Pet: A Dark Menage Romance - Page 51

“Like what?” I asked her.

“I don’t know!” I could almost see her rolling her eyes. “You know him better than I do, Sapphire.”

That made me smile really wide, and I stared at my apple before taking another bite.

“He hates my scars,” I said softly. “I mean… I think he likes them, but he hates that they’re there.”

“So, he hates marks on your body,” she said.

“I guess.”

“Well, maybe you could get a piercing,” she giggled. “Get your nipple pierced or something. I bet that would drive him insane.”

“You’re crazy,” I told her. “He would kill me.”

“How about a tattoo then?” she suggested.

I thought of her angel tattoo. The image of King fucking her while I stared at it helplessly, that fucking tattoo forever ingrained in my memory. For some reason, it didn’t even upset me anymore. In fact, it made me a little wet.

I ignored the sensation and finished off my apple.

“I’m really scared of needles,” I admitted.

“Pussy,” she laughed, and I rolled my eyes. “Well… what then?”

“Maybe,” I said. “Maybe I could fake getting one.”

“How?” She sounded doubtful.

“You drew the design for yours, right?” I asked her.

I could tell she was getting excited.


“Can you come over now?”

It felt kind of awkward to have her over at the apartment after everything that had happened, but I couldn’t help it. It made me giggle with excitement.

“You’re so bad,” she laughed. “I’m on my way.”

I couldn’t help grinning, not even when she rang the doorbell twenty minutes later. She looked even giddier than me when she sat down on the couch and told me to take my clothes off.

It didn’t even feel awkward, but when I felt her eyes on me, it was a little weird. I never thought she liked girls that much, but the way she stared at me made me twitch a little.

She took out some ink pens from her bag and gave me a devilish grin.

“They don’t smudge that much,” she explained, and I nodded. My heart was pounding.

She made me walk up to her, standing in front of the couch. She took out her pens and went to work on my skin. I held my hands over my nipples, her pen tickling my sensitive skin.

“What are you gonna draw?” I asked her.

“Something pretty,” she grinned. “Something that’s gonna make him go fucking crazy.”

The drawing took over an hour, and she wouldn’t let me look down until she was finished. By that point, my legs were cramping up and I was fidgeting on the spot.

“Okay, you can look,” she said with a big smile, and I ran over to the mirror in the hallway. When I saw what she had done, I gasped.

“He’s going to kill me,” I giggled.

“Oh well,” Maria shrugged, putting her stuff back in her bag. “Been nice knowing you, you had to go sometime.”

“Bitch,” I giggled.

She stood up and took my phone, and I covered my nipples again, sticking my tongue out at the camera. She snapped a picture and grinned as she looked at the screen.

“Sent,” she exclaimed with a big smile and I giggled nervously.

She kissed my cheek on her way out, and her hand lingered on my hip. I forgot I was naked down to my waist, and only wearing a thong underneath, and her touch made me feel all kinds of weird. Her eyes lingered on mine before she winked, blew me a kiss, and told me to have fun. I closed the door behind her.

It only took a few seconds after she left for my phone to start going off.

Calls, texts, messages. King was fucking pissed. All I could do was laugh.

I admired Maria’s handiwork in the mirror one more time.

Intricate patterns decorated my body, starting at my collarbone and going down between my tits and around my waist. They looked like pretty chains, and my nipples stood out from the black design like sharp pink points.

I almost felt him coming home, but even if I hadn’t, I would’ve been alerted to his presence when he nearly tore down the front door.

I turned around, only wearing a little thong, my full body on display. His mouth gaped.

“What. The fuck. Have you done?” he growled, and I giggled as he came at me.

He grabbed me by the throat and turned me to the side, looking at the drawing on my body.

“You fucking didn’t,” he growled. “You didn’t get a tattoo.”

“You don’t like it?” I pouted. “I got it just for you.”

“You fucking…” His eyes were all pupils as he pulled his cock out from his pants and stroked it, almost violently. “You fucking little slut.”

He held me at arm’s length by my throat and I giggled as his eyes drank in the whole design hungrily.

“I think it’s pretty,” I told him innocently, and he growled.

“You’ll pay for this,” he told me, his hand going crazy against his cock.

Tags: Isabella Starling Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024