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El Pecador (Saint-Sinner 2)

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I sat back on my knees in between kissing her and tore off my shirt by pulling it up from the back and over my head. Throwing it beside the rest of her stuff in a pile. Her hands reached for the button of my slacks, eagerly pulling out my hard, throbbing dick.

I groaned, “You make my cock so hard when you come all over my face. Stroke it, baby… stroke it really fucking hard. You own my cock, just like you own my goddamn heart.”

“I want you in my mouth,” she hissed, leaning forward. Ready to take every inch of my shaft in between her pouty little lips. Her tongue leisurely licking around the head of my cock, producing a disgruntled groan from deep within my chest.

“Later, baby, when I take you to bed. Right now, damelo, mamita,” I ordered in a deep, dark, husky tone. “Give it to me, baby.” Grabbing my cock out of her small hands, my dick unable to take it any longer, and fuck me…

Neither could I.

Placing my shaft along her pussy, I soaked the tip with her wetness, parting her lips. Slowly and deliberately swaying up and down. Knowing her clit was still sensitive from my relentless tongue and it wouldn’t take long before I had her coming undone, getting off again.

“Please…” was all she could say, begging for my cock. Needing me to bury myself inside her as much as I needed to feel her tight pussy wrapped around me.

She didn’t have to wait long, I positioned my dick at her opening and slowly thrust my way in. Deliberately taking my time, wanting this moment to last as long as possible. Losing my goddamn mind in her fucking tight, wet cunt, reveling in how fucking perfect she felt. I kissed her all over her face, her neck, her breasts, and back to her lips.

Until I couldn’t take it anymore.

I had to look at her.

I had to watch her.

I had to make sweet love to her.

Once I was balls deep inside, I stopped. Needing to feel every inch of her pussy wrapped around my cock. My memories didn’t compare to the feelings and emotions wreaking mayhem on my mind when my body was on top of hers.

“Fuck me, Amira. You feel like everything I ever wanted and didn’t think I could ever fucking have.”

“I know, Damien, I know. But if you don’t start moving and making love to me… I’m going to die,” she baited in a desperate tone.

I glared possessively into her eyes. "Not until you tell me when was the last time someone fucked what’s mine?”

She gazed at me through her lashes, purring, “Not since way before I saw you in Detroit for the first time.”

I scoffed out a chuckle and began to move, bending her thigh up, angling myself right at her sweet spot. I swear she got even wetter when I thrust in and out at a persistent pace. Quick, quick, slow like two bodies doing the fucking tango, repeating the same sinful motion, bringing her to the edge and back, over and over again. Her hands gripped the blanket beneath us, twisting and turning with every thrust. I could feel her pleasure on the tip of my cock, and Jesus Christ did it feel amazing. Sensing an immense amount of pressure on the head of my cock from the squeezing motion of her thighs and ass. Building up stronger and harder, faster and faster. I could feel her clamping on tighter and tighter with each push and pull.

With each moan that escaped her lips.

With each deep thrust of my cock.

With each clench of her pussy, stirring down to my balls.

She came…

And came…

And just kept on fucking coming.

I rested my forehead on hers and stared into her glossy, hazed eyes. Our hearts pounding, our skin covered in sweat, and our lungs completely out of breath. Making love right under our constellations, completely oblivious to everything around us. Lost in our abandonment.

In our own world.

In our own everything.

I grinned, flipping us over, and placing her on top of me. Gripping onto her ass, gritting out, “Ride my cock, Muñeca.”

“Yes…” she purred, breathless. Slowly rocking her hips until she got used to the feeling of my shaft deep inside of her from a different angle. Placing her hands on my chest for more leverage, bouncing faster and harder.

I took her nipple into my mouth, kneading her other breast, unable to get enough of her. Causing her head to roll back with another moan escaping deep down in her throat. All I could hear was desire over the waves crashing into the shore, mimicking the rhythm of our hearts as I fondled her breasts and sucked on her nipples.

I moved one of my hands to her clit, causing her breathing to escalate as soon as she realized what I was about to do. Encouraging me, bucking her hips forward.

“Yeah, baby. Take my cock. Just like that… Fuck me harder… just like that,” I growled from deep within my chest. “Fuck my cock.”

I could feel her pussy tighten, gripping my cock like a fucking vise. Vaguely feeling her shiver from the ocean breeze hitting her sweat-soaked skin as she leaned in to kiss me more aggressively than before. I grabbed the back of her neck, wanting to bring her closer, needing her body to cover mine. Our lips moving on their own accord, no longer having any control over our actions.

I kissed her jawline, to her neck, and deliberately made my way back to her lips. Her delicate hands moved down my chest, wanting to feel my skin against her fingertips.

“Goddamn… you feel so fucking good,” I groaned, thrusting my hips upward. Roughly gripping onto her hips once again. Moving her harder, faster, for her pleasure and mine. I could feel her g-spot on my tip, fueling the need to fuck her till she couldn’t think of anything else but my cock. Her body on the verge of exploding as she rode out my vigorous assault.

My pace increased as I made her ride me as hard as she could, unable to get enough of her pussy.

Of her orgasms.

