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Dirty Obsessions - The Lion and The Mouse

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This surprised me. The Japanese Mafia was an organized crime unit drenched in ancient traditions. When the Dragon’s father died several years ago it ended a violent reign in Japan. The Dragon ruled with a calm demeanor, although there were times when he roared and many burned to death. Still, the Dragon ended human trafficking when he put on the crown.

Then what are the captive women and children about? And how are the Xecutioners involved?

I glanced at the paper again.

It doesn’t matter yet. I have bigger business to finish.

Circuit discovered where Leonid Turgenev was located. I’d had men check the Turgenev home. Leonid had left the property days ago and was probably hiding until his hired murderers killed me.

Unfortunately for him, Leonid had booked an underground room at Pleasure. Circuit included the suite number and the day’s passcode for entrance.

Time to finish one part of this unnerving puzzle.

Leaving the underground section, my men and I walked through Bones Bar. Maxwell stood outside talking to the regular group of Gopniks that always loitered outside the bar.

Only Maxwell could talk to anybody and feel right at home.

I waved him over.

Laughing with one of the guys, he high-fived them and walked over to me.

I shook my head. “Making new friends?”

“I think. We can barely understand each other. I’ve been using a translation app.” He scanned the men around me. “What’s up?”

“Feel like killing an oligarch’s spoiled grandson?”

“Do you see my outfit?” Maxwell did a spin, showing off his burgundy suit and black shirt. “This is a killing an oligarch’s spoiled grandson suit.”

“It is.” I walked off to the limo. “Come with me. These are the rules. No guns. Only knives. I have some in the limo.”

“You have machetes too?”

“Of course.”

“Duct tape?”

“We can get some.”

“Then it’s on.” He put out his joint and followed. “So, those guys back there.”

“Gopniks.” I arrived at the limo.

“I don’t know Russian, but theirs sounds different from yours.”

“Good ear.”

“Cool. I’m glad I wasn’t imagining things.”

My men opened the door for me.

I climbed into the limo. “Could you understand them with the translation app?”

“Not really. My app kept crashing.” Maxwell came in and sat next to me. “But I swear they wanted to see my gun. They kept pointing at it under my jacket.”

“Glad you didn’t show it to them. You might have been bled out and laying on the concrete when I showed up.”

“Naw, man. It doesn’t matter what country, hood, or people I encounter, there are still obvious rules to criminals.”

I smirked. “What’s that?”

“Keep your mouth closed, eyes open, and your hand close to your gun.”

“Good rules to live by.”

The limo sped off.Chapter 15


Due to grabbing Maxwell’s duct tape, it took us longer to get to the club.

Finally, we’re here.

We stopped in front of Club Pleasure. During the day, the two-level building appeared scarier. Sunlight crept along the shattered windows and brought more cracked paint into view. Just like the last time, no car or human was in sight.

My driver opened the door.

I left.

Maxwell followed. “This guy is at my club?”

“Your club?”

“This is now my main location for partying.”

“Then yes. He is at your club.”

“But why? Were they following us?”

“I doubt it. Club Pleasure is where the most high-end socialites of St Petersburg spend their time. Plus, this is the only club that provides underground suites for rental.”

“An underground hotel as well as a secret nightclub.” Maxwell bobbed his head. “I would choose this place too.”

“Most of Leonid’s kind think that I would be barred from a place like this. They see me as low gutter trash.”

“In the end, money is money. All places take it.”

“And their money is just as dirty as mine.”

My other limos stopped behind us. One by one each driver let out my men. They kept their weapons hidden, but it was obvious that all were holding enough firepower to put several holes into Pleasure. They stopped in front of me and stared. All wore serious expressions.

I stood in front of the men and scanned their faces. “This job is different. I’m sure you know that from the instruction to only bring knives. If you have a gun leave it. If you’re not worthy without a gun, then stay out here.”

I placed my hands in my pocket. “If Leonid’s guards attempt to stop us, take them out. Keep the blood loss down if possible. Extra bonus to the man that snaps the most necks. Anatoly will be counting.”

Nodding, Anatoly stepped up to my side.

“That’s it.” I headed away.

Maxwell kept my pace. “Why no guns?”

“Club management will stay out of the fight as long as there is no gunfire. We just have to kill all of Leonid’s people guarding him. Once we get in front of Leonid, I don’t care if management gets involved or not. I want Leonid dead.”

Maxwell placed a finger in the hole of the duct tape and twisted it around. “I’m on it.”

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