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Phantom's Destruction or Destiny

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Adelina sent her out for some ice cream for tonight, and Adelina promised Bryer that she would have some with him tomorrow when he returned home from school.

She swallowed hard as she corrected a drink order bill from the bar that one of the new waitresses screwed up.

“Hey, have they seen you yet?” Murph asked, sounding very concerned. He had totally freaked out when she first arrived and saw her hand wrapped.

She stretched out her arm, feeling the ache and knowing that she would be forced to wear the sling when she wasn’t at work.

“No. They’ve been in the back, why?”

He raised his eyebrows at her as he wiped the inside of a brandy glass with a bar towel.

“They tried to make me tell them what happened between you and Tess.” She shot a look at him.

“Don’t worry. I fucking lied and said I had no idea, but whatever it was, I’d never seen Adelina so pissed.”

“Are you sure you didn’t budge?” she asked, knowing how intimidating Jett and Flynn were.

“Lying about knowing saved my ass. Plus, you asked me not to repeat it. I respected your wishes even though I bet if you told them that, they would make a move finally.”

She raised her hand up palm forward. “Please don’t. I’m over it all now. I have to move on. If I didn’t need the money so badly, I’d resign from my position here and look elsewhere.” She instantly thought about Raymond. She wondered if he would show up this week. Wouldn’t that help to get her mind off what she really wanted?

“Hey, you met someone?”

“No,” she blurted out quickly which only made her answer sound more suspicious. Murph raised his eyebrows at her.

“Who is it?”

“No one.”

“Oh, come on. I told you about Dena,” he whispered.

“Yeah, and if she knew the way you like to flirt, she may begin to have some trust issues.”

“Honey, I’m a fucking bartender. I need to flirt to make tips. It’s a rough job.”

She laughed. “Sure it is. All those fake boobs hanging over the bar whispering drink orders in your ear. I get it,” she teased him.

She turned to walk away, and he stared at her ass.

“Any time you want to bend over the bar, you let me know.”

She opened her mouth in shock, and then Murph’s eyes widened. He quickly turned around and went back to serving drinks.

Adelina didn’t have to turn around to know who was there. It was one of them. She just knew it.

As she slowly turned and looked up into Flynn’s eyes, he looked downright pissed off. Then came Jett, and he looked none the happier.

“Our office. Now,” he told her.

She wouldn’t react to their deep, sexy tones. She wouldn’t allow her pussy to throb and her nipples to harden any further. She would ignore the pleasure their presence alone infiltrated her with. She would be strong. She turned toward the bar and Murph.

“Murph, I’m heading into the office. I’m on line three if you need anything.”

“Got it, slugger.”

She gave him a dirty look after her eyes nearly bulged out of her head.

She turned back toward Flynn and Jett, but they weren’t there. She headed through the crowd to the private door that led to the back offices and the elevator upstairs. As she closed the door after entering the code lock number on the keypad, she turned and closed it tight. She checked that it was secured and then headed toward the main elevator. Standing there were Flynn and Jett.

Both men look delicious. Jett wore a burgundy dress shirt and black dress pants. He appeared sexy and ready. His expression affected her. Flynn wore a dark blue shirt and black dress pants. He had his arms crossed in front of his chest as he watched her approach. The elevator doors opened and she was glad she wore her very slim-fitting burgundy tailored dress with the high slit up the side. It looked classy, yet very sexy. Minus the wrapped hand and wrist, she definitely gained their attention.

“Thank you,” she said as Jett held the elevator door open. The ride up was quiet. Awfully quiet for her liking. These two always walked and appeared with purpose. They had a motive on their minds that eased through their lips, with the small, yet tactful commands. Every ounce of this should turn her off or make her see them as too demanding, too controlling, and here she was too turned on. She needed to get control of her body and her perverted mind. She always wondered if the rumors were true, that both men never wore briefs or boxers.

“So, what’s going on? It’s pretty busy down there tonight,” she said in an attempt to break the silence.

The elevator door opened and Flynn let her walk out first.

They headed down the hallway to the main office. Their office. The one that led to the bedroom where she left Flynn half naked last night. Shit.

“Should you be working?” Jett asked her as she stood in the middle of the office. Jett leaned against the desk, and Flynn was right there, too. They were both so damn intimidating it scared her. She gently rubbed her injured hand. For some reason, flashbacks of Tess’s words struck her momentarily silent. Her knuckles ached.

“Of course. Why shouldn’t I be working?” She completely forgot about her hand until his eyes roamed over the bandage and then up her breasts to her face. She could almost feel Jett’s fingers touching her. “Oh, the bandaged hand. No big deal. Nothing is broken. I just sprained it. I have a sling—”

“Are you supposed to be wearing it now?” Flynn asked, taking a step toward her. Instinctively she stepped back and held her hand. His tone and the way he stalked toward her sent her into immediate panic.

“I’m fine, Flynn. Listen, there’s no need to freak out. I really should head back downstairs.” She started to take a step, but Jett stopped her by taking her hand into his.

“You seem different,” Jett stated as he held her gaze.

Oh God, he is so good. Of course I’m different. I’m tired of waiting around for you two to make a move. I want you, and you don’t want me. Time to move on.

“I’m fine, Jett.”


She turned toward Flynn. He looked upset, but also sad. He walked closer. He looked down at her bandaged hand, and it was too much, having both men touch her like this. She pulled away and stepped back. Jett squinted his eyes at her abrupt move. “Flynn, don’t say anything. It’s fine.”

He stepped closer and placed his hand under her elbow on her bad hand. “It’s not fine. I was an asshole. I think. I don’t remember much.”

“Please, Flynn. It’s not like this is the first time I had to put one of you to bed. It was nothing, and Murph helped me.”

Just because I wanted to join you in that bed doesn’t mean I need to confess it right now.

“No, we’re talking about your hand. What the fuck did Tess say to you?” Flynn asked her. She tried to step away from Flynn’s hold but it was no use.

“Flynn, it was just stupid talk.”

“Tell him, Adelina.”

She jumped at the firm sound of Jett’s voice. It was so insane, but her breasts tingled and her pussy instantly wept from his tone. She wanted to be their woman. She wanted them to play with her, tie her to their bed, spank her, do whatever the hell they did to other women that made them so sexually appealing that she had become obsessed with them. She shook her head. Then she felt the hand on her shoulder and back of her neck. Flynn.

“Tell me what she said that got you so riled up that you hit her,” Jett whispered firmly.

She glanced up at him. She didn’t want to say it. Just thinking how that woman wanted to get pregnant by Flynn made her see red. She wasn’t going to say a thing, and then Jett took her other hand. It was too much for her.

“Tell us what she said. It was obvious from the surveillance video that Tess pissed you off. We’d never seen you so upset,” Flynn told her.

She pulled from both of them, and took a few steps away. They seemed shocked by her move. Sure they were. They were very demanding men. Their dominance was not invisible. She swallowed hard.

“Adelina, I know that I was pretty drunk. I may have done something to upset you. If it’s about the way I grabbed you and kissed your cheek and ear. I’m—”

“No. I know you were drunk. I didn’t think anything more of that,” she said, lying through her teeth. She turned away from him. She had done way more than overthink his move, his hold of her, and his lips against her skin. It was what got her hot and bothered. Obviously, it meant nothing to him, which affirmed her need to move on and get over Flynn and Jett.

They were persistent. Even in the stare down they were both giving her. That was more than just intimidating, considering they were both over six feet tall and filled with muscles. She knew they were ex-government agents. They were lethal, resourceful, and knew moves that could snap a man’s neck before anyone noticed a thing. She gulped. Even that thought soaked her panties.

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