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El Pecador (Saint-Sinner 2)

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“Amira, please,” I pleaded for a bit of fucking reason, a second to explain.

“No! You stop! Let go of me!”

Before she even saw it coming, I forcefully pushed her to the blanket and climbed on top of her.

“Muñeca, look at me, open your fucking eyes and look at me,” I demanded, grabbing her chin to try to make her open her eyes. Needing her to see the broken, severed man in front of her. The one who died when he left her too. She shook her head back and forth, frustratingly wanting to get loose.

I was at my wit’s end and started to gently kiss all over her face and caress her softly, showing her what I couldn’t say with words. Rasping, “I’m sorry… I’m so fucking sorry, Amira… I wanted you…I loved you. I. Love. You.”

She couldn’t take it anymore and started pushing me to get free from my grasp. “Stop! I hate you, Damien! Do you hear me? I fucking hate you!” she yelled over and over again, aching to make herself and me believe it.

My heart broke.

My fingers twitched.

And tears threatened to surface.

However, I wouldn’t let up and just kept caressing her, kissing her, whispering that I loved her. Battling her hateful words with my loving ones. I could feel she was reaching her breaking point, as much as she could. Her wrists suddenly slipped through my grip, and she shoved me with so much force that she was able to slap me across the face. Going full speed to do it again, but I intervened by grabbing her forearm, pinning her to the blanket. Locking down her petite frame with my flawed heart and beaten body.

She laid there beneath me, panting profusely, emotionally and physically consumed with tears cascading down the sides of her face. For a moment, I allowed her to take my breath away. In my eyes, she’d never looked so fucking beautiful.

So goddamn breathtaking.

So fucking mine…

I leaned forward and kissed away all her tears, tasting her nightmares, her memories, her love and hatred for me. Tenderly kissing my way to her lips while her body continued to shudder from my intense, overpowering love. Overwhelming her emotions and overriding her thoughts the way only I could ever do. Before another second slipped by, I kissed her for all the years I didn’t, for all the times I couldn’t, for all the moments I so desperately wanted to. Losing myself in her. Almost like I was trying to kiss the heartless decades of agony and pain I caused right out of her. Wanting to hold her tormented burdens, inflicted solely by my mistakes and regrets.

“Do you have any idea how many nights I’ve dreamt of the things I want to do to you,” I expressed against her lips, causing her eyes to flutter open.

Trapping her gaze with mine and triggering a carnal reaction from deep within my core. Her lips were swollen and red, her skin warm and flushed, her hair tousled and flowing loosely all around her face. I released her wrists, pulling back a few strands of her hair from her eyes, wanting nothing in the way of her now surrendering stare.

I held her face in between my hands, prepared to tell her what had always haunted my mind. “As much as I wish I could change the past, Amira, I can’t. I knew what I was going to do to you, the excruciating pain I was going to cause, but I swear on our love I was just trying to protect you from me. The things I’ve done to those I loved the most, the lives I’ve taken without any remorse, and the list goes on. I am a fucking monster. I’m not a good person, let alone a good man.

“First off, the night I fucked Evita in front of you I knew you’d come back. It was the only way you would stay away from me, I planned it that way. I’m not proud of the things I’ve done to you and you’re right, I don’t deserve you which is why I left you behind. I never deserved you, but I couldn’t stay away from you as much as you couldn’t stay away from me. Baby, it’s why I left. If I had stayed in Cuba with you, I would’ve just kept hurting you.” I kissed away another one of her tears. The next part of what I had to share wasn’t going to be easy to hear for either one of us.

“I met Evita when I was lost without you. She was sweet, timid, reminded me so much of you, Amira. It was the main reason I was attracted to her in the first place. I guess a part of me was trying to replace you with her.”

She winced, her body instantly tensed against my touch.

“I’m sorry. I know this hurts you to hear, trust me… it kills me to have to tell you the truth, but you need to understand it all because I don’t want any more lies and secrets between us. Nothing else to keep us apart.”

“Damien, I have to—”

“Please, let me finish before I lose my fucking resolve.”

