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Phantom's Destruction or Destiny

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“That’s okay. I guess we both weren’t paying attention. Did you say Lexington and Third?” she asked as she held his gaze. He stared at her with piercing brown eyes, and a well-chiseled face. The man must be into working out, because even his face looked toned.

“Yes, I did.” He smiled at her. She had a funny feeling in her belly. It was so odd. She couldn’t tell if it were instincts warning her or enticing her. It was faint.

“That’s three blocks back that way, and then take a right, one block and—”

He looked a bit confused, and he seemed very nice as she repeated the directions two more times and he looked like he wasn’t sure. He told her the name of the place he needed to get to and it was a mere two blocks from where her place was. His accent and his bright white smile were very appealing. She felt something, but she wasn’t sure what it was. Her head had been wrapped around Flynn and Jett for far too long.

“Listen, I’m heading that way. Just follow me,” she said, and he smiled.

“Now that’s an idea. My name is Raymond.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Adelina.” She reached out her good hand, which he shook gently.

“What happened to your hand and wrist?” he asked as they started walking together.

“I got into a bar fight.”

She glanced back up at him and he looked surprised as well as interested. “Really?”

“No. Someone tried to hit me so I ducked and hit them back.”

“Wow. I hope the other person is worse off.”

“Me, too.”

“Well, I promise not to try anything funny,” he stated, raising one hand up palm forward. She laughed.

“You have a great accent. Where are you from?”

“I am originally from Brazil. I have a place here in Manhattan.”

“Yeah, there’s nothing like New York. I’ve never been to Brazil, but I hear the beaches are gorgeous.”

“The people are, too, but I’d say you had them beat,” he told her, and when she looked at him, he held her gaze, and her heart raced. The man was suave, and very sexy.

She smiled and looked forward again.

“It’s not far now,” she whispered.

She couldn’t help but wonder if this was another opportunity for her to take a chance and move on with her life. She missed the opportunity to flirt with the doctor, her mind still on Jett and Flynn. She needed to stop this. She needed to put them behind her. It just wasn’t meant to be.

So she turned toward Raymond, one very sexy, attractive man with an accent to die for.

They talked as they walked, and Adelina thought he was very nice, and also very firm in his tone. She liked a take-charge kind of man, but also a caring one. Raymond seemed to fit the bill fine. If only she would stop thinking about Jett and Flynn.

He told her about the company he worked for. Something to do with imports and technology.

“So where do you work?” he asked, and when she named the place, he was impressed. She told him about being the manager and about how she sustained the injury. Minus the part about being jealous over Tess trying to get knocked up by Flynn and the fact that she was completely jealous.

“Don’t feel bad about it, Adelina. You were protecting yourself. A beautiful woman like you should be pampered and not placed into such situations. What did your boyfriend say about it?” he asked. She felt her cheeks warm. This guy was good at flirting. What a way to find out if she were single or not.

“Oh, no problem there, I don’t have one.”

“Really? Then the guy you were protecting isn’t your boyfriend?”

How perceptive. This man was almost creepy, but in a totally turn-her-on kind of way. She took a deep breath and released it.

“He never was my boyfriend. He’s just a good friend.”

“Are you certain?” he asked with a large smile.

“Yes, really. So here is where we part ways. You have to take this street one block down and then make a right. You’ll see the building in front of you.”

“What nights did you say that you work at The Phantom?” he asked with a small, warm smile that reached his eyes.

“Every night except for Sundays and Mondays. The place is closed.”

“Well, maybe I’ll stop in one night after work. The guys in the office like to let off some steam on Wednesdays and Fridays.”

“Sure. Stop in and be sure to say hello,” she said.

Then they shook hands, which he held hers a little longer than normal, and they smiled before parting ways.

As Adelina began walking away, she turned to look at Raymond just as he turned to look at her. They both smiled, and she suddenly hoped that Raymond would show up at the club. If she were going to put Flynn and Jett behind her, then she needed to start dating again and working toward a future of happiness.

As she felt her phone vibrate, she realized she hadn’t turned up the volume again since entering the hospital. She glanced down and saw the three calls from work. Flynn, Jett, and Murph.

She was going to be late tonight, and that was a first for Adelina. She texted Murph back and told him she would be late. He texted back the words “Holy shit, is everything okay?” She laughed and sent along a smiley face. She’d deal with him as soon as she arrived in an hour.

* * * *

Raymond answered his phone as he walked around the corner and out of sight of Adelina. The woman was gorgeous. Her personality pleased him, and he suddenly had a change of plans for her.

“Yes,” he answered, recognizing Sergio’s number.

“What exactly do you think you’re doing?”

“Just a little recon. I found the manager of The Phantom. Just so happened to be in the area when she left the hospital.”

“The hospital? What happened to her?”

“Nothing. She was protecting Flynn Greyson.”

Sergio chuckled. “Say that again.”

“Sergio, it’s a long story, but the gist of it is that she isn’t seeing either man. But due to your surveillance of the premises the last three weeks, she’s definitely loyal to them and knowledgeable of their business. She’s very beautiful and her body is to die for. You were right to let me know about her. You said she will be back to the bar in a few weeks?”

“Or sooner if you like, sir.”

Raymond chuckled. “I’m thinking about getting to know her sooner. I won’t let her know who I am though. If this whole deal goes over well, and the takeover by my associates, then I can leave with a grand prize.”

“You’d better watch your ass. Jett and Flynn Greyson don’t keep anyone that close. So if the chick is in on their deals and business transactions, then she’s trouble. Those two won’t let you near her.”

“She decked a woman. I’d say Adelina was feminist enough to handle her own decisions and retaliate against anyone who told her what to do or who to date. Especially her two bosses. Besides, her reasons for needing money are noble, don’t you think?”

“Yeah, I suppose so. Why not just tap that ass and be done with her? It could be part of the last ten thousand she owes?”

“Because, as you noticed yourself, the woman is quite beautiful, and classy. Plus, it would bring me immense pleasure to know that I took her right out from underneath Jett’s and Flynn’s noses. They don’t even know who I am.”

“Yet. You’ve got balls, sir. And well, those two are going down and so is their uncle. I have some news on him as well. We’ve got some people on the inside. Vick is going down sooner than later. There’s a hit scheduled on one of his deliveries tonight. Victor won’t have the financial backing of anyone after this.”

“Good. Explain it to me when I get back to the penthouse. I’ll be there in thirty minutes.”

Raymond hung up the phone and got into his car. If things went well, Adelina would never even know what initiated his interest in her. Plus once Jett and Flynn were dead, it wouldn’t matter anyway. Raymond would own her. Body, mind, and soul. She would look perfect by his side in Brazil. He chuckled as he said the word aloud and in the fake Brazilian accent. He loved it there. That might just be the first place he would take her when he owned her.

Chapter 3

Adelina arrived to work late. Jett, Flynn, and all their buddies were in the back room engaging in their annual poker night. She had some time to prepare for their reaction to her wrapped hand and her being late. Truth was, she could have gotten here on time, but one look into Bryer’s eyes as she saw him return from kindergarten and she knew he needed her. They snuggled on the couch after eating cookies and milk and he told her all about him feeling weak, and having a hard time playing the kickball game. She felt so sad for him, but told him that every day he was getting stronger, and that he was a survivor. She loved Bryer with all her heart. And she loved her sister, too, who had looked exhausted and in need of a breather.

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