Heart Strings - Page 43

“They’re yours,” I murmured, feeling a long shiver of desire run through me.

“I don’t want to mess you up.”

“It’s smear-proof,” I assured him. “And I want you to mess—”

That was all I got out before his mouth was on mine. Hard. Demanding. So satisfying, yet not enough. I wanted closer. I wanted more. I had never felt this way about a man, but Logan was different. He brought out feelings in me I had never known until now.

He eased back with a smile. Affectionately, he rubbed his nose along mine. “We need to go before I throw you over the back of that sofa and have you in those sexy little boots, Snow Queen.”

“Rain check?” I breathed out, hardly recognizing my own voice.

He grinned. Wide and wicked. “Absolutely.”

“Let’s go, then.”The venue was packed. It was a converted warehouse, the top floor decked out for the party. There were lights strung from the open beams, various bars and food stations set up, and a rhythmic beat thumping in the background. They had numerous bands and individual performers playing as well as a DJ spinning during breaks. I was greeted at the door by a tall woman with a wide smile and a fashion flair I wished I dared to have. Her dress plunged, ending just below her ass, and her makeup was intense. Her blond hair was short, slicked back, and she was simply stunning. She was also incredibly warm and friendly.

“Carmen asked me to point him out to you if he wasn’t at the door,” she said, indicating a tall bald man with a beard talking to another gentleman. “He’s looking forward to meeting you. I’m Roxanne.”

We shook hands. I knew from my notes she was the marketing executive at the record company. “Great to meet you. This is Logan.”

He held out his hand. “Hey.”

She eyed him up and down, her gaze frank. I felt a frisson of jealousy at her appraisal but shook it off when Logan snaked his hand around my waist. “My girl made my day including me in the invite. Roadside is an awesome label. Your artists are top-notch.”

She laughed. “We think so. And we look forward to working with, ah, your girl.”

He nodded.

“Go introduce yourself to Carmen and help yourself to food and drink. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.” She handed us VIP badges. “Enjoy!”

We stopped to slip on the lanyards. “You didn’t tell me your client was Roadside Records, Lottie.”

I shrugged. “I had no idea you knew them.”

“They’re a well-known indie label. Rumor is they treat their artists well.”

“Well, they and Ravaged Records want to team up and bring in investors—expand.”

He whistled. “Another familiar name. Some of the guys I play with in bars would kill to be here tonight.” He bent low and kissed me. “And not just for the party. Have I mentioned how incredibly sexy you are?”

I cupped his chin, running my fingers through his beard. “Not as sexy as you are.”

He winked. “Let’s go be sexy together.”

We made our way toward Carmen. I introduced myself and was given a hug. He was charming and gregarious. He informed me he was thrilled that Mr. Prescott had given the account to me.

“I’ve heard many good things about you, Lottie.”

“I hope I live up to your expectations.”

He winked. “I have no doubt. Now go, enjoy yourselves. Tonight is about fun. We’ll work on business tomorrow.”

Logan and I headed to the bar, each getting a drink and filling our plates with food. We wandered the room, looking at various posters, album covers, and short write-ups on the history of the companies. Logan read them all, often making comments about the artists or something he knew about the labels. I was impressed with his knowledge but realized I shouldn’t be. He loved music and played around town. Of course he would know more than I did about the indie music scene. I had a feeling he would be invaluable to me during this process.

A steady beat filled the air, and Logan glanced toward the center of the room. He held out his hand. “Dance with me.”

I let him lead me to the dance floor and watched in awe as he lost himself to the music. He was lethal, moving sensuously, completely comfortable. He wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me close.

“Relax, Snow Queen. Feel it. Just feel it. Move with me.” He nipped my ear. “Like you do when my cock is deep inside you.”

My eyes flew open in shock at his words, but I let him move me, and soon I was lost with him. Our eyes held, the desire blatant in his. The beat slowed, morphing into a love song. He pulled me close, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. His gaze never left my face, his mouth forming around the lyrics as he sang them to me. I felt his stare to my core. I wanted him.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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