She nodded, instinctively gripping onto my wrists still cradling her face, providing me with the strength to keep going.

“I never fully gave my heart to her, it belonged to you. It’s always been yours. You are my heart. I never made love to her. I never kissed, touched, or took my time in making her come like I do with you. I told you I’ve never been able to make love to anyone, but I didn’t tell you why.”

“I know, Damien,” she whispered, her eyes laced with so much sincerity. “You don’t have to tell me. I was only nine years old, too young at the time to know what happened between you and her, but as I got older… I figured it out on my own. I knew my sister. I know what made her smile, laugh, happy, sad… I can honestly reassure you, what you were ordered to do was the furthest thing from causing her pain. It’s a heavy and dark fiend to hold onto for the rest of your life. You didn’t hurt her… and she was just as thankful as I am it was you and not one of those other men. They wouldn’t have been so kind to her, not like you.”

I exhaled the breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding, feeling emotions I couldn’t begin to place.

“I knew the first time you touched me, made me yours, that I was the first woman you’d ever made love to.”


“The way you touched me, kissed me, held me. Your heart was beating as fast as it is now. I think it was some of the reasons you always pushed me away, you knew it’d be different with me. I would silence the guilt in your mind, and you didn’t want me to.”

“Baby, you’re my punishment and my redemption. I’ve spent the last thirteen years lost without you. The only places I’ve traveled to were the cities you wanted to see. If I wasn’t traveling, then I was working toward a life I thought I wanted more than anything. Figuring out really fucking quick that when I actually accomplished becoming a DA, it meant nothing because you weren’t there to celebrate it with me. Regardless of what the press published about me, I’m not going to lie and tell you I was a saint, I was far from it. I involved myself in the life of corruption that I’ve only ever known, just to feel alive.”

“Aren’t you worried about getting caught leading a double life? You’d lose everything you’ve worked so hard for, Damien. It doesn’t seem worth it to me.”

I shook my head. “No, it doesn’t. At least not anymore… I know you’ve stepped away from your life, your business of being a badass motherfucker,” I grinned. “Who can work a fucking stick shift like a racecar driver.”

She smiled. “In fuck me heels, nonetheless.”

“Muñeca, I know you have focused your time on taking care of me the last six months, but I don’t want you to go back to that life.”

“Damien, I have to—”

“No, you fucking don’t. What part of what I said did you not understand? I won’t allow it.”

“It’s my job—”

“To put yourself in fucking danger? If you’re worried about the money, don’t. I have more money than I know what to do with. I’ll give it all to you. Every last fucking cent. You wouldn’t have to worry about a damn thing and could still live your extravagant life of designer clothes, cars, shoes, and whatever the fuck else you want to spend your money on. There is no need for you to go back, I’ll take care of you.”

“What about you? Huh? Are you going to walk away too? Strictly stick to being DA without a life of corruption? Keep your nose clean and play by the rules?”

I didn’t hesitate in responding, “I would for you. I’d do anything for you. Jesus Christ, Amira, I looked for you. I had my best PI’s searching for you, but we couldn’t find you even existed. All the work I put into making sure Emilio never found you bit me in the fucking ass. And now that I have you, I’m not ever letting you go again. Do you understand me? You’re mine,” I spoke with conviction, daring her to argue. “I have the only thing I ever wanted right here in my arms. “You.”


I silenced her with my lips, gliding my tongue into her mouth. She moaned, surrendering to my passionate embrace, melting into my touch. When I kissed her, my intent was for it to be pure, but like everything with Amira, it took on its own life. We kissed for what seemed like hours, just entangled and exploring each other’s mouths.

Wanting to taste life again.

I could feel her chest rising and falling against my torso, her hard nipples firmly pressed against my clothed skin. I hadn’t even touched her yet, and she was already fucking melting, splitting at the seams.

“Damien,” she panted, strangled and frantic.

I kissed her until her body undeniably yielded to me.

Until she was anxious and trembling, and soft and supple in my arms.

