Heart Strings - Page 45

“He was being, ah, protective?” he asked, sounding dubious.

“He was being an ass,” I snarled.

“You stuck up for me. For us.”


He slid his hand around the back of my neck, his long fingers stroking the skin. He bent close to my ear, his breath hot against my neck. “Do you know how that makes me feel? Hearing what you said, watching the way you went toe-to-toe with your father over me? No one has stood up for me in a long time, my Snow Queen.” He flicked his tongue against my lobe. “You amaze me.”

He claimed my mouth in an ardent kiss. “Thank you.”

“I’m sorry,” I replied, then met his eyes. Dark, intense, and steady. Focused solely on me. It didn’t surprise me that my father would have a negative reaction to Logan, but it was still embarrassing.

“It’s not your fault.”

“Do you think they noticed?” I asked, worried about our hosts.

“No. Carmen’s back was to you, and he went to speak to someone else. I don’t think he even noticed your father here.”

“Good.” I sighed, suddenly weary. Logan held out his hand.

“Dance with me. Forget what just happened and let me hold you.”

I let him lead me onto the dance floor, and I slid into his embrace. It was a soothing sensation as his arms closed around me. It felt like coming home. As if I was meant to be there.

Perhaps I was.Chapter 14LottieI was decidedly nervous the next morning. But nothing happened at the staff meeting. My father spoke as usual, getting his updates. I thought his voice was extra cool when he spoke to me, and he didn’t meet my gaze. But otherwise, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I prepared for the meeting with Carmen, making sure I had everything I required. My phone buzzed with a text, and I glanced at my screen as I headed to the meeting.

Logan: Go get ’em, my Snow Queen.Logan’s simple words made me smile.

We had stayed only a short while after my father left. I spoke with Carmen and Roxanne and met Alfred, the owner of Ravaged Records. I found them all articulate and passionate, and I was looking forward to our meeting the next day. I confessed to Logan I was getting a headache from the loud music and no doubt the lingering stress of the confrontation with my father

Logan and I took a cab back to my place. Then, the degenerate man my father thought he was had poured me a bath and rubbed my shoulders and aching head. He tucked me into bed, holding me close until I fell asleep. He left me a note on my pillow telling me to have a good day and he would see me tonight at the subway.

I had to blink away the tears in the early morning light. He was filled with so much goodness. It upset me terribly my father only saw what he chose to see. The shaggy hair, the beard, the rougher-looking side to Logan. If he sat down and spoke with him, he would discover Logan’s intelligence and warmth. He would see how he cared for me. Sadly, though, I wondered if he ever would.

We arrived at the restaurant, and I shook my head to clear it. I needed my game face on for this meeting. I planned to nail it.Carmen sat back, sipping his coffee. “I like your ideas.”

Alfred hummed in agreement. “Out of the box. I like people who think out of the box.”

I smiled as I shuffled some papers back in order. “I think if I approach these investors with a plan like this, we won’t have any trouble getting you the capital you want. You can proceed with your merger, add to the building, and sign more talent. They’ll make back their money, and you’ll still have controlling interest.” I paused. “And a very successful business.”

They looked pleased. Roxanne beamed at them, her expression enthusiastic. “I firmly believe Ravaged Roadside is going to be the force behind indie artists.”

“Admittedly, I don’t know much about the music business, but I agree. Your plan is sound, you have great people, amazing talent from what I heard last night, and with the right backing, you’ll have a solid company.”

Phones rang out, ringtones filling the air, and both Roxanne and Alfred muttered apologies and answered their phones. I chuckled and met Carmen’s gaze.

“I’m excited by the future,” he said. “When I started Roadside, I had a vision that one day I could help artists find their voice. You’re going to help make that come true.”

“I will certainly try. I have a small group of investors I think will be a good fit.” Younger, more open-minded investors I had cultivated during my time with my father’s company—but I didn’t voice that out loud.

“I enjoyed talking to Logan last night. I thought about what you said, and you’re right. I have seen him at a few places.” Carmen lifted an eyebrow. “Although when I tried to pin him down, he informed me he only sings for you these days.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
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