And of her fucking coming.

Both our mouths parted, breathless, riding the high, waiting to fall over the edge. Together. I plunged my tongue into her mouth when I felt her pussy throb against my cock, pulsating long and fucking tight. Muffling her screams.

Her quivering was my undoing.

She was my undoing.

Another groan escaped from deep within my core as I came so fucking hard. Releasing my come as far back into her pussy as I possibly could.

“I love you, Damien,” she panted into my mouth. Both of us trying to catch our breaths.

Our thoughts.

I didn’t hesitate in replying, “I fucking love you, Muñeca.” Flipping her over to make love to her all over again.

Under our constellations that held our past and our present, and now they would always hold…

Our future.



“Ah…” Amira stirred awake. Arching her back off the bed as my thumb pulled back her hood, exposing her bright red clit. My mouth immediately assaulted it with a forceful sucking motion as I started eating her pussy for breakfast.

“Jesus, Damien… you’re going right for it,” she panted in a sleepy but sexy voice, fisting the sheets above her head.

I woke up hard and fucking hungry. Not thinking twice about sliding underneath the blankets in a slow, steady pace, and crawling my way toward her pussy like a starved man. Before she knew what I was doing, my face was between her legs, savoring what was officially mine for the taking. It had been two months since we got back from Cuba, and everything had changed between us. Two lives coming back together in a whirlwind of passion. Finding a renewed sense of hope that our love would prevail now that there wasn’t anyone or anything in our way. The trip proving to be the best decision I’d made in a long time. Once we stepped foot on U.S. soil, I refused to let Amira out of my fucking sight.

She only left my condo and bed by my side, and trust me…

I made up for lost time.

Not just with her body, but with my words and actions as well. Telling her I loved her several times a day, and proving to her that she was indeed my everything. Surprising her with breakfast in bed, treating her like the queen she

was always meant to be. She hadn’t taken any trips, her disappearing acts long gone, and had been handling business through the phone. I assumed she was trying to get her shit in order, fully aware I wasn’t fucking around, she wasn’t going back to that world. Her life was with me, the way it was always meant to be.

We were both making up for lost time.



Joking around the way we used to.

She still had nightmares, but they were few and far between now. I held onto the hope that those would diminish over time as well. Along with our past we’d always remember, however, possibly forget with time.

Our stares locked when I slid two fingers into her cunt, aiming them directly and precisely to the spot that drove her wild.

“Are you going to come for me?” I rasped with a grin, sucking her clit back in between my lips.

She replied by grinding her pussy against my mouth, swaying her hips in the opposite direction of the up and down movement of my head. Her body responding, and I had barely began touching her yet. My mouth already sending her into a frenzy as I took my time devouring her sweet pussy. Sucking her clit side-to-side, forcefully, urgently back and forth, up and down until her legs started to shake from the mere graze of my tongue. Making her nice and wet for me. I knew her body better than she did.

She was almost fucking there.

“Oh God,” she whimpered in pleasure, throwing the covers off both of our bodies.

My hands moved their way up to her breasts, kneading her hard nipples, while lapping at her pussy, and eating her like my favorite fucking meal. It didn’t take long for the tingling sensation to develop all over her body. She placed her foot on my shoulder and started riding the fuck out of my face, and moments later she came in my mouth.

I finally swallowed what I craved for breakfast.

Her cum.

“What did I do to deserve this wakeup call? I feel like I should say thank you,” she breathlessly panted, peering down at me with adoring eyes.

I kissed her clit one last time, making her body startle from the over stimulation, and grinned. “No need to thank me, Muñeca. I ate your pussy for purely selfish reasons. For me.”

“Well then, at least let me return the favor,” she initiated, rolling us over so she was on top, sitting directly on top of my hard cock. Making it twitch.

I insatiably licked my lips, still tasting her in my mouth, placing my hands on her bare ass, subtly rubbing my thumbs up and down. Having Amira naked, all flush and warm, and ready with her tits in my face was a vision that would never get fucking old. I couldn’t keep clothes on her, she was either nude, in my shirts, or in tiny tops with panties that always showed the bottom of her ass cheeks. Not that I was complaining, I loved it when she wore my clothes instead of hers. Something about her wearing what belonged to me made my cock throb and my mind wander to the things I’d do to her once I got it off.

“As much as I would love to see you on your knees, with your mouth wrapped around my cock, I have to go, baby. I have a flight to catch.”

“A flight?” She cocked her head to the side. “Oh, I see what this was.” She smirked, sassing, “You were trying to weasel your way out of forgetting to tell me you were going somewhere.”

I laughed, “No. This is actually last minute. I have to go tie up some loose ends.”

“What kind of loose ends?”

“Nothing for you to worry about.”

She narrowed her eyes at me, arching an eyebrow. Giving me her best conniving expression with a sly smile. “I had something big planned for us tonight. Any chance you could change it for tomorrow?”

“I wish I could, but this can’t wait. I promise I’ll be back tomorrow.” It made me nervous to leave her here alone, but I didn’t have much of a choice and I’d make it up to her.

“Fine…” She pouted. “I’ll just have to reschedule our threesome for another time. Too bad…” She beamed with a mischievous glare. “I was really looking forward to it too.”

