Never Let Go - Page 13

I hit the lights before I circle the bed and pounce on her to find out what color her panties are or if she even has them on. I’m thinking not. Those jeans she had on before hugged every curve of her body and I didn't see any lines, but she could be wearing one of those thongs or something. I pull the covers back and climb in.

“Jameson?” She breathes my name. I can tell from her tone something is wrong. If she asks me to leave I will. I’ll sleep in the hallway. It couldn't be worse than some of the nights I slept out on the land with the cattle.

“Yeah, Bunny?”

“Can we…” She pauses before she starts again. “Can we cuddle?” In one quick move I shift my arm, reaching out to snag her around her waist and pull her in to me. Her back comes to my chest as I wrap myself around her and fuck, does it feel good. She doesn't say a word but her breathing shifts and I know she’s out in seconds. I bury my face in her neck, breathing in her sweet smell. I could see how a man could become obsessed with her. Too bad for everyone else because she is mine now.8BunnyI cuddle deeper into the bed. I don’t know how long I’ve been asleep but I’ve never felt more rested in my life. I’m not sure I’m ever going to get up. My breath catches as everything from last night comes back to me. It all seemed to happen so quickly.

There’s no warm body wrapped around me but his smell surrounds me. I peek open my eyes praying this isn't a dream. Sure, it sucks Jameson is gone, but it would suck more if he wasn't real. My eyes meet the soft blanket I’ve buried myself in.

“Jameson.” I say his name, moving some of the blanket out of the way. My eyes meet the clock on the nightstand that reads after ten. Wow, I really crashed. I had been physically and mentally exhausted by the time we made it to the ranch. Even though I know I would have pushed myself further if it meant getting more of Jameson.

“Bunny.” Jameson comes walking into the bedroom in blue jeans and a black shirt that stretches across his broad chest. He does not look like he’s a billionaire oilman. If anything, he looks like a cowboy. And by the looks of his broad chest and muscular arms, I assume he works hard at maintaining his land.

“Sorry I slept so late.” I stretch, still not sure I want to get up. In fact, I wish I had the moxie to grab Jameson and pull him back into bed with me. He sits down on the side of the bed, brushing a lock of hair out of my face. His touch is gentle. It feels like a lover’s touch.

“I was letting you sleep.” His eyes roam over my face. “Fuck you’re beautiful, but I suspect you already know that.”

“Doesn't mean I don’t like hearing it from you.” I lick my bottom lip. I probably look a little bit like a mess right now but you wouldn't know it from how he’s looking at me. He doesn't make me only feel beautiful, but sexy. That is different. I'm used to being on a stage with everyone looking at me but I’m not used to someone actually seeing me. “Are we unpausing yet?”

He closes his eyes for a second. My heart drops. Is it possible that I’ve read him wrong? Did he wake up this morning and change his mind?

“We can’t unpause.” He opens his eyes. His hand slips under my shirt, drifting up my thigh until he gets to my hips. His fingers dig into them. “My mom’s here.” I swear I see a brief pout on his face.

I smile, bursting into laughter.

“It’s not that funny.”

“It’s kinda funny.” I’ve never been busted in someone's bed before. “Wait. She knows I’m here?”

“Yeah and she’s about to burst with excitement. Please forgive me now for anything embarrassing she might say. She’s probably in there planning our wedding.”

I smile wider, loving the idea that he’s so close to his mom. It may also be because the thought of being married to him doesn’t sound half bad either.

“She doesn't mind that you had a girl stay over?” I tease, making him smile. It does something to my insides. He looks even more handsome like that.

“I think she’d be pretty damn happy if I brought any girl home, but she’s over the moon it’s you.” He gives my hips a squeeze.

“You bring a lot of girls home?” I find myself asking. I shouldn’t but I can’t help the small pang of sudden jealousy I feel. It’s not really my business. I tell myself that but it doesn’t help.

Tags: Lucy Darling Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024