Testing Her Professor (Sister Switch 1) - Page 10

“Good, because I’m only teasing. One or twenty kids, it doesn’t matter because, from the moment I saw you, I knew we belonged together.”

“Damn, and I was looking forward to the castle.” I playfully tease as I try to process the warmth running through me at his promises.

“Well, that’s not a joke. I told you I came from a wealthy family.”

“Then why are you here?”

“I wanted a calm life.”

“No. I mean me. Why? You can have any woman you want?”

“Because you’re the woman I want, and I take that very seriously. I didn’t just fuck you. I sealed our fates. If that takes you some time to figure it out, it’s fine, but as far as I’m concerned, this is it. You’re the one for me.”

“We’ve only known each other for a few hours.”

“My father always told me that when you know, you know. Besides, you might not know everything about me, but I did a lot of research since you walked into the classroom.”

“Is that what had you so busy that you didn’t see me leave?”

“Exactly. And what the hell did Ben Lee say to you?”

“What do you mean?” I have no idea who Bennet’s talking about. I barely noticed anyone accept him the entire class.

“That fuck that walked out with you. What did he say?”

Ah. Now, I remember who Bennet’s talking about. “He asked me out to lunch.”

“And?” He stands there waiting for an answer that I thought was pretty obvious since I can’t remember the guy’s name.

“I said no.” I roll my eyes as I answer his ridiculous question.

“Good girl. I’d hate to have to fail or kill him.”

He whispers that last part as if saying it to himself, so I ask for clarification. “Kill?”

“Did I say kill?” That feigned innocence doesn’t work at all, and he calls me a bad actress.

“Yeah, you did.”

Smiling brightly, he shrugs off his words. “Well, I meant it. You’re mine, and I’m not letting anyone steal you away.”

“But I owe that one guy a date,” I tease, hoping to wipe that cocky look off his handsome face.

“Only if you want your ass tanned.” He grabs me around the waist, unties my robe, and then spins me around, so my ass is pressed against his cock. Leaning in, he whispers in my ear as his hand slips down my body, over my stomach, cupping my pussy. “I’m betting you want me to spank your sexy ass.” His severe yet smooth threat rushes through my body, causing me to shiver.

“No,” I lie, pushing my ass against his bulge, needing him to relieve the tension coiled in me. This man has made me putty in his hands. I’m officially ruined, and I want more of it, more of him.

“God, I want to be inside you so damn badly, but I’ve hurt your little pussy enough for one night.” He pumps two fingers inside, painfully stretching me before I feel the sting of the slap to my ass, and I’m coming all over his fingers.

“You’re a beautiful liar.” He kisses my neck before letting me go.

“Unfortunately, sexy. I have to go back to the college to clear out my office.”

“What? Why?”

“This was my last semester.”

“What about the grades?”

“I entered those before five yesterday.”

“Now who’s the liar?”

“You got me there, baby. How about I come to pick you up after I get all my shit, and we go out to dinner tonight?”

I’m a little upset that he’s not planning to see me sooner than that, but I’m not going to get all clingy no matter what he said about our future. “I’d like that.”

“Good. Do you have a preference?”

“I like anything. So surprise me.”

“Sounds good to me.” He steps up to me, cups my cheeks and then presses his lips to mine. “Be a good girl.”

He slips on this T-shirt and gives me one more kiss before walking out the front door. A sigh escapes from deep within my chest, hating how pathetically attached I am to this man within twenty-four hours.

I scoop up my phone and go take a shower. As I take my naked ass into the heated spray, letting my very achy muscles relax all the tension. I’m sure I was fired before Bennet called, but it still pisses me off that he wants to control me. With him gone, I can finally think straight. I have at least half a day until we go to dinner, and there’s really nothing I have to do today except getting a hold of my sister again. It’s not like I can check-in at the office or work on things because everyone, including my boss, assumes that Alexa is me.

“Fuck.” I really can kick myself for all of this. I’ve worked hard to get where I am and let my sister talk me into switching places. My boss has to know that she’s not me by now. There’s no way she can do what I do for him. Hell, Alexa taking orders is hard to believe. She’s the least likely to submit to anyone.

Tags: C.M. Steele Sister Switch Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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