled my eyes. “You know, pity doesn’t sound good on you. It makes you sound fat.”

She giggled. “Fat has a sound?”

“I’m sure it does,” I explained. “I just don’t how to put it into words.”

She snorted. “Whatever. I’ll send you a text tomorrow. I’m going to bed…there’s a certain firefighter that’s making me horny.”

“La-la-la-la!” I said as I hung up.


She knew I hated talking about her sex life. Yet she did it anyway.

She was such a shithead.

Tru liked to call me a prude, but really, what the hell was wrong with not wanting to discuss your sex life in front of your little sister?

That’s right. Nothing.

Yet, she always got bent out of shape when I refused to tell her about my sex life.

Not that there was much of a sex life.

I’d only had sex with one man. Not that I hadn’t tried to have it more.

Last year I’d tried to have a one night stand.

Needless to say, it hadn’t gone very well, and I now refused to even contemplate having any type of sex that didn’t have me at least knowing the man’s last name and some of his likes and dislikes.

Mainly, for instance, whether he only liked to have anal sex.

Sure, I’d contemplated the act before, but I sure as fuck wouldn’t be doing it with someone I didn’t love and trust.

I ended that night all worked up with nothing to show for it. However, I’d learned a valuable lesson.

Don’t be a slut.

It was that simple.

And I’d broken that rule when I’d chosen to try to get back in the saddle, so to speak.

Bright flashing lights outside my front window had me placing the magazine on the coffee table, and peeking out through the living room blinds.

My eyes widened at the sight of three police cars outside my house.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized they were working on arresting someone in a large red pickup, and not going to a house.

I’d chosen this neighborhood carefully.

I wanted what was best for my little girl. Somewhere where she could play outside and I wouldn’t have to worry about her getting run over by someone.

This neighborhood, the realtor had assured me, was a great one for kids to play in.

There was a community playground the next street over, and a large duck pond one street beyond that.

What had sold me, though, was the fact that the driveways were all flat, as were the streets.

Before, I hadn’t had a place where Rowen could go ride her bike. Now, I did.

I had a lawn she could play on. A backyard I could put a jungle gym in, and a hot tub for the times where mommy needed a little bit of relax time.

Such as right now.

I watched until they led a young woman from the red truck to one of the police cars.

The lights obscured the faces of all involved, and decided now would be a good time to get in the hot tub.

Dropping my fingers from the blinds, I walked to my bedroom and started stripping off my clothes.

I slipped into a tankini, making sure my boobs were fully covered, then I exited my bedroom and grabbed a towel off the couch.

Leaving the sliding glass door open, I walked outside to my patio and flipped the lid back on the hot tub.

Then all the way off until it rested on its side next to the spa.

I’d just submerged myself up to my neck when a commotion had my curiosity raging again.

Thankful that it was a mild September night, I got out without grabbing my towel, and walked to the side yard where my large eight foot privacy fence enclosed the backyard from the front yard.

Undoing the latch on the gate, I opened it and peaked outside, eyes widening when I saw a man that’d been standing at the back of the truck they’d pulled over take off. Directly to my backyard.

He didn’t use the gate, though. Instead, he went for the top of the fence, not realizing that the gate was open.

When he got to the top, I somehow found the metal rake I’d been using that afternoon in my hand, and I swung it in an arc over my head.

It hit the man just as he swung both legs over the fence.

He teetered on the edge of the fence before he fell forward, hitting the ground with a loud thump.

I winced in sympathy, dropping the rake to the side and peeking at the man in worry. But only until a large male body hit me like a battering ram.

I fell flat on my back with a harsh thump.

My breath left me when a large man dressed in black straddled my belly, holding me down just with the power of his legs.

My eyes must’ve resembled something close to dinner plates when I finally got my breath back.

A powerful light shined in my face, and I heard the man on top of me hiss.

I gasped for air, closing my eyes tightly shut to block out the blinding light.

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