Until every muscle pulsed with anticipation.

With need.

With want.

With desire to once again make her mine.

That was my undoing. I should have carried her back to the hotel room, but more than anything I wanted to take her, claim her, make love to her right here on the blanket. Right on this beach, right beneath our constellations where it all truly began. She kissed me back with just as much passion, aching, throbbing, as I did. Longing for the same thing. Our lips moved like they were made for one another. Full of desperation and urgency, desire and hunger, fighting our past and our way back to each other. I could hear the pounding of her heartbeat and feel the thrumming of her pulse quickening with a rhythmic, alluring sound that both soothed and controlled me in ways I never wanted it to fucking stop.

It was maddening, it was controlling, it was everything I wanted it to be.

My lips moved from hers and descended down to her neck—pecking, nipping, licking. Her head extended back even though she whimpered at the loss of my mouth against hers. It was slow and instinctual. Further surrendering to my touch, to our love, to the man who loved her just as much.

“Damien… please kiss me again,” she purred, grabbing the sides of my face to bring my lips up to meet hers.

I eyed her with a predatory regard. “I will.” I grinned, sliding my hand down to her pussy.

Growling, “But I want to kiss you here first.”



She bit her bottom lip while I slowly pulled off her top, exposing her bare breasts. Immediately sucking her nipple into my mouth, flicking and swirling my tongue before moving over to the other hardened peak, making her moan in pleasure. Forcefully yet gently, playing with her sensitive bud until she was completely at my mercy.

I kissed and licked my way down to her stomach, her body responding to every sensation my tongue was inflicting. Everywhere I touched left behind a trail of fire. The feelings lingering on each caress of her delicate skin, burning from the aftereffects. I positioned myself slightly on my knees, gazing up at her through the slits of my heavy eyes. My fingers laced into the sides of her cotton shorts and yanked them off in one quick, sudden movement. Discarding them beside her shirt.

I scoffed out a chuckle, “You weren’t wearing any panties this whole time?”

She arched an eyebrow, looking down at me with sin in her eyes. “I haven’t been wearing panties this entire trip.” She winked, sucking her bottom lip between her teeth.

The mood turned light for only a second before I drank in her luscious, goddamn naked body that had me weak in the knees. I hadn’t seen her bare, tan skin in thirteen years. Our last encounter didn’t count because she was still partially clothed. Barely showing me what she was now. I looked at her everywhere except her eyes, wanting to remember every curve of her figure.

Branding her with my heated gaze.

Searing her.

Consuming her.

Her body had matured, her perky breasts were fuller, heavier, and fucking mind-blowing. Her narrow waist appeared slimmer, accentuating her curvy hips and slender thighs. My eyes continued to wander until they fell upon where I wanted to look the most—her pussy. My fingers slowly spread her lips, noticing she was slick and wet, and fucking perfect. I wanted nothing more than to devour her all over again.

“No one has ever looked at me the way you do,” she breathed out.

“No one has ever loved you the way I do.” I locked eyes with her heated stare that mirrored mine, huskily groaning, “I can still taste your sweet little cunt in my mouth.” Kissing her soft stomach, leaving small pecks in a straight line, I stopped just above her pubic bone to place her trembling legs on my shoulders. Roughly gripping onto her thighs, I thrust her pussy toward my mouth.

She gasped a heady breath, turned on but startled by my aggressive gesture. I took my time, savoring the taste of her silky thighs against my lips and unshaven face. Inch by inch, making her pant beneath me as I descended toward my final destination, working her into a frenzy. Kissing, licking, biting the sides of her core and all over her lips. Inhaling her addicting scent of arousal mixed with the sweet smell of her pussy. Finally, ending my tantalizing fucking torture with a kiss on her clit, fighting the urge to suck it into my mouth and bury my face in between her legs.

“Beg me, Muñeca. Beg me to make you come,” I growled against her skin, continuing my assault on every sensitive spot except where we both wanted my tongue the most. Biting hard enough to leave marks in my wake.

