Changing Roles - Page 27

We argued constantly over finances, especially the money I had saved in the bank. But having experienced the panicky feeling of nothing before, I refused to touch the money. When I lost my job, I was given a severance package, for which I was grateful, hoping it would tide us over until I found another job and I wouldn’t have to touch the money I had saved.

A short time later, Malcolm disappeared with Roni, the contents of our bank account, and thanks to his hacking skills, all the savings money I had in my name as well, leaving me nothing. I also found, to my ultimate horror, he had secretly racked up thousands of dollars of debt, had neglected to pay the rent on the apartment, and I was about to lose my home on top of everything else.

In desperation, I put my pride aside and phoned Everett. He stepped in, paid off the debts looming over my head, and hired a lawyer to make sure I was protected against any further debts or problems. He also launched an investigation to find Malcolm, which to this point had turned up nothing; it was as if he had disappeared. We had begun the proceedings to dissolve the marriage in his absence, but as with everything in the legal world, it was taking time. I looked forward to the day it was behind me, knowing it couldn’t happen fast enough for my liking.

The most important thing Everett had done was to bring me to LA—and to Liam.


I felt terrible about getting angry with him earlier. He was trying to be nice; I knew he was. He didn’t understand why I was feeling so sad.

I didn’t know how to tell him when I didn’t understand it either.

But lately, how I felt about Liam had changed.

I’d adored him from the moment I met him. Everett had talked about him so often, I felt I already knew him, even though we had never met. And then when I did meet him, the vision I had in my head didn’t do him justice—in looks or personality. Liam’s interview—for lack of a better word—had been the most bizarre experience of my life. But there was something about him, warm, sweet, and so open and honest that drew me to him. I liked being needed, and Liam needed me. Malcolm never needed me and hated it when I would “fuss” over him. He said I threatened his masculinity, which always confused me. Everett had loved, and still did love it, when I fussed over him. He said it made him feel important.

And Liam…Liam reveled in it. He soaked it up like a sponge. It didn’t matter if it was his favorite sandwich, a new shirt I bought him, or how much he liked to lounge on the sofa while I stroked his head and he told me about his day; Liam needed me. He was appreciative of everything I did. In his own way, he looked after me as well and was protective of me. He was a good friend.

Except…yesterday, when he was tickling me and had kissed me. It made me feel things I shouldn’t feel for a friend. I wanted him to kiss me again. Harder. Longer. Deeper.

Today when he offered to buy me a dress to wear on my date, I wanted to yell at him and tell him I wanted him to buy a dress I could wear for him. I wanted him to look at me and like what he saw. I wanted to sit across the table from him and spend the evening with him.

But I couldn’t.

I was his housekeeper. His friend. He trusted me. I couldn’t ruin that with some romanticized version of our relationship.

I wasn’t girlfriend material.

I was still married, but unwanted and discarded since I had outlived my usefulness. I was also older than Liam. Five years might not seem like much to some people, but in the world he lived in, it was huge. Everything in the industry he worked in was based on looks and profile. A career could be broken with bad choices. He was a Hollywood leading man who could have his pick of women. Young, beautiful women more suited to him than I was or ever could be. I was his employee. Everett’s sister.

All of those were lines he would never cross, even if he were interested.

Which he wasn’t.

I straightened my shoulders. I had no idea what was wrong with me, but I needed to stop these silly thoughts.

Liam was my friend.

I had a date to go on with his cousin.

I was going to enjoy myself.

Even if it killed me.LIAMThe more I drank, the clearer it all became.

I loved Shelby.

I loved her for the ways she looked after me, how she made everything, even the smallest of details, so much better. Her caring nature was prevalent, and I basked in it. She entered my life with no fanfare, improved every aspect, and without realizing it, also firmly entrenched herself in my heart.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024