“Well, fuck. For you and another woman, maybe I can change my plans after all,” I teased, grinning. Mirroring her stare. Knowing she was full of shit.

She leaned forward, getting close to my face. “I didn’t say it was with another woman.”

I spanked her ass, hard.

“Ow, Damien!”

Instantly wrapping a strong arm around her waist, I flipped her over and caged her in with my arms, pinning her beneath me. “Try me like that again, baby, and I’ll fuck you till you’re so sore, the only thing you’ll be able to feel for the next week is my cock in your ass.”

“Who the hell do you think you are, Mr. Montero?” she taunted in a playful tone, wiggling her eyebrows.

“Amira, I’m the man who owns you, and your pussy only comes for me. Got it?”

“Oh yeah? What are you going to do? Arrest me, Mr. District Attorney? You just want to see me in a pair of handcuffs, huh?”

“You’re going to pay for that sassy fucking mouth that never seems to know when to shut the fuck up, Muñeca.” I grinned again with a predatory regard.

And because I wanted to punish her, I chose to take it out on that sassy fucking mouth instead. Putting her in her place by fucking her face with my cock, reminding her who she belonged to. Going as far as coming on her face and tits, branding her as mine and only mine. I hauled ass to the airport, arriving fifteen minutes prior to my departure time. I had to flash my DA badge at security just to avoid, and get through the damn lines. Spending the next three and a half hours on the plane in first class, thinking only of Amira. Which was probably what she intended in the first place—provoking me.

The little cock tease.

But the flight wasn’t entirely horrible either, other than the fact I wished I was still at home, inside of Amira. I landed in the early afternoon and went directly toward the exit of the airport, having only traveled with my carry on. Immediately looking around for the person who was picking me up.

“How is it possible that you get better looking every time I see you, Damien?”

I turned when I heard their voice, coming face-to-face with a set of familiar hazel eyes.

“It’s part of my charm,” I replied, smiling. “This better be damn important, Giselle. I hate this fucking town.”

I wasn’t surprised to hear from her. She’d called me the night before, saying she needed to see me and it was urgent. From the sound of her voice, I knew she was serious. I figured it had something to do with legal advice because she said she couldn’t talk about it over the phone. Giselle was impulsive and a risk taker, and it wouldn’t surprise me if she got herself in some sort of trouble. Not wanting her asshole daddy to know, so that left me to help her. What kind of attorney and friend would I be if I didn’t at least try? Especially because in her own way, she’d always helped me.

She laughed, looping her arm around mine. “Come on.” She nodded. “My car is over there in the parking lot.” Guiding me toward it.

I threw my carry on in the backseat before sliding into the passenger side, shutting the door behind me. Anxiously waiting to hear what was so goddamn important to pull me away from Amira in a rush.

We were on the highway by the time she asked, “Do you want to go check into your room—”

“Cut the bullshit, Giselle. Out with it. Why the fuck am I here?”

“Good to know your patience hasn’t changed. Tell me, do I bring it out of you or does everyone get to experience your charming personality?”

“Tell me,” I repeated, in a dismissive tone. “Do you only listen to me when you’re begging to come or does everyone get to experience how much of a pain in the ass you are?”

“Hmm…” She brought her finger up to her mouth in a questioning gesture, smirking. “I guess you’d have to make me come to find out.” She winked, pulling up her knee length skirt to expose her tan thighs. Toying with me.

I didn’t waver, putting an end to this back and forth banter. “

Sweetheart, there’s no need for the verbal foreplay today. I’m with someone.”

“Does she know you’re here?”

“I don’t even know why I’m here. So how about you stop asking questions that don’t concern you, and start answering mine.”

She opened her mouth to reply but my phone rang, cutting her off.

“This is Damien,” I answered, spending the rest of the ride on a conference call. Pausing when I realized she was driving down a dirt road in the country, still not knowing where the fuck we were going. “Tom, I gotta go.” I hung up. “Giselle,” I warned in a menacing tone. Glancing over at her while she parked behind several other cars, in front of a big warehouse. With ‘End of The Road Motorcycle Club’ written on the side of the building in big red lettering.

“Come on.” She grabbed her oversized purse from the backseat, opened her door, and got out before answering any of my questions.

I didn’t have much of a choice, I had to follow her to what appeared to be some sort of MC gathering. There were kids running around everywhere with adults in the mix, but it was the men who were throwing back some beers and shooting the shit while grilling, I recognized immediately.

“Just be your usual charming self, okay? I’ll explain shortly. I promise,” she whispered close to my ear.

“Oh, trust me, Giselle. This better be worth my fucking time otherwise I won’t hesitate to put you over my knee and leaving you high and dry.”

She laughed, throwing her head back as we made our way toward the man whose cut read ‘Prez’ embroidered on the leather with his petite, pregnant wife by his side.

“Mia!” Giselle greeted, pulling her into a hug, then holding her growing stomach between her hands. “I swear you’re so lucky! You’re the cutest pregnant woman in the world. It’s not fair.”

I stood in front of the man with tattoos covering every inch of his skin, eyeing me up and down.

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