Testing Her Professor (Sister Switch 1) - Page 8

“If that’s what you need. I’ve got plenty more to give you.” Smiling, I pick up the pace, drilling her pussy like we both need. She meets me stroke for stroke, taking every thick inch I give her. I know she will be sore tomorrow, but I’m too gone to care right now.

Suddenly, she freezes, arches her back, quivering as her orgasm screams through her. Her cries fill the small apartment and I lose it, cock jerking, I ram her with all of my cum, marking her as mine forever.

I let my weight briefly fall on her before rolling onto my back, taking her with me.

The soft kisses on my chest catch me by surprise. “I can’t believe we did that.”

“We did, and we’ll do it again and again.” I pull her head up and cover her mouth with mine. With my fingers entangled in her hair, I deepen our passionate kiss.

She lifts her head away from mine and looks down at me. “Professor Strong, that was incredible. Is it too soon for another lesson?”

“Never.” I flip her onto her back and bury myself to the hilt. This time we pick up our rhythm a lot quicker, banging the headboard against the wall as our sweaty bodies fuck with abandon until we’re spent and calling out each other’s names.

This time we collapse into a sweaty mess. “I need to use the bathroom.”

“It’s right there.” She waves her arm, pointing sluggishly towards one side of the room. I go in and do my business then come out to see her sleeping on her belly with her ass up in the air and one leg bent. She’s so fucking adorable. I take my phone out of my pants pocket, so I don’t accidentally step on it, then I climb into bed, lifting her slightly, so her body rests on my chest. She feels so perfect. I know that I can’t sleep another day without her.

We’ve got a long way to go, but I’m hoping to convince her to marry me soon. When I make up my mind about something, I don’t change it. Alyssa’s the one for me. I can’t wait to tell my family about her. My parents are going to love her. I’m sure of it because they’ve been waiting for an eternity for me to find someone. At thirty-two, I’m probably the oldest fucking virgin or at least I was.

Tomorrow, I have a busy day of paperwork and an exit interview to complete with the dean and administrator. All my grades have been submitted, and I’m ready to turn in everything, so I have more time for Alyssa. I kiss her cheek and close my eyes.We sleep through the night. My internal clock has me up before the sun’s out, even though I only managed about six hours. I reach over and grab my phone off the nightstand to check the time and see it’s five in the morning. I’m supposed to clear out my office today, but I’m going to be a little late because I’m not ready to give her an inch of space.

There’s no way I can take her with me because even though I can tell them apart, most people wouldn’t notice the slight differences. I’m not worried about my career since I never plan to teach again. Still, my poor Alyssa worked hard to get her sister out of college, and despite my annoyance with Alexa, I feel bad for the girl. Had I known I was the only one keeping her from graduation, I would have done something sooner.

After I use the bathroom, I slip on my boxer briefs to stave off the temptation to take her again. I go into their kitchen and get myself a glass of water. I walk and scroll through my emails and finish those up while taking a seat on her sofa. Seeing her phone on the floor, I pick it up and program my number in there before she wakes up. I’m just about to head back and lay down when I hear her phone ringing—a surge of jealousy courses through me at the thought of someone calling her this early. I look down and laugh. It’s my dear lousy student, and I answer.

“Alyssa, finally,” she says.

“Hello, Alexa.” I have a shit-eating grin on my face, picturing her expression similar to Alyssa’s yesterday. I’m a dick, but she needs a lesson taught. Putting my woman in trouble isn’t acceptable to me, but I’ll let this one slide since it brought her to me.

“Oh, fucking shit. What the fuck are you doing with my sister’s phone?” She’s shocked for a whole half a second before she gets angry and suspicious.

“She left it in my classroom after her exam. Hmm…that explains why you aced the test. Not missing a single question.” I smile to myself, enjoying this subterfuge a little too much.

Tags: C.M. Steele Sister Switch Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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