Heart Strings - Page 62

“Wow…impressive,” I shot back. “You got all that from breakfast and a one-sided judgmental conversation?”

He straightened, his arms dropping to his side. His hands were clenched in tight fists, much the same, I was certain, as his asshole. His sphincter must be in spasms by now, this guy was so tightly wound. His eyes were so much like Lottie’s, yet different. Her soft blue radiated warmth. His were ice-cold and angry.

“You are not good enough for my daughter.”

“I entirely agree with you.”

My statement caught him off guard. I held up my hand.

“Yet, we’re together. Your daughter is bright, beautiful, and makes me happy. Even though you want to throw something sinister and ugly into it, that’s it in a nutshell. I had no idea who she was when we met, and it didn’t matter then or now. I like Lottie for Lottie. For her warmth and her soul. Regardless of the pain she has suffered, she’s such a giving person, and she brings so much to my life.” I paused. “I am not giving her up.”

“We’ll see about that.”

“The last time I checked, your daughter and I were both mature, capable adults. Completely able to choose who we spend time with. And Lottie has chosen me.” I narrowed my eyes, suddenly tired of his attitude. “You really want to push this and see who wins?” I asked quietly. “The man who makes her feel guilty for being alive, or the man who adores her beyond all reason? Who would do anything, be anything, she needed to make her happy?”

His face paled.

“Do you really not care? Or are you trying to make her pay for something that wasn’t her fault for the rest of her life? She doesn’t deserve that.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“You heard me. Don’t push it, Charles. You won’t like the result.”

Before he could respond, Lottie came around the corner. She stopped when she saw us.

“What’s going on?”

“Nothing,” I assured her. “I was thanking your father for a delicious meal. We both agreed the company could have been better.” I smiled at her. “I’ll go say my goodbyes to your mother.”

I turned and left them alone.

I’d face the fallout later.Chapter 19LottieWe were silent on the ride home. Logan had laced our fingers together, his thumb stroking my skin, but he remained quiet, staring out the window into the darkness of the subway tunnels. I watched his reflection in the glass, wondering what he was thinking. Brunch had been awful—my father acting worse than I had feared. My mother had been more receptive, but it wasn’t enough. I had to avert my eyes, blinking away the sudden tears that were forming.

What the hell was wrong with me? I rarely ever cried, yet the last week I’d felt as if I were constantly on the verge of tears. And I was tired. I needed a break, I decided. A vacation. Tomorrow, I would check my schedule, figure out when I could clear some time, and submit a vacation request.

Logan tugged on my hand, and I realized he was standing, waiting for me as the stop approached. I offered him a rueful smile and stood with him, approaching the doors. My steps faltered as we passed the spot I usually sat to listen to him play, and I looked at the wall he always stood by, waiting for me.

“I remember the first time I saw you,” Logan murmured, following my gaze. “So beautiful, so troubled. You looked as if you carried too many burdens on your tiny shoulders. The second I saw your lovely eyes, it was as if my world changed. Remolded itself. I knew I had to help you.”

“You did,” I confirmed, squeezing his hand. “More than you know. That night and every night since.”

“Do you miss me being here when you get off the train?”

I knew if I said yes, he would somehow figure out how to be there. Right there, leaning against the wall, playing for me. Ignoring the people who stood to listen, because all that mattered would be that I was listening. I smiled and shook my head. “I like walking into my place and you being there. Sharing a meal with you. Having a private concert.” I met his concerned gaze. “Feeling your skin on mine as we make love.”

His eyes darkened and he stepped closer. “I believe I promised you some ravishing when we got home.”


Hearing him say that word made my heart beat faster. Because where Logan was now was home to me.

“Yes, I think you did.”

He lowered his head and kissed me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me tight to his chest, and kissed me until I was breathless. The air around us pulsated with the heat building between us. In the background, I heard catcalls and whistles, but I didn’t care. I wanted more. More of his kisses, more of his essence, more of everything that was Logan.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
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