She sat up on her elbows, stirring, “Please, Damien… please make me come…” Causing her back to arch when I plunged my tongue into her opening.

So deep.

So hard.

So fucking demanding.

Needing to taste her.

“Damien…” she purred out my name, fisting her hand in my hair, using the other to support her weight.

I glided my tongue up to her clit and sucked it into my hungry mouth, giving her pussy a soft lick before I peered up at her again with a greedy glare. “You like when I fuck you with my tongue, Muñeca?” I baited. “Te voy a signar con mi lengua hasta que te vengas tanto que se te olvide tu nombre y solo recuerdes el mio,” adding, “I’m going to fuck you with my tongue until you come so hard that you forget your name and only remember mine.” I did just that, sucking her clit back into my mouth and lapping at her nub.

Her eyes closed and her head fell back, grinding her hips in a back and forth motion against my lips and tongue. I started off slow at first, making love to her with my mouth. Guiding my head from side to side and then up and down. Her hand tightly clutched onto my hair again, almost like she was trying to rip it the fuck out. Making my cock throb so fucking hard against the zipper of my slacks. Licking her juices, building up her wetness with each lap of my tongue. Her eyes found mine when I finally slid two fingers into her warm, welcoming heat.

Getting her nice and ready for me.

She breathed out, “Fuck… Damien…”

“Oh, you like that, eh? Where, baby? Right here?” I hit her g-spot, causing her eyes to roll to the back of her head. “Or…” I pulled my fingers out, instantly yielding a whimper from her throat at the loss of my touch. Swiftly moving my middle finger down to her ass. Her frame stiffening only for a moment as I gruffly rasped, “Let me in, Muñeca.”

She relaxed, allowing my finger to slowly glide into her tight puckered hole. The wetness from her pussy making it easier to do so. Aiming my finger directly toward her lower abdomen. “Here?” I taunted, hitting her sweet spot from the back.

“Oh, God…”

I witnessed her unraveling from the inside out with juices dripping out of her c

ore. Possessing every last fiber of her being and, because I’m a dirty fucking bastard, I didn’t just stop there. With my free hand, I thrusted two fingers back into her soaking wet cunt. Simultaneously hitting her g-spot while finger fucking both of her holes at the same time. Returning my mouth back to her clit, never taking my eyes off hers as I picked up the pace of my passionate torture on her body. I wanted to see what I was eliciting through her stare, only fueling my desire to have her watch me make her come.

“Whose pussy is this, Amira? Whose ass is this? Whose body is this? Who fucking owns you? Hmm…” I hummed with her clit in my mouth.

She moaned in response.

“Tell me? Tell me who do you fucking belong to?” I demanded, sucking her clit with more determination while thrusting my fingers harder, faster.

Soaking the palm of my hand.

Drenching my chin and neck.

Causing her to lose her fucking mind.




“You… you do…”

I grinned with her clit in my mouth, groaning, “Come for me, baby.”

Her body shook so fucking violently like a volcano ready to fucking erupt from the pressure, the pleasure. Seconds later she came hard, screaming out, “Damien!”

“That’s right, baby… it will only be my name you’ll ever scream from now on.” Flicking my tongue one last time on her clit, I let her ride out her orgasm on my face until her body went lax beneath me. Her legs loosely hanging from my shoulders, her hands falling to her sides. I pulled out my fingers, licking her clean from her ass to her opening. Bringing the two fingers from her pussy up to my mouth to suck them clean too.

“You, Muñeca, are the best thing I’ve eaten all fucking day. You taste like mine.”

Through hooded eyes, she watched as I crawled up her body. Placing my muscular frame on top of hers.

“Have you ever tasted yourself, Muñeca? Slipped your fingers into your tight little hole and fucked yourself to the images of me fucking you?” I took what I wanted before she could reply, desperately kissing her, making her erotically and seductively savor her juices off my lips and tongue. “See how sweet your pussy tastes? See how wet you get for me and only me?” I possessively stated, and she moaned into my mouth. Loving the salty flavor as much as I fucking did.

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