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Changing Roles

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I was rarely out of the room, Everett stepping away only on occasion. But I made sure everyone else was being looked after. A hefty donation to the hospital made sure the quiet room was ours for the duration, and they agreed to my security people. An extra bed was wheeled in so anyone needing it could sleep. I made sure food was delivered and they all ate. I looked after the nurses and doctors on the floor with food. But I had barely moved from the spot beside Shelby, sleeping in the chair and choking down a sandwich when I was forced to. The only time I left her was for a quick update from someone or a fast bathroom break. I hated even leaving her that long. I felt better when I was beside her, holding her hand, stroking her arm, and talking to her. It was only in the deep of the night, when the entire hospital was silent and we were alone, that my fears overwhelmed me and I gave in, laying my head beside hers on the pillow, my lips close to her ear, begging for her to wake up. Otherwise, I remained steadfast in my determination to be strong.

I wasn’t sure, though, if I was fooling anyone.

Malcolm Johnson was now in police custody. The owner of the cheap motel he had been staying at was only too happy to give him up for the reward offered. The charges leveled against him were long and deviously clever thanks to Samuels’s and Geo’s legal minds. The one thing he had that we wanted and could help him was his signature on divorce papers. I knew they would get it too, and his reward for doing so would be very little. He hadn’t realized that part yet. He was done.

“More news?”

“Yeah. Douglas wants to tell you.” Everett sniffed, trying to lighten the atmosphere. “You need a shower too. Lily was by again and brought you some stuff to change into.”

I noticed his hair was damp and he had changed. Looking down, I realized I was in the same clothes I had arrived in, unable to bear the thought of leaving her for that long. Everett was right. I needed a shower and to go see Ryan. My gaze fell to Shelby.

“You don’t want her waking to see you looking like this, Liam,” he urged. “You’re a wreck. She’ll kick both our asses.”

I chuckled, because he was right about that as well. Standing, I pressed a kiss to her cheek. “I won’t be far, my darling girl. Promise.”

I swore I felt the flutter of her eyelashes and I pulled back quickly, but her face remained serene and motionless. I was imagining things again. Earlier, I’d thought I felt the press of her hand in mine but had finally put it down as my imagination when I tried to get her to do it again. Her hand remained unresponsive.

I was beyond exhausted and strung out. I kissed her one more time. “Come back, Shelby. I need you, baby.”The hot water felt good pounding down my back. I let it run over me as I washed my hair, soaped, and shaved thanks to Lily’s thoughtful supplies. She’d been here often, bringing items and dispensing hugs. She went daily, checking on the house and Thor, feeding him and making sure he was okay, knowing how much Shelby loved him. She sat beside Shelby, chatting about the red dress she had found she knew I would love for our next big night. She winked at me across the bed as she whispered she also knew how much I would love what she had found to go under the dress. I had smiled, grateful for her friendship and care of Shelby.

Dressed in fresh clothes, I sat with Ryan and his wife, listening to his broken apology. I held up my hand, interrupting him. “You fought for her, Ryan. You were trying to protect her. You owe me nothing. I owe you. I will forever owe you.” I looked between him and his wife, Lesley, a pretty woman who looked nervous, worried, and troubled. Her husband was hurt, facing months of physiotherapy to be able to walk again. The fact was he would never be a bodyguard again—the pins and plates that now held his leg, hip, and shoulder together would never allow him the flexibility or strength he would need to do that job. I knew she was worried about him and their future. I knew what I had to do—what Shelby would want me to do.

I sat back and smiled at them. “Ryan, you have nothing to worry about. Either of you. Your hospital bills and any physiotherapy are covered. Anything else you need, as well. You will be kept on my books as an employee for as long as you want to be. No lost wages.”

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