Changing Roles - Page 12

Internally, I sighed. Shelby was right, as usual. I didn’t want to admit my pants were slightly snug. And I certainly didn’t want to tell her it wasn’t because of the lunch meetings. Usually, I was so nervous that I barely ate at those things. It was more to do with the long naps I was taking daily—the last shoot had been hard and taxing, and I had been anxious for it to wrap up so I could come home. I found myself missing home more and more these days while I was away, although I wasn’t sure why.

Since coming home, I loathed going out, only doing so when I had to. Instead, I opted for lazy days by the pool, naps, and watching movies with Shelby when I could convince her to stop doing whatever she was doing and spend time with me. Shelby had been extra sweet, encouraging me to “rest and regroup,” as she called it, and catering to me even more than usual. I loved the attention from her. And if I was being completely honest, my pants were snugger than normal because I had found the stash of baked goods in the freezer in the laundry room. I’d been shoving them in my face every time I went into the room.

Which was now daily—several times a day in fact. They were almost gone.

I knew she’d find out. I only hoped she would discover it after I left to do some location filming. She’d get over being angry by the time I got home.

But I damned well wasn’t going to admit it to her right now. Bloody hell—the cheek of being told I was chubby in my own home.


I tried desperately to stop the corner of my mouth from turning up. Only Shelby would calmly inform me of that fact while we were eating dinner.

We finished off our meal in silence. Shelby stood and collected our plates, and a few minutes later placed dessert in front of me.

I looked at it then back at her. “What is this?”

She sighed. “Honestly, Liam. I thought you were a smart man. You attended Oxford, for heaven’s sake.”

I leaned forward conspiratorially, wanting to make her laugh. “Actually, Shelby, I only attended a concert at Oxford. My PR people just left that small part out.”

She gaped at me. “But they said you left before you graduated when you got bit by the acting bug.”

I nodded, grinning. “I had an audition the next day, so I was only there for the concert. Technically, I was at Oxford—I did leave—so theoretically, I never graduated Oxford, and I started acting. It’s just a slightly different spin on it.”

Her eyes were wide as she looked at me. “Well, that explains a lot.”

I started to chuckle, thrilled when she joined me. She was amazing, even when she was putting me in my place. “Now, what is this so-called dessert?”

“Fruit parfait.”

I picked it up and studied it. “Looks like fruit and granola with something I’m certain isn’t ice cream.”


“Health food disguised as dessert? Hardly fair to tease a man like that, Shelby. Not on, really.”

She picked up her spoon. “I planned on giving you some cupcakes, Liam, but they seem to have disappeared.” Her eyebrow arched. “So have all the cookies. Anything you want to share?”

I shoved a spoonful of the healthy crap in my gob. I couldn’t possibly be expected to talk with my mouth full, could I? I dared to glance at her under my eyelashes.

She mouthed one word at me while patting her flat stomach knowingly.


I looked down, fighting a grin.

So worth it.“Seriously, Lily, a tuxedo?” I complained.

The charity event had arrived, and Lily had shown up, a whirl of movement as she talked and flourished, cajoled and organized.

“It’s black tie, Liam. This is a huge night. You need to be perfect. It’s your favorite designer—cut just for you.” She frowned. “You also need a haircut.” She threw up her hands. “Why didn’t you get a haircut?”

“Um, I forgot?”

“You forgot? It was on your to-do list!”

I looked over at Shelby beseechingly. Usually, she could save me from the wrath of Lily. I had forgotten but I didn’t think it was that big a deal. It was a little long, but it was fine. Wasn’t it?

Shelby smiled at Lily and handed her a cup of coffee. “It’s fine, Lily. I’ll give Liam a quick trim. Then he can go shave and get ready. He’ll look great.”

“He’d better,” she muttered.

Shelby chuckled and left the room, returning with scissors and a spray bottle of water. She pulled a chair away from the table and patted the seat.

Obediently, I sat and let Shelby drape a towel around my shoulders. She had trimmed my hair before, so I knew it would be fine. Lily huffed but calmed down. I shut my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Shelby’s fingers running through my hair as she snipped. She hummed as she worked, and I grinned.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024