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Sandy - Vested Interest

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“Hello, my darling.”

Our lips touched, and the world ceased to exist. He gathered me close, the heat of his body soaking into mine. Our mouths moved together, sliding and tasting, refamiliarizing themselves with each other. His tongue stole in, caressing and light, then going deeper, his arms cinching me tighter. I cupped the back of his head, swimming in the sensations his touch brought out in me.

I had missed him—more than I realized. The hole, the feeling of emptiness closed up, and I felt alive and rejuvenated.

He explored me, his hands spread wide across my back, his mouth never ceasing its wicked possession. I clutched him close, never wanting this moment to end. I was lost to him. His taste, his feel, the safety I felt in his embrace.

Until reality exploded, and Colin walked in.

“Whoa—What the…?”

Jordan and I broke apart, both of us startled and gasping for air.

So much for not sneaking in. Neither of us had heard the porch door.

I stared at Colin, struck dumb. He looked between Jordan and me, an odd expression on his face. He lifted his hand and ran it through his hair, then began to chuckle.

“Nan, seriously. Making out in the front hall?”

I cleared my throat, totally flummoxed. “Ah, Colin, I wasn’t expecting you.”

He smirked. “Obviously. I assume it slipped your mind it was the second Thursday of the month?”

Oh no—it had slipped my mind totally. Colin always came for dinner the second Thursday of the month.

He began to laugh, not at all upset or even worried about the man standing beside me, with his arm around me, protective and wary.

Colin stuck out his hand. “Hello, Jordan.” His lips twitched. “Nice to see you again. Unexpected, but nice.”

For a moment, I was confused, then remembered Colin had seen Jordan in the office several times.

Jordan extended his hand. “Colin.”

They shook hands, one bemused and smiling, the other cordial but tense. Colin spoke up.

“I assume you’re joining us for dinner?”

Jordan glanced at me, and I lifted one shoulder. “Yes, he is,” I stated.

Colin chuckled. “Teasing. How about we reschedule? I’ll call you tomorrow.”

I shook my head. “No, stay. You can have dinner with us.” I drew in a long breath of air for bravery. “Get to know Jordan.”

Colin smiled widely. “I’d like that.”

I picked up the bottle of wine. “I’m going to check on dinner.”

Colin headed toward the living room. “I’ll get us drinks.” He clapped his hands. “This is gonna be fun.”

I met Jordan’s amused gaze and mouthed, “Sorry.”

He shook his head and pressed a kiss to my forehead. “He took that well,” he muttered.

“I forgot,” I whispered. “I forgot about our standing date because of you—you befuddled my head!” I slapped his chest. “What are you doing to me, Jordan Hayes?”

He lifted my chin, his eyes twinkling. “Not what I want to be doing right now.”

That odd giggle escaped my throat. Jordan grinned and kissed the end of my nose. “I’m looking forward to getting to know him a little. I know how much you adore him.”

Colin appeared in the door.

“Hey, kids, the sooner we have dinner, the sooner I leave, and you can get back to, ah, doing what you were doing. Let’s go!”

I threw him a look that should have had him writhing on the floor. Instead, he grinned widely. “Come on, Jordan. I know Nan is sexy, but I have some great scotch I keep here I’m willing to share.”

Jordan chuckled and squeezed my hand as he moved past me. I sighed as I headed to the kitchen.

This was going to be an interesting evening—not at all what I planned—but interesting, nonetheless.SandyI sat back, sipping my wine, listening as the two men I adored got to know each other. When I’d walked into the room earlier, they had been standing by the fireplace, talking in low voices, looking serious. But when they saw me, they both smiled and seemed at ease. Every time I left the room, their conversation began again, and I wondered what exactly they were talking about. They certainly seemed to have a lot to say to each other.

At dinner, Colin was his usual chatty self, catching me up on all the things happening at the hospital and in his life. He was busy, happy, and seemingly quite comfortable with Jordan. We kept the conversation neutral, and the atmosphere was cheerful.

He finished his second helping of dinner and set down his cutlery.

“Awesome coq au vin. One of your best yet.”

Jordan hummed his agreement as Colin picked up his wine.

“So how long have you two been an item?” he asked casually.

I cleared my throat. “Not long.”

“You looked pretty friendly when I walked in the door.” He winked. “And I’ve never known you to forget about me coming over.”

I felt my cheeks flush, and Colin began to laugh.

“Nan, are you blushing?” He slapped the table as he chuckled. “Jordan Hayes, what kind of effect are you having on her?”

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