Three Rockstars of Sin - Page 56

“I’m...I’m fine. I just...” But I couldn’t say anything else. It was too traumatizing. I turned and threw myself into Hudson’s arms, clinging to him like I would never let go. “Thank you,” was my hoarse mumble. “You came just in the nick of time. I don’t know what I would’ve done if it hadn’t been for you guys.”

“Don’t worry sweetheart.” Gunner suddenly appeared and kissed my cheek. “You’re with us now.” His lips were warm and comforting and I sighed again.

Can I just stay here with them forever?

“Come on,” Brody said. “Let’s get outta this fuckin’ place.” He glared at the bartender and Pierre.

“Pricks,” Brody muttered. “Next time help a woman in distress, yeah?”

The bartender opened his mouth to speak, but said nothing. Pierre merely looked confused because he hadn’t quite seen what Darren had done, and I was too tired to explain.

But it didn’t matter. My three men crowded around me like a protective wall of muscle and guided me out of the bar and upstairs to their hotel room.

Hudson closed the door behind us. “Come to bed.” It wasn’t so much an invitation as a command.

My other men pulled the covers down on the bed and pushed me down into it. I couldn’t stop shaking, trembling like a doe. “Gunner.” Needy and weak, I stretched out my hand to him. “Brody.” I put out my other hand and the other rock star took my fingers. I opened my legs for Hudson to slip in between. Three pairs of bright blue eyes burned into me, comforting yet powerful.

“You need something, don’t you, baby?” Hudson slipped off my shoes and my clothes while Gunner and Brody rubbed the backs of my hands.

“Yeah, she does,” Gunner rumbled.

Brody kissed my palm. “Do you know what you need, Kitty-Kat?”

I didn’t.

But I ached. That asshole Darren had tried to take something that only belonged to Gunner, Brody, and Hudson. I hated it. Even though the slimeball wasn’t anywhere near me anymore, the memory squirmed under my skin. My flesh crawled.

What was it about me that let Darren think it was okay to touch me like that?

“I didn’t want him,” was my soft whimper. Tears welled up in my eyes. “I belong to you, right? Not to him, not to anyone else?” I must have looked pathetic with my pleas and fears lying naked in my eyes, but Brody brushed his hand through my hair.

“You’re ours, Kitty-Kat,” he said. “Know that.”

“Yes,” I moaned. My skin prickled with desperation for all of them to them to touch me. “Only yours.”

Gunner and Hudson shared urgent looks over my head but I grabbed their hands harder so they would focus on me.

“Please,” I whimpered. “I need...”

My protectors. My lovers. They always knew what I craved and what I wanted. At that very moment, my needs weren’t something that would roll off my tongue. I had no idea what would make me feel better.

But now I was here with them, and a kind of peace took over. Everything was going to be okay. I squirmed on the bed, my arms stretched out on either side of me, with Hudson pinning my legs to the bed. His touch and strength anchored me to the world that I chose to live in.

“Don’t worry, baby. We’ll take care of you.” Hudson gently let go of my hand and unbuckled his belt. His hard on punched out behind the thick denim and a wet spot betrayed where the fat head of his cock pressed.

It will be okay. They just need to stay with me.

At the sight of his massive bulge, my mouth watered and lust fizzled in my body like soda in a bottle somebody shook up. I mewled, twisting desperately on the bed.

“Yes,” the murmur came like the plaintive cry of a kitten. Need filled my soul, making me writhe uncontrollably. It was finally clear. My nipples were as hard as bullets through my dress. “Yes. Give me that. Give yourselves to me.”

Hudson slid the belt from the loops of his jeans with a quick snap of his hand. The sound was as loud as a slap and made me jump. A gasp of excitement trembled from my lips, but I was afraid too. This fear flamed across my skin making me shiver.

“Shhh. It’s okay, baby doll.” Brody breathed over my lips, ghosting my nose with the faint scent of the mint gum he usually chewed after a concert to get rid of his dry mouth from singing for hours on end.

Gunner nuzzled my throat. “You want our cocks, baby, you got it.”

The men looked at each other and seemed to reach an agreement. Gunner and Brody eyed me, hungry and gentle at the same time. Then they pounced.

They grabbed my hands and tied them in front of me with Hudson’s leather belt. Then, one of the three covered my eyes with a blindfold. I gasped.

Tags: Cassandra Dee Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024