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Sandy - Vested Interest

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Bentley grinned. “That’s what I hire the best for. Many hands make light work.”

Bentley had sent a team over to Jordan’s house, along with one of the decorators. They had moved, packed, and staged his house, and it would be going up for sale by the weekend. His unneeded possessions had been moved to one of the many warehouses BAM owned, so Jordan could take his time going through the items. Jordan had worked from home the past few days while it was being done, and I had to admit, I missed seeing him in the office. But we were having dinner tonight, and I was looking forward to it. I was cooking dinner at my place so Jordan could just relax.

“It’s happening so fast.”

Bentley cocked his head, his voice soft. “The sale of his house, or something else, Sandy?”

I smiled ruefully and took Addi from his arms, wanting to feel her warmth.

“His house, his new place, and yes, I suppose the relationship we’re in.”

Bentley shrugged, patting at the damp spot on his tie with his handkerchief. “The house was easy. Jordan was ready, the house only needed the minimum of staging, and the crew is efficient.” He gave up on his tie, tugging it over his neck and stuffing it in his pocket. “The condo was simple. Paperwork is something Jordan excels at.” He smirked. “He’s letting Liv help decorate it once she’s back from her honeymoon next month, so again—simple. I have a feeling his house will go quickly, and he can move forward, which brings us to the last point—your relationship.”

“A very succinct overview.”

He rolled his eyes. “That’s what I excel at. Frankly, I was worried about you and Jordan having a relationship, but both of you look happier than I’ve seen you in a long time. You complement each other, and it’s good to see you smile. I know it’s scary—all relationships are scary—but you have a lot to offer each other, and I’m enjoying watching him woo you.”

“Is that a fact?”

Reid stepped into the room. “We’re all enjoying that.”

I glared at him. “I don’t think anyone asked for your opinion, young man.”

Reid laughed, not at all put out by my tone. “Bent, Maddox is looking for you. He needs some stuff signed.”

Bentley took Addi from me and headed to the door. “I’ll leave you to it, then.”

Reid turned to me, a wide smile firmly in place. “We’ve all noticed, Sandy.”

“Noticed what, exactly?”

“The little bunches of flowers. The small boxes of chocolate that appear on your desk. The fact that you actually leave the building for lunch—at the same time Jordan does, by the way. And that funny little grin you sport when he sends you a text.”

“How do you know it’s Jordan sending me a text?”

Reid leaned closer, his eyes dancing. “He’s the only person I know who makes you blush or smile that way.”

I crossed my arms. My boys were far too observant.

Reid mimicked my action. “Not to mention the way your eyes follow him when he walks away.” He winked, his lips quirking. “I think you like his butt.”

I gaped at him. “Reid Matthews!”

He bent to kiss my cheek, still smiling. “You once told me to grab happiness, Sandy. Take your own advice.”

“Go back to your office and do some work. I am the one to give advice around here.” I pushed him out the door. “And I do not stare at his…butt,” I added.

“Whatever,” he called over his shoulder.

I watched him disappear around the corner, then began to chuckle.

I did stare—it was a nice butt. But for Reid to have noticed meant I needed to be more careful.

I couldn’t let the boys have one up on me.

That simply wouldn’t do.The doorbell rang about seven. I finished stirring the pot and replaced the lid. I peeked in the oven, and satisfied, I hurried to the front door, opening it with a smile.

Jordan stood on my front porch, returning my smile. In one hand was a large bunch of lilies—my second favorite flower—and in the other, a bottle of wine.

He grinned at me, indicating my porch door with a tilt of his head. “The door squeaks. Needs some oil.”

I winked. “No one can ever sneak in without me hearing them.”

“Ah, good plan.”

I waved him in, and he stepped past me, his woodsy scent filling the hall. I shut the door and turned to him. “Hello, stranger.”

He set the wine on the table, holding out the flowers. I took the bouquet, inhaling the spicy fragrance of the lilies. I lifted my eyes to meet Jordan’s gaze. His green eyes were soft, gentle, and filled with warmth.

“It feels like years since I saw you,” he confessed.

“It’s been four days.”

He moved closer, sliding his arm around my waist. “Like I said, years.”

He tugged me close and I wrapped my arms around his neck, the plastic encasing the flowers crinkling in protest. He lowered his head and I met him eagerly, his mouth hovering over mine.

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