Changing Roles - Page 70

I had no response. He was right.

He took another sip of beer. “Aunt Liz know about this?”

“Yes. I called and told her. She was thrilled but told me it took me long enough.”

“Sounds like her.”

Merriment drew our gazes again, and I grinned at the sight of their two beautiful heads bent close together, giggling. I liked seeing Shelby relaxed and happy. “Will she be getting a call from you soon, Douglas?”

His eyes left Caroline and met mine. He huffed out a sigh. “Yeah, you wanker. She probably will be.”

“That means a Scottish invasion. An epic one.” I turned on the Scottish accent. “Both her laddies in love? With such bonny wee lassies?” I sniggered. “Oooch, me boys! When do I get grandweans? I’ve been waiting to change nappies for some wee bairns for sooo long.” I drew out the words. “Dad won’t even come to hold her back. She’ll be full-out mental with happiness.”

He laughed. “She’ll be daft.” He fixed me with a stern look I knew he was struggling to maintain. “She’s your mum. She stays with you.”

I knew he was full of it. He adored my mum and always complained when she didn’t spend enough time with him on her visits. “She’ll want to spend time with Caroline as well. We’ll share.”

“I’ll do sixty-forty. And you’re the sixty.”

I knew he was only bluffing. He’d try to steal her more often—he always did. “Done.”

“Okay.” He stood. “Let’s go join the ladies.” He looked back, meeting my gaze. “We’ll keep an eye on Shelby, Liam. And Ryan and Everett are here.” He sighed. “I’ll even bring Caroline back while you’re gone, so Shelby isn’t alone. She’ll be fine.”

I drained my beer and stood beside him. “Thanks. I am worried. It’s only a week, but it seems…”

He gripped my shoulder. “I know. We’ll make sure she’s okay.”


I needed to know that.I kissed Shelby, a fierce, deep kiss as I pulled her against me. I didn’t want to go. The past few days had flown by too fast, and now I had to leave again. She eased back, panting. “The car is waiting.”

“It can wait another few minutes,” I growled, capturing her mouth again.

I pressed my forehead against hers. “Don’t go out without Ryan. Please, Beaker.”

“I won’t.”

“Call Everett if you need something or you’re scared.”

“I will.”


She cut me off. “Caroline is with Douglas, Liam. She’ll be over later today. We’re going to do some fun things this week, and I’ll be sure Ryan is with us. Douglas is also coming at times. The rest of the time, I’ll be fine—just like I always am. You’ll be home by the weekend. Don’t worry so much, please.”

“I’m sorry, I…I don’t want to go. I don’t want to leave you.”

She pulled me back with one last kiss. “You have to. It’s your job. Go do what you do and be brilliant. I’ll be right here when you get home.”

“I’ll call you when I get there.”


I walked toward the car, turning partway down the steps. “Maybe from the airport, before I get on the plane.”

“Whatever you need to do, Oscar,” she giggled.

“Go back to bed. It’s early,” I instructed her firmly.

The car door was open; Mark waiting for me.

I turned around as I got in the car, for one last look at my Shelby. Leaning on the doorframe, wearing one of my T-shirts and leggings, her hair tumbling past her shoulders in total disarray from my hands, she was breathtaking to me.

She was home.

I lifted my hand and slid into the car before I ran back to her for one last kiss.

Because I knew one would never be enough. I needed more of her. More kisses, more time.

I took out my phone and texted Everett.

Liam: Clear my schedule as much as possible. No more time away from home for a while.He replied quickly.

Everett: Okay. Will do what I can.I sighed. I rarely demanded much, but I wanted this. More than anything.

Liam: Just take care of it, Ev.His reply was brief.

Everett: Done.It was what I wanted. I’d do this movie, all the publicity the studio wanted for Nighthawk, and then I would take some time off. Maybe take Shelby away for a holiday. The two of us on a deserted island or something—just somewhere private we could be alone and I could spoil her. I’d like to do that.

About halfway to the airport, my phone buzzed, and I looked at it, expecting to see another return text from Ev. Instead, there was a picture from Shelby with the text —waiting for you right here—and I had to smile. She had taken a selfie, lying in our bed, resting on my pillow with Thor beside her head, curled into her dark hair. She was smiling into the camera, her eyes half-closed and sleepy-looking. She was so damned sexy, and she had no idea.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024