Phantom's Destruction or Destiny - Page 22

She lifted up as Flynn lay flat on the bed, his arm over his eyes. Jett wrapped his arm around her waist, right under her breasts and thrust his hips. He wanted to be so deep inside of her. Lost in Adelina. Just a few more strokes and he would explode, and then Adelina screamed her release as she reached under them and grabbed his balls.

Jett growled out her name. “Adelina, holy God, woman!” And he pumped again and again until he shook from the aftermath.

He squeezed her as gently as he could, knowing she may feel the pain of the bruises with their bodies connected like this. But she reached back, laid her head against his shoulder, and stared up into his eyes.

He placed his palm against her soft cheek, as he leaned down and kissed her lips.

“So beautiful. Never like this, Adelina. Never.” She smiled softly until Flynn reached up and pinched her nipple.

Jerking forward, she gave his chest a light smack, but he grabbed her wrist, pulled her down against his chest, and kissed her.

Jett smiled but remained deep within her. Nothing ever felt so prefect, so real and powerful as this. Nothing.

Chapter 9

“It has to be someone from your past. There just doesn’t seem to be anyone that you and your uncle have in common who is part of an organized crime syndicate,” Cash sated, as he, Zane, Al, Hudson, and Jagger sat around the living room. Adelina was talking with Nash, Riker, Stone, and Emerson in the small kitchen.

They were hoping to go over conversations she’d had with Raymond that could be a clue to who this guy really was.

“We didn’t recognize Raymond and neither did our uncle. You sent him a picture last week, right, Flynn?” Jett asked his brother and Flynn nodded, but he kept looking over his shoulder toward the kitchen. Neither of them liked having Adelina out of sight.

Just then Adelina and the guys emerged.

“Go ahead and tell them the story that Raymond told you,” Nash said as she walked into the room. Jett held out his hand for her to take a seat on his lap next to him and Flynn. She chose to stand.

“He mentioned something about a drug cartel, and working with some big shot manufacturer in Colombia. He said that the operation was exposed, and they all thought there were hundreds of police or government agents raiding the location. Instead there were four, and a small but resourceful group of soldiers.”

Jett and Flynn locked gazes. Flynn stood up.

“Peter and Viper,” he whispered.

“Shit, those are your two friends that you lost a few weeks ago, right?” Zane asked.

“Yeah, who just so happened to be on that mission in Columbia,” Flynn replied.

Stone whistled. “Holy shit. This fucking guy got away and has been looking to seek revenge?” he asked.

“Who got away? Do you guys remember?” Cash asked.

“Yeah. The main drug lord, Vasquez, was found decapitated three weeks later by local police,” Flynn said.

“Shit,” Zane added.

“Yeah and Raul, his main guy who ran the operations, disappeared.” Flynn said.

“But we heard he was picked up by the financial backers to their manufactory. Those people, whoever they were, would be pissed. We figured he was dead and the government felt that our job was complete and successful,” Jett added.

Adelina covered her mouth.

She turned away a moment. Jett grabbed her hand and pulled her against his side. “What is it?”

He rubbed his hand gently up and down her arm. She shivered.

“Raymond told me that he was captured by men who wanted to hurt him, interrogate him, and that he learned a lot about interrogation tactics and getting people to talk. What he did to me, he learned—”

“Shh, baby, don’t.” Jett pulled her between his legs and hugged her to him. Flynn stood up and caressed her shoulder.

“Raymond must be this guy from then. Do you remember what that guy Raul looked like?” Jagger asked. They all looked pretty upset about what happened to Adelina.

“He didn’t look like him, but I suppose he could be about the same height, bigger build now,” Flynn said.

“Well, he’s obviously not going by Raul whatever his last name was. We checked the last name that show up on his driver’s license and accounts. They’re aliases,” Zane told them.

“So the government knows about the situation fully now?” Flynn asked.

“We called the commander and notified those who needed to be notified. We’ll figure out who he is,” Cash said.

“He must have had some major plastic surgery done to look completely different,” Hudson stated aloud.

“That’s not uncommon. Many criminals, who have the money, would go to such extents to stay hidden. This is another man we have a real name for but not a real face,” Jett stated.

“Maybe Raymond, or Raul, is Margliado?” Adelina whispered. They all just stared at her, and then at one another.

“Oh, shit,” Hudson stated.

“Wait, but how would Raul know your uncle and want revenge on him?” Cash asked.

“I think we need to speak with our uncle and find out who he’s pissed off lately. You guys know that we don’t involve ourselves with family members who partake in certain activities that may seem illegal, right?” Flynn asked, and they chuckled.

“Everyone knows that you have connections and relatives in the mafia. You’ve never done any of the shit they do, and you certainly have proven your character by being federal agents and being the men you are today. So no questions asked. Let’s just find out where we can grab this asshole and take him out,” Zane stated.

“I’m in,” Stone said, and then the others added similar responses.

Jett and Flynn smiled and then Jett gave Adelina a squeeze.

“You’re pretty smart. Do you know that?” he asked her. She smiled.

“I hope I’m right. I hope you guys can catch him and we can get things back to normal.”

“Us, too,” Flynn said and squeezed her shoulder.

Chapter 10

“The Greysons and company just arrived at their uncle’s place,” Sergio told Raymond.

“Perfect. And Adelina?”

“She is well guarded at the club by their friends. I’m surprised that they left her at all.”

“I’m not. They have probably put together who I am. They may not be certain, but if Adelina is as smart as I believe she is, she told them about our conversations and put it together herself.”

“So aren’t you worried that they’ll get the fed’s involved?”

“Not at all. I’ll be out of here with Adelina by tonight. Just follow the plan. Set those explosions off, cause the fire and the evacuation at both places. Eliminate the two men guarding Kaitlin and Bryer, and bring them to the place we discussed.”

“You really think sending them on a wild goose chase will work?”

“I always have a plan, Sergio. I’ve thought about this for years. It will work. Just be sure to get your ass to the heliport on time or I’ll leave without you.”

“Yeah, right. I’ll be there. I don’t want to go through an interrogation by those guys. Fuck that.”

“Then move. The copter leaves at nine.”

* * * *

“You’re right. You might as well get some work done while you’re here. Just stay where we can see you,” Al told Adelina.

“Of course,” she stated.

“Hey, kiddo, you holding up?” Murph asked Adelina as she came behind the bar and grabbed the clipboard and inventory list. Her cell phone indicated that she’d missed two messages.

“I guess so.”

“I’m sorry to hear that the guy you were seeing was such an asshole.” He lowered his eyes to wipe out the mug he just washed.

“No, you’re not. You didn’t like him from the start,” she replied.

He stared at her very seriously and then he smiled. “That’s because I knew you were meant for the bosses. If they just got their heads out of their asses sooner, then you wouldn’t have gotten hurt at all.”

“Lower your voice. I don’t exactly want the other staff to know about this.”

“Too late for that,” Murph, Hudson, and Jagger stated. Her jaw dropped as she stared at the three of them.

“Don’t look so shocked, boss lady. We had bets on how long they could resist your beauty and that body of yours,” one of the waitresses stated.

“Great. Thanks a lot,” she replied as her cell phone rang.

“Who is that?” Jagger asked.

“It’s Kaitlin. She’s just checking in. I’m going to take it in here,” Adelina said as Jagger nodded before she went into the room behind the bar.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dywer Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024