The Billionaire's Heart - Page 14

“I know. It’s good to let off steam. It was great to spend some time with Craig last night; I do understand.”

They shared a smile. Ivan wondered whether that was Tariq’s blessing. Somehow he doubted it.

Ivan rubbed his eyes. “It’s just that this project’s so top-secret. I was beginning to feel like no one else understood me or what we were doing. But Samira… She’s awesome.”

“She is. I’m sorry I flew off the handle, buddy. It’s not my business what she does, but I guess it’s just my desire to protect her. All those other women I’ve seen you with… you never seem to be able to just pick one and settle down.”

Ivan scoffed. “Oh yeah, and when’s the last time you had a meaningful relationship, huh, Mr Commitment?”

“I know… I’m a hypocrite – exactly as my cousin says.”

“Look, Tariq, it’s true that the shallow women who move in our circles mean nothing to me, but I mean nothing to them either. They want me for my money; my status. My… I dunno…”

Tariq raised a playful eyebrow. “Your reputation as an amazing lover.”

Ivan laughed. “Yeah, whatever. But those women, they have no interest in me. Not in any human way. It’s purely physical – and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

“No, I know.”

“And there’s nothing wrong with me and Samira wanting that either. But… I do like her. And I wanna get to know her better. Even just while I’m here.”

Tariq nodded. “I can see she likes you. Maybe that’s why I reacted as I did. But, okay, I trust you to treat her the same as you’d expect your little sister to be treated.”

“Is that your blessing?”

Tariq shrugged. “You two are gonna do what you want anyway. This is America; you’re both adults.”

Ivan picked up a pen and fiddled with it. “But you’re not happy with it.”

“No, I guess not.”

“I just don’t get your hypocrisy, Tariq. It’s not like you’re some sexist moron. Why are you so against me and Samira enjoying each other’s company?”

Tariq severed eye contact and resumed typing. “She needs to concentrate on her studies. You’re too old for her.”

“I don’t wanna marry her, I just wanna –”

Tariq glared at him. “Don’t finish that sentence. Look, Ivan, this thing we’re sitting on here, it’s potentially dangerous. I don’t want Samira in danger.”

“I don’t either. In fact, I’ve never wanted to protect anyone this much in my life. You’ve gotta believe me.”

Tariq nodded slowly. “Let’s talk about this later – the three of us. We shouldn’t be deciding things over her head like this.”

“You’re right. Okay.” Ivan shook himself out of it and tried to get his head back into work mode. “Anyway, we still haven’t decided whether to launch the device ourselves or to get the government involved.”

Tariq chewed his lip. “I’m worried about the implications if it gets into the wrong hands. But I guess we’ll just have to deal with that if and when troubles arise.”

“Yeah, I know.” Ivan glanced at his Rolex. “Oh shit, is that the time? We’ve got the Redruth reps coming in a minute. We need to finalise our points before they arrive.”

Tariq opened his mouth to reply, but the door buzzer sounded, so Ivan stood up to get it, because his desk was nearer the door. He braced himself to be welcoming. They’d been having hushed meetings and secret phone calls with these people for the last three months and Ivan hoped he could rely on their discretion. These potential manufacturers were the only people who knew exactly what their invention was – and what it meant for the future of humanity. They’d been sworn to secrecy and Ivan sensed they could be trusted. But what if they couldn’t?

He grabbed the metal handle and pulled opened the door, then he rested his gaze on the visitors outside. The bright sunlight streamed harshly into Ivan’s eyes, blurring their outlines, but still, he frowned in confusion. He’d Skyped on numerous occasions with the people he was expecting – a black man and white woman. But the two men who were currently standing on the doorstep looked as if they’d just stepped out of a Middle Eastern desert kingdom. They were immaculately dressed in designer suits, and they both sported trimmed facial hair and severe expressions. They clearly weren’t here for a social call.

“Yes?” Ivan said.

“Who is it, Ivan?” Tariq asked, detecting his surprise.

Ivan didn’t take his eyes off the guys on the doorstep. “Who are you?”

? Also By Julie Farrell

· The Billionaire's Heart · The Billionaire's Affair: Billionaire Brothers · The Billionaire's Secret: Billionaire Obsessio... · The Billionaire's Revenge: Billionaire Brother... · The Billionaire's Kisses: Billionaire Brothers · The Billionaire's Heart: Billionaire Brothers · The Billionaire's Heir: Billionaire Obsession · Billionaire Brothers ? Last Updated

Tags: Julie Farrell Billionaire Romance
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