Dirty Girl (Going All the Way 2) - Page 5

They were jealous that she looked so good in this massive vehicle, and sure, she was small in stature and might look slightly funny trying to climb into it, but fuck them all. But she loved those two guys like they were her family. In fact, they were her only family and the only ones who gave two shits about her.

She saw Rob’s truck in the driveway and grabbed her phone from her bag. She was almost two hours early getting off from the shop, but after doing that tattoo for the Marine and not having another client, she called it a night. Rob wasn’t supposed to be home until after eight—another three hours away—but she grinned, thinking maybe he had something special planned, since their anniversary was tomorrow.

Hey, a year of being with the same person might not have been such a big deal, but it was the longest relationship she had been involved in.

She grabbed her shit and made her way out of the car and toward the front door. A dog started barking, and she stopped and glanced over her shoulder. The house was Rob’s, and it was in a rundown and older part of the town. It was on a cul-de-sac, but it was nice living with someone and not having to feel like she was alone all the time.

Since it was the middle of the summer and just after five, the sun was still high in the sky. It was warm and slightly humid, overall nasty-ass weather. She had never been one who enjoyed the heat, so a cold shower to wash the sweat off, which had formed in the small amount of time it took her to walk to and from her car, was in her very near future.

The house was relatively quiet except for the small ticking of the wall clock. Setting her keys on the small table next to the door and her bag on the floor, she stood straight again and listened. Something felt off, but she couldn’t quite place why the hairs on the back of her neck and on her arms stood on end.

“Rob?” Naggie called out, realizing how weird it was that Rob was home but nowhere to be seen. Normally, he was on the couch, watching TV or playing video games. But then, right before she yelled out his name once more, she heard some noise in the back bedroom. The house was small, but for some reason it seemed like it took Naggie forever to get down the hallway.

There was another banging sound right on the other side of her closed bedroom door, but before she opened it, she already knew what the fuck was going on. The sight before her at first had her mouth hanging open on its own, and then this blood-curdling rage filled her.

Rob was on his knees, holding onto a very skinny waist, and had his head thrown back as he grunted with each thrust. Naggie couldn’t speak, couldn’t move as she was in a kind of trance watching her boyfriend fucking not just a woman, but that skanky-ass bitch Tally.

It took Rob and Tally a whole minute of continued fucking before they realized they had an audience. Tally looked over, still on her hands and knees, and smiled. Rob gave one more thrust before turning and looking at her. He was sweaty, and beads of perspiration dripped down his chest.

The “oh shit” look that crossed his face was priceless, but Naggie was seeing red and was about to beat someone’s ass.

“I didn’t expect you home this soon.”

“That’s obvious.” Venom dripped from Naggie’s voice, and she was barely holding onto her control. But then again, she didn’t know why she wasn’t kicking both their asses right now.

“Naggie, baby.”

She held up her hand then realized it was shaking uncontrollably due to how fucking pissed she was. Naggie curled her hand into a fist. “You don’t get to fucking call me that ever again, you worthless piece of shit.” She couldn’t remember being this mad before. What made this whole situation even worse was that Rob was fucking the same woman—the town slut.

Tally was the same woman who tried to pick up Rob at the bar over six months ago, and the same one Naggie should have royally fucked up back then. “What the fuck.” She said it more to herself than directed at either of them, but then when Rob pulled out of Tally, and that slut’s grin grew, something inside Naggie just snapped.

“Naggie, this is not what it looks like.”

She felt her eyes widen, and this incredulous laugh came from her. “Not what it looks like? I’ll tell you what it looks like.” She sucked in a lungful of air, feeling her entire body shake from her anger now. She might’ve been short and small in the body frame department, but she had a temper to rival an enraged bull. “My now ex-boyfriend has his dick in the town slut’s dirty-ass cunt. That is what it fucking looks like.”

Tags: Jenika Snow Going All the Way Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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