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Dirty Obsessions - The Lion and The Mouse

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We rounded the corner.

Even in the daylight, the electric blue cross glowed in the alley’s darkness. The camera above the cross zipped our way and focused on us.

The next second, the door opened.

A short man stepped out. “Welcome, Mr. Stronz. Do you have the passcode for this afternoon?”

Nodding, I shifted to Russian. “The wolves are fed and the sheep are whole.”

“These are your guests?” The man took in all the scarred and tattooed brothers.


He opened the door and stepped aside. “Enjoy, Mr. Stronz.”

Three men walked in front of me, and then I entered the black metal hallway. Blue light lined the ceiling.

Maxwell asked on my side. “The code changes every day?”

“Every five hours.”

“What was it?”

We stopped at the wall at the end of the hallway.

“The wolves are fed and the sheep are whole.” I knocked on the wall.

“I’ve heard of a wolf in sheep clothing, but not this. What does it mean?”

“Whatever situation follows the decision is beneficial for all parties, especially ones that usually have opposite interests.”

Maxwell smiled. “The wolves are fed and the sheep are whole.”

The wall backed up five feet, revealing the glass floor. A beep sounded. The glass floor slid to the side and showed stairs. Loud music rose from the space.

“What was the code last time we came here?”

“Why?” I smirked. “Are you thinking about writing a book of quotes?”

“I’m thinking about having a dope ass place like this.”

My men headed down the stairs.

Maxwell and I lowered into the club

Two men in black suits waited for us at the end, wearing white gloves.

“Come on, man. What was the code?”

“In a quiet lagoon, devils dwell.” I scanned the place. Not many people dined in the underground palace this afternoon. I spotted a couple kissing by the bar. On the other side, three young women chatted with cocktails.

Maxwell nodded. “I get it.”

I looked at him. “Get what?”

“A quiet situation could reveal a dangerous interior.”

“Same as quiet people.”

“Those are always the best killers.”

The men in black bowed as we walked past them.

One spoke to me. “Mr. Stronz, will your guests and you be eating this afternoon?”

“No. This afternoon, we’re interested in swimming and carnal pleasure.”

“Enjoy sir.” The man bowed again and left. “I’ll have them prepare several suites.”

Maxwell eyed me. “Carnal pleasure?”


Maxwell gave out a long sigh. “I love this place. We can’t damage it. Promise me that, Misha.”

“Noted. I’ll do my best.”

We passed the glass bar.

Another man in black got in front and guided us forward. “Mr. Stronz, I’ll take you through the Green Room.”

We made a left, rounded a black corner, and stopped at an unmarked green wall.

Smiling, he held his gloved hand out. “Would you like me to take you all the way down, Mr. Stronz?”

“We’ll find our way.”

He stepped aside and bowed.

The wall slipped open, revealing the Green Room. Inside, slow jazz played. The scent of fresh mint hit my nostrils. A large sea green space greeted our eyes, looking more like an underwater adventure than a place to eat. Jade walls surrounded the empty room. Two olive chandeliers hung from the ceiling. Emeralds dangled from them.

We entered.

White snakeskin covered the long table. It must have been several snake hides stitched together. Tons of lime green chairs circled it. Jade dinnerware and dishes covered the white snakeskin.

The floor looked like a jungle’s bottom—lush grassy green.

Maxwell widened his eyes. “Do they have a red and purple room too?”

“Probably. I was in the black room.”

“All black?”

“Except for the red lizard skin on the table. That one was too dark for me. It made me think of a vampire’s lair. Kazimir loved it.”

“Makes sense.” Maxwell beamed as if he owned the place himself. “Man, this is my new spot. Anytime anyone is looking for me, tell them I’m at Club Pleasure.”

I walked us to the wall. “That’s if we’re allowed back in here again.”

Maxwell groaned. “Maybe we can kill dude outside of the club. Could we lure him out?”

“I doubt he would leave with us in a nice quiet manner.” My men went to the jade wall on the other end of the table. I pressed my hand against the wall. Pink light glowed under it.

The wall slid open.

Maxwell smirked. “Gangsta.”

“You do know that I’m taking you to kill people and not to Disneyland?”

“Shit! I couldn’t tell. I was just hoping you would get me some cotton candy before we jumped on the rides.”

We entered a small hallway bathed in crimson light.

The jade wall closed behind us.

Adrenaline pumped through my body.

I kill Leonid and all of this will be finished. No contracts to outbid. No fashionably dressed assassins to murder.

My men in the front moved out of the way as I went to the end and placed my hand on the wall. White light glowed under it. “You see why we don’t want to break the shooting rule?”

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