Breaking The Bro Code (Hawthorne Brothers 3) - Page 69

I pace the floor. The more I think about Ryker, the more I worry.

I can’t stand it anymore.

All I’ve done so far is stay here and worry, but I’m not doing that anymore. I was the one who told Ryker to go. I’m going to bring him back.

I grab the keys to the rental car and go outside. It’s still raining and it’s dark, but I don’t care.

Ryker came to Jamaica to get me back. Now, I’m going after him. And I’m going to get him back no matter what.

I head to the parking lot and get in the car. I start the engine and drive in the direction of the airport.

I’m pretty sure that’s where he went. I only hope he hasn’t been able to get a plane yet. Hopefully, there are no planes flying out because of this rain.

At any rate, I have to get to the airport as soon as I can.

Unfortunately, the rain is also making it hard for me to drive. The road is slippery and there are times I can barely see it. Still, I keep driving. I have only one thing in mind—Ryker.

Please let me get to him in time.

Suddenly, after turning a corner, I see the lights of another car in the opposite lane. It seems to be coming towards me fast. Then to my horror, it starts to swerve.

Fuck!Chapter Twenty-FourRyker

I mutter a curse as I glance at my empty wrist.

I can’t believe I left my watch in the cottage. I know I took it off and put it on the bedside table. I must have forgotten to pick it up before leaving.

Then again, I was in a hurry. As soon as I got back to my cottage, I changed into dry clothes as fast as I could, grabbed my things and left. I didn’t even have time to shower. I was afraid an enraged Joel would catch up to me if I stayed longer, and I didn’t want to fight him anymore.

For a moment, I consider leaving the watch behind. I’m scheduled to board the plane in a few minutes. And I still have my phone to tell time. Besides, it’s just a watch.

Except that it’s not. It’s not just any watch. It’s a gift. From Joel, no less. With the words Best Man engraved on the back. He gave it to me just before our plane took off from Chicago, saying it was a token of his gratitude and also something to remind me of how awesome I am in case I forget. He told me he would kill me if I ever gave it away.

I smile now as I remember that conversation. Weird. That was only hours ago, and yet it seems like a lifetime has passed since then. So much has changed. When he gave me that watch, I was the best man he knew. Now, I’m the man he wants to beat to a pulp for sleeping with his sister.

All the more reason to go back for the watch. I’ve already lost Joel. I don’t want to lose the watch, too.

So I gather my things and leave the airport, intent on driving back to the resort. The rain, which has barely stopped since this evening, nearly dissuades me, but I proceed anyway.

I have to go back and get the watch. Hopefully, it’s still there where I left it. After all, Joel and Natalie booked that cottage until the wedding, so no one else would have moved in tonight. And it’s probably too late for someone to go in and clean it up.

The only person who might take it is Joel. He could have gone there looking for me and found it.

Shit. What if he saw the watch and interpreted it as me throwing our friendship away? He’ll get rid of it for sure.

I shake my head. I just have to hope that hasn’t happened. And I hope he doesn’t see me.

Do I go see Claire? I want to. I want to make sure she’s alright. I want to tell her I’m sorry for what happened and that I’ll be waiting for her in Chicago after the wedding. I want to wrap my arms around her and kiss her. Damn it, I even want to take her with me.

But if I drop by her cottage, there’s a chance Joel might see me. He might even be waiting on her porch.

No. I can’t see her. It’s too risky. I’ll just tell the receptionist to pass my message along.

Still, I wish I could see her even just for a moment.

I can’t help but see her face in my mind as I drive. I grin as I remember us having sex in that tent and then running across the beach under the rain. As always, she’s an adventure.

It’s too bad I won’t get to spend more time with her here in Jamaica, but we’ll have plenty of time to spend together in many other places. Where was it she wanted to go again? That village in Nepal. Japan. Cambodia. There was one more. A waterfall, I think. Where was it?

Tags: Ashlee Price Hawthorne Brothers Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024