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Phantom's Destruction or Destiny

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Flynn tried to ignore the stench of perfume and the way the woman climbed his body, offering herself up without hesitation. He pressed her up against the wall, ran his hand up her short, tight dress, and froze. He just couldn’t seem to do it. She tasted like rum, her damn drink of the evening was some tropical Malibu girly drink. She moaned as she tried to rip his shirt from his body and then pressed her hand over his cock. A cock not hardened whatsoever. He imagined Adelina in his head. He wanted this woman to be her, but she wasn’t. There were no replacements. Not when all he and Jett wanted was Adelina. Flynn tried to give the brunette what she needed. He wouldn’t sleep with her now. He just couldn’t. He felt changed. He felt angry, and then that guy Adelina was dating popped into his head. He came in only about an hour ago to see Adelina and his hands went straight to her ass as he hugged her hello.

That’s my ass, not his. She should be pressed between my brother and I and not with that asshole, whomever he was.

“Take me, Flynn. Right here against the wall. Right here in the hallway. I want it,” she whispered, as he pressed his mouth against her neck and tried to get Adelina off his mind. But he couldn’t. This was a mistake. He wasn’t into this. He wasn’t into this woman. That fact really angered him. Flynn always got what he wanted. No one dared denied him or said no to him or Jett. It wasn’t in their best interest. What had they done? Could they have lost the opportunity for a chance with Adelina?

He pulled away from the brunette. She nearly fell, but he held her against the wall.

“Hey, I’ve been looking for you. What the fuck?” Jett stated, as he entered the hallway.

One look at his brother, and the expression of disgust as he eyed the brunette made Flynn feel like shit.

“Take off, sweetheart. I got work to do.”

She straightened out her short dress, then ran her arm along her lips, and the sight of her turned Flynn off even more. He placed his hands on the wall and lowered his head to the Sheetrock. Jett approached.

“What the fuck were you thinking? That you could fuck Adelina out of your mind?”

He didn’t look up at his twin. He didn’t have to. That was exactly what he was trying to do.

“Well, drinking didn’t work either,” Flynn said, and Jett released an annoyed sigh.

“No, it didn’t, and that pissed Adelina off as well. What would you have done if she came down this hallway instead of me?”

Flynn looked up and then turned and leaned his back against the wall.

“I don’t know, Jett. Probably get rid of the brunette, throw Adelina over my shoulder, and bring her upstairs. She’s got me that fucking crazy.”

“Maybe we’re overthinking this. You know, after the funeral and all. Funerals do tend to have you think about your own mortality, and the decisions you’ve made in life. Hell, I for one have some regrets.”

“My regret right now is not grabbing Adelina while we could. She’s always been there for us, and we took advantage of that.”

“Flynn, we avoided our feelings. We’re both guilty of it. Listen, I spoke with Uncle Vick. His guys found out that some guy, Sergio, works this main guy’s numbers racket. He sets shit like this up. Getting the health department to come in and destroy a business by fining them and closing them down. He also has connections with various liquor organizations and distributors. This main guy is feared.”

“Any concrete reasons why he’s feared?” Flynn asked.

“Dead bodies.”


“Apparently, if you defy this guy’s orders, he has a crew that will take you out.”



“What is Uncle Vick doing about this?”

“He’s trying to get a face to the main guy. Then he’s planning on seeking his own revenge. In the meantime, Cash and Zane think that we should be extra careful around here. I’ve already double-checked our deliveries, and the health department isn’t due around here for another week.”

“Good. I really want to know what this guy looks like. I want to know why he wants our business and Uncle Vick’s so badly.”

“This is more than just key location. Do you remember what we learned about Viper and Peter?”

"You mean about them not being on the up and up as they used to be?”

“Yeah, well, I can’t help but to think about some things from the past.”

Flynn eyed Jett strangely.

“I mean things we never talked about again. Missions involving certain individuals we’d never want to meet up with again and especially not as civilians.”

“You’re reaching, Jett. You also sound paranoid. It has to be some thug, a modern-day gangster who doesn’t respect shit and thinks that money and violence get him what he wants. Let Uncle Vick look into identifying this guy. That’s more his speed. We’re civilians, like you said. If it makes you feel better, then I’ll start carrying my bigger gun again, instead of the small one.”

“Stop being such a wise-ass.”

Flynn looked at Jett and then smiled.

“I need a drink.”

“No, you need to go to bed. Alone. Come on,” Jett said as he gave his brother a slight punch in the shoulder and then they walked back into the main area of the club.

Immediately, Flynn sought out Adelina. She was wearing a gorgeous green dress, thigh length, and high-heeled boots. Her hair was half up, half down. She looked stunning and energetic, and the night was nearly over.

She pulled out her cell phone and she looked like she was reading a text message.

It was probably that asshole she was seeing. He wondered what he was telling her.

You looked stunning this evening, Adelina. I want you in my bed tonight. I want to feel your creamy thighs wrap around my hips, while I slam my cock deep into your pussy, as you call my name. Fuck. I’ll kill the motherfucker. With my bare hands. How am I going to get through this?

* * * *

“You’re seeing Raymond again tonight, Adelina?” Kaitlin asked.

Adelina was fixing her hair. She glanced at the yellow envelope. Just one more payment. One more and they would be free of Margliado and Sergio. She took a deep breath and exhaled.

“As soon as I deliver this payment to Sergio. I put in eight thousand. I had to scrape the barrel, but I just want to be done with this. I can drop off the two thousand by end of this week.”

“I know it scares you to go there. I could go—”

“No. You don’t need to expose yourself to him again. Keep caring for Bryer, and helping him to get better and be happy. That’s all I ask.”

“I’m sorry that you need to do this for me.”

“I know you are. We’re almost done. By this time next week, our debt will be paid.”

“My debt. It’s all my fault.”

“Are we going to go down that stupid road again, Kaitlin? I don’t think so. We make decisions based on our hearts, our situations, and our fears. You had no choice. If you didn’t borrow the money, then Bryer would have suffered.”

“Bryer would have died,” Kaitlin said as the tear rolled down her cheek.

Adelina pulled her into a hug.

“I love you. There’s no need to worry about the past. I’m fixing this, so that you and Bryer will be safe. Always.”

“I know you are, Adelina. Without you, we’d both be dead.”

“Nonsense. Now zip up my dress. I want to look nice for Raymond.”

“It’s getting kind of serious pretty quickly,” Kaitlin said as she zipped up her sister’s dress.

“I guess. I mean I like him. He’s very charismatic and charming.”

“Have you slept with him yet?”

Adelina shook her head.

“And the reason? Or should I say the two reasons?”

Adelina released an annoyed sigh. “I know. I’m lame. I get that, I accept it, and when I’m truly ready to have sex with a man, I will not think about Jett and Flynn.”

“Yeah, right. You adore them. You want them.”

“And they do not want me. We’ve been over this. Like a broken fucking record. It’s done. Anyway, maybe just doing it with Raymond could help. You know, ease my mind off of the ones I can’t have.”

Kaitlin snorted and laughed.

“What? You don’t think I could go through with it?”

“Honey, you can go through with it, but you’ll regret it. You do not want to try and sex Flynn and Jett off your mind. If anything, you should go after them first, make sure finally that they aren’t interested, and then have sex with Raymond. That makes more sense.”

“Not from my perspective.”

“I just don’t want you to get hurt. Flynn and Jett seem so trustworthy, and so sexy and resourceful. What do you really know about Raymond?”

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