Changing Roles - Page 46

“Because the truth is boring?”

“They aren’t interested in the truth. They’re interested in selling papers. I know you’ve only been an observer until now, but that role is gone. You’re smack-dab in the middle of it. They’re gonna follow you. Take pictures. Yell things at you to get a reaction. They’ll want to know everything about you.”

Shelby stiffened, and I squeezed her hand.

“But why do they care?” she questioned. “They don’t print things when Carly or Gillian go to a function with him. Or even any of his other dates.”

“There are a few stories, Shelby. Maybe not big ones, but there are mentions. Gillian and Carly are old news. But you’re brand-spanking new.”

Shelby’s face paled.

“You’re scaring her, Ev,” I hissed, wrapping my arm around her and drawing her closer.

“I don’t want to scare you. But I need you to be prepared.” He took Shelby’s hand in his. “Cassidy and I will help you, coach you. And Liam will be there for you, but it’s not an easy thing, being involved with a celebrity. I need to try to make sure you understand what you’re getting into.”

Shelby nodded, her voice quiet when she spoke. “It wasn’t easy to let him in, Ev.”

He smiled at her, the smile of genuine affection and understanding only a brother could bestow. “I know.”

My eyes flew between them. It was as if they forgot I was even in the room. I felt as if I should leave and let them talk, but I didn’t want to. I didn’t want Ev convincing Shelby she was better off without me.

“We’ll protect her together, Ev,” I offered quietly. “I don’t want to see her hurt either. But I can’t lose her.” I met his gaze. “I only just found her.”

Shelby’s warm eyes found mine. “We found each other,” she whispered.

I pulled her back and kissed her, losing myself to the taste of her mouth and the warm scent she surrounded me in. She grounded me.

God, I needed her.

Everett cleared his throat, causing Shelby to startle and move back. I glared at him.

Bloody hell, why was he still here?

I must have muttered that out loud because they both chuckled.

The intercom buzzed.


More people.

Everett stood. “No doubt, that’s Cassidy. And Lily is due anytime. She said something about an urgent message from you.” He paused. “I assume the shoe incident?”

I dipped my chin in affirmation. Shelby huffed in frustration.

“Okay. You have the charity dinner on Tuesday, Liam. It’s the last black-tie one for a while.”

“Thank God.”

He looked at us. “Lots of press for this one. It’s huge. We need to be ready.” He eyed me knowingly. “For everything.”


“And Saturday is the library benefit. It’s in the late afternoon, and it’s more casual.”


“Still a suit, Liam. Shelby needs a cocktail dress. Lily knows. Not jeans.”

Great. Another bloody suit. I wondered briefly if I could convince Lily no tie at least.

Everett frowned at me. “You got it?”


“You leave next week for some preproduction work. I’ve got your flights and security booked. I’ll look into added security for the house while you’re gone.”

“Okay.” Simply the thought of leaving Shelby made me unhappy.

The buzzer went again, and I scowled at him. I needed some time with Shelby; I didn’t like the way she was acting. She was far too quiet.

He arched his eyebrow at me as he stood. “I’ll give you a minute. I’ll be in the den with Cassidy and Lily.”


Shelby walked over to the counter, her hand on the coffeepot handle, but she didn’t move. My heart sank. We had barely started and now Everett had her questioning if we should keep going. I got up and pulled her into my arms. “Don’t, Shelby. Please. Don’t question how right we are together. We’re going to be bloody brilliant.”

“I could become an embarrassment to you,” she whispered, not looking at me.

I slipped my fingers under her chin, forcing her to meet my eyes. “Impossible. I don’t care what stories they come up with. What stupid headlines they print. I know you. The real you. That’s all that matters to me or anyone I care about. Bloody hell, my mum loves you, and she’s never even liked any other girl I introduced her to.” Seeing the look on Shelby’s face, I backpedaled. “Not that there’ve been many of those.”

Shelby rolled her eyes and frowned. “She liked me as your housekeeper. How is she going to feel about me as your, um, girlfriend?”

I grinned. Girlfriend. I liked that. A lot.

“She’s been after me to make you my girlfriend since she was here last, Shelby. She’s going to be thrilled. And aside from that—I don’t give a toss about what the rest of the world has to say or think.” I smiled sadly at her. “Maybe I’m too much for you to take on, though? Things will change, I know that. I’ve been lucky lately, sneaking around unnoticed, but with the movie coming out and more press, it’s going to get crazy. They’ll be everywhere.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024