Beneath the Scars - Page 62

Stepping into the living area, I smiled at the three of them. Zachary was on his knees, both Dixie and Elliott soaking up the attention as he stroked and talked to them. He glanced up, the warm look in his eyes causing my throat to tighten as we stared. He stood, placing a large bag on the sofa, then slipped his hand around my neck, bringing my face close to his. His breath, sweet and minty washed over my face as he lowered his mouth to mine. “Hello.”

“Hi,” I whispered.

His lips were gentle as they brushed over mine. His fingers tangled in my hair, holding me close as we kissed. It was soft and light; a greeting that said I missed you—I’m happy you’re here. Drawing back, his lips grazed my forehead. “Almost done?”

“I still have the last load of laundry to finish. Did you get all your errands accomplished?”

He nodded, his grin actually reaching his eyes, lighting them a bright blue. “Yep. Dinner and everything.” He paused, the grin fading. “I was going to get you some soup—from that café you like.” He swallowed, as his fingers moved faster on my neck. “I tried, Megan. I parked in front of the café and I looked in the window. I even shut off the engine.” His eyes glanced everywhere except at me. “But I couldn’t go in.”

The sadness in his voice pierced my heart. He tried—for me.

“Hey,” I called softly. I waited until his eyes, now serious, met mine. “You tried, Zachary. That’s amazing. Maybe next time we can try again, together, yes? Or maybe start smaller—like a walk in the park.” I cupped his cheek, stroking his scars as tenderly as I could, letting him relax into my touch. “Thank you for doing that.”

“But I failed.”

“You tried. That’s all that matters. You tried for me. You didn’t fail. I love you for doing that.”

He clasped me into his arms, holding me close. “I love you,” he murmured.

I held him tight, pure happiness radiating through me at his words. “I love you, too.”* * *“Why don’t you take the dogs and head back. I’ll be there in a while.”

“I’d rather wait for you.”

“Okay. It’s so beautiful out—how about we let them run on the beach while this last load is going?”

He nodded and we headed toward the door. I picked up my jacket, lifting the bag Zachary had left on the sofa, surprised at how heavy it was. “What’s this?”

He stopped, staring at the bag. He took it from my hands without a word. Twice he opened his mouth, but nothing came out. I noticed the tips of his ears turn a deep red again—a sure sign of embarrassment for him. What was in the bag that would cause such a reaction?

“Some new books, Zachary?” I asked, trying to get him to explain.

“Sort of,” he mumbled, his ears darkening further.

Now I was really intrigued. If he didn’t want me to see them, why did he bring them in? I poked him in the side, my tone teasing. “Were you just putting on a front with the whole ‘suspense-thriller sort of guy thing’? Did you order some of my romance books online?”

His eyes snapped up as he shook his head furiously side to side. He shoved the bag at my chest. “It’s for you.”


“I bought them for you.”

My smile faded. “You bought me a gift?”

His lips thinned, and he started talking so fast, the words were running together. “I saw them. Ashley had them. She just got them in. They were pretty. I mean nice. Well, she said pretty. I thought maybe you could use them. Maybe if the words found you again, you’d want a place to put them. So I bought them. For you. Yeah. A gift.” He paused. “I’ve never bought anyone a gift—ever.” He looked at the bag again, pulling it back a little. “Should I have wrapped them? Ashley offered, but I said no. It wasn’t your birthday so I didn’t think I should. Was that wrong? Fuck. Maybe it is your birthday? I don’t even fucking know that.” His eyes widened in panic. “Is it your birthday, Megan?”

I gaped at him a little over his unusual rambling as I began to understand. He bought me a gift—something he’d never done, and now he was nervous about giving it to me—beyond nervous. It was the sweetest, most touching thing I’d ever seen. I blinked at the moisture in my eyes as I pried the bag from his hands. “No it’s not my birthday, Zachary. It’s in June.”

“Okay, then.” He pushed the bag at me. “I hope you like them.”

“I will.”

“You haven’t looked yet.”

“You bought them for me so I’ll love them, whatever they are.” I leaned closer, kissing his cheek. “Thank you.”

His smile was shy and his ears got redder. Reaching up, I ran my finger over the inflamed skin. “I’m not the only one with ear issues,” I teased. “I never saw this until I cut your hair.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024