Breaking The Bro Code (Hawthorne Brothers 3) - Page 51

Okay. Now I’m feeling a little guilty.

“And I hope that you get married after I do. Well, not right after, but I hope things work out with the woman in your life.”

That’s what he says now.

Joel turns to the crowd. “I’m sorry ladies, but he’s not available… and I hear the woman he’s with is very good in bed.”

I stiffen. What? I did not tell him that. Why is he talking about me anyway? Isn’t he supposed to be thanking me? Wait. This isn’t payback for earlier, is it?

“Anyway, thanks, bro,” he says.

Yeah, thanks a lot.

“And thanks to everyone for coming. Again. Enjoy the rest of the evening.”

He hands the microphone to the MC. As the crowd applauds his speech, I let out a breath of relief.

Thank goodness he’s done.

My relief vanishes when I see Claire’s face. She’s mad. Obviously mad. And I think I know why.



“Claire!” I call after her as she walks down the hall.

As soon as she hears my voice, she breaks into a run. Her heels clack across the marble floor.


“Claire!” I run after her.

She glances over her shoulder at me and her eyes grow wide. She runs faster, disappearing around the corner. By the time I get past it, she’s nowhere in sight. But I can see the door to one of the other function rooms still sliding slowly back into place.

I go inside. The room is empty, the chairs and tables all against the wall. The chandeliers are off so the room is dim, illuminated only by the wall sconces and the moonlight streaming in through the large window.


No answer.

“I know you’re in here. And I know you’re mad. I also know you have no reason to be. Whatever you’re thinking, it’s not true.”

“Really?” Claire emerges from behind a chair. “What do you think I’m thinking?”

I look around to make sure there’s no one else in the room before answering. “That I’ve been telling your brother about how good you are in bed.”

The twitch of her eyebrows tells me I guessed right.

“I haven’t.” I put up my hand. “I swear I haven’t.”

Claire crosses her arms over her chest. “So why did he say that?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. He was nervous. Maybe he was pissed that I stole half his drink earlier.”

“No. I mean why did he say that about me? What have you told him?”

“Nothing,” I tell her. “He doesn’t know about us. He thinks I’m sleeping with someone else.”

Her eyebrows furrow. “You told him you’re sleeping with someone else?”

“Isn’t that what you told Natalie to throw off suspicion?”

Her eyes grow wide. “How did you…?”

She waves her hand.

“Never mind. So you told Joel you’re sleeping with someone else?”

“Yes,” I answer. “I had to. Remember that time you hid in my closet and your phone rang?”

Claire nods.

“Joel heard that. I had to say that phone was left behind by another woman.”

“I see. And what else have you told him about this woman you’re sleeping with?”

I shake my head. “Nothing.”

She doesn’t look like she believes me.

I let out a breath. “I swear, Claire, I haven’t given Joel any details about anything we do in bed. Why would I? Think about it.”

Claire doesn’t answer.

“Why would you even think that I would share any details with Joel about how I’m having sex with his sister? That’s just… wrong.”

She shrugs. “Because he’s your best friend.”

“It’s still wrong. I wouldn’t do anything like that. You know that.”

“Fine.” Claire sighs. “I’m sorry. I guess I just imagined the two of you talking about me while drinking. I mean, the two of you have a world of your own sometimes.”

I take her hand and look into her eyes. “Maybe, but he doesn’t make my world spin like you do.”

Claire grins. I tug on her arm to bring her closer to me then wrap my arm around her waist. I place my other hand on her cheek and lean forward to kiss her. She kisses me back. Excitement buzzes in my veins.

I capture her lower lip before pulling away.

“I’ve been wanting to do that all evening.”

Claire places her hand over mine as she meets my gaze. “I know.”

“You know?”

“You’ve been staring at me all evening. It’s a good thing Joel hasn’t noticed.”

Was I really that obvious?

“Sorry,” I tell her.

She shakes her head. “Don’t be. I’ve been staring, too.”

She pulls my face down to hers. Her hand caresses the nape of my neck as our lips collide over and over.


I know we’re not exactly somewhere private. I know Joel might barge in any second. Still, I can’t tear my mouth away from hers. I can’t stop myself from running my hands over her curves through her dress.

I want to rip it off her right now and bury myself inside her on this carpeted floor, in this moonlit room. My cock throbs in agreement. Judging from the way Claire is gripping my ass, I can tell she wants it, too.

Tags: Ashlee Price Hawthorne Brothers Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024