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Phantom's Destruction or Destiny

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“Don’t you dare. If I like him and things seem to progress then I’ll let you know if I need him checked out.”

Chiara chuckled. “Okay, be sure to have Kaitlin send me a picture of you in that dress before you leave. Good luck, and have fun. Remember that you’re perfect, and can have any guy you want. There’s no need to settle.”

“I appreciate that, although it isn’t true.”

“You are perfect.”

“I meant about the ‘any guy I want’ part.”

Chiara chuckled and then said good-bye.

“Okay. I’m doing this. What do you think?”

“You look gorgeous and classy. He’ll love it. Oh, I’m going to be babysitting next door, and will probably crash there with Bryer. So don’t worry when you get here and don’t find me. Unless you don’t come home. And that is completely your choice. You’ve been consistently taking the Pill, right?” Adelina threw the toss pillow at her sister’s head as they laughed.

“Seriously. Try to have fun, and take your mind and soul off of Jett and Flynn.”

“That’s the plan. Thanks, Kaitlin. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Adelina checked her makeup one more time before she headed out of her apartment building. She walked two blocks and then went to hail a cab when a limousine pulled alongside the curb, blocking the only open space. At first she was annoyed, and then the black tinted window rolled down.

“There is no way that I would let you travel alone, looking as gorgeous as this.”

Raymond opened the door and stepped out. She was shocked. So much so that she bit her tongue when she wanted to ask him how he knew where she lived. Obviously the man did his homework. He had wanted to come get her from the start and she refused. Was he some kind of control freak?

Before she could say a word, her actions had him halting. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and stared at him.

“Oh, no. I’ve upset you. That was not my intention at all. Please forgive me. I was just so excited about seeing you tonight. Tell her, Avery.” He looked at the driver. The driver smiled and then nodded his head. “He has been a beast.” Adelina chuckled and Raymond gave the driver a dirty, mean look.

Then he smiled again.

“I can be quite commanding. I like to do things my way, and was trying to remain patient for our date this evening, but couldn’t wait to see you. You are stunning, Adelina.” He reached for her hand and pulled it gently toward his lips. When his lips touched her skin, she felt the tingling sensation travel up her arm and to her gut.

“I suppose I can let this slide. You’ve surprised me.”

He winked at her as he escorted her to the open door.

“I have lots of surprises for you this evening.”

* * * *

Adelina knew she was caught up in the ambiance of the restaurant, as well as the two glasses of very expensive red wine. When they arrived at Fignoloies, in Little Italy, she felt a bit overwhelmed. It seemed that people knew who Raymond was, and was it her or were there men around watching them? She thought she had seen the same man twice since Avery parked the car, and she and Raymond walked the two blocks to the restaurant. It was a gorgeous evening. The more he spoke in his Brazilian accent, the more she wondered if he were putting it on. He did say something in Italian to the waiter, and his expression was firm. The waiter looked scared.

“Is everything okay?” she asked him.

He smiled at her, then took her hand into his own. “Very fine. So, tell me about your job. How does your boss allow such people to hang around the place? I mean, you could have been seriously injured by that group of trampy women. And your hand, is it going to be long before you can remove the bandage?” he asked, and then caressed it gently. She had wanted to try and not wear any bandage but it hurt too much.

“Bosses. I have two of them,” she corrected him.

“Oh, and you’ve known them long?”

“For about two years. They are good to me.” She turned away. Why was it that every conversation had to return to them as a subject? She was out on this date to take her mind off of them.

She felt Raymond’s fingers under her chin.

“What is it? Are you not happy there? I’m sure you could find a better place to work. I have many businesses, Adelina. What are your dreams and desires?” he asked her. She was lost in his eyes, the tone of his voice, and the gentle way he held her chin. He seemed so damn sincere, she instantly felt her defenses go down.

“I really don’t have any other dreams right now. I went into this business with the intention of learning more, and one day opening up my own place or at minimum, running one. I’ve been very happy at The Phantom.”

“There are lots of other places around. I could help you. You know, to find your own place.”

Instantly her heart tightened. Was this guy for real? She didn’t need to owe that kind of money to someone.

“That’s sweet of you. Completely insane and off the wall, but very sweet, Raymond.”

He laughed as he leaned his head back and the sound made her laugh as well. He squeezed her hand, then brought it to his lips. Their gazes locked.

“You are so perfect. The most beautiful woman I have ever met. We’d be good together, Adelina. Won’t you let me help you?” he asked her. But all Adelina thought of his words were that she wished they were coming from Jett and Flynn. She wished that they locked gazes with her like Raymond and absorbed her every word.

“I can’t. I have responsibilities and a family to provide for.” Which was way more than Jett and Flynn knew.

“A family?” he asked, and his eyebrows crinkled in concern.

“Yes, my sister and nephew. They live with me.”

“Oh, you share an apartment with them. So what does she do?”

“She takes care of Bryer. He was very sick for a while.”

“Oh, my. What was wrong?”

“He had cancer. He almost died.”

Raymond reached over and gently rubbed his knuckles against her chin. He held her gaze, she felt the tears in her eyes, and she wondered why she was getting emotional. She hardly knew Raymond at all.

“That had to have been tough. Is he better now?”

She smiled and nodded her head.

“Wonderful. So you’re the breadwinner in the family?”

She smiled. “Yes, I am. So you see I’m really in no position to look for a job elsewhere. Jett and Flynn pay me well.”

“They’ve had the business for long?”

“Almost three years. I walked in on a whim one day and the bartender said they were hiring. He introduced me to Jett and Flynn and they interviewed me on the spot. I was fresh out of college and had a little experience.”

She thought back to that day, and how early her infatuation with the two older, sexy men had begun. They took to each other instantly. Too bad nothing ever came of it.

“Well, as long as their business is doing well, then your job is secure.”

“Oh, they’re doing great. That’s why we can be closed on Sunday and Monday.”

“Which is why I have you all to myself right now.” He began to draw tiny circles on her hand.

Raymond was very charismatic, and by the time dinner was through, he was escorting her down the street, and trying to talk her into going back to his place.

She denied him, and then he wrapped his arms around her as he pressed her against the side of the limo. The man was so intense, so macho, but there was something in his eyes that put her on guard. She wasn’t quite sure what it was.

“If you won’t come home with me, can I at least kiss you?” he asked. She knew it really wasn’t a request, and to be honest, she wanted him to. A man hadn’t kissed her in ages. So when he leaned forward slowly, she closed her eyes and he kissed her.

When he finally released her lips, after being so thorough with his hands and his tongue, he kissed her nose.

“You are delicious. When can I see you again?”

She smiled. “I don’t know.”

“Tomorrow? Say yes. Meet me for breakfast or lunch?”

“I have some errands to run in the morning and a workout to do.” He ran his hand across her hip to her ass. He gave it a squeeze and she gripped his arms.

“You seem in perfect shape to me.” She swatted his hand away.

“First date, remember?”

“Oh, I remember, but I’m originally from Brazil. We do things a little differently.” He teased her, then raised one eyebrow up in an adorable way. She shook her head as she laughed.

“Let’s get you home. We’ll make plans on the way.” She smiled as he pulled her against him, and Avery opened the door for them.

The ride home was definitely memorable.

Chapter 5

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