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Changing Roles

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He shook his head, even as Lesley’s eyes widened and began to fill with grateful tears.

“I can’t accept your charity.”

“It won’t be charity, Ryan,” I insisted. “I plan on you sticking close to Shelby and me. Mark needs help with scheduling things, and I need someone with your tactical background on my team. I’ve already had Samuels draw up the papers. It’s not open for discussion. You’re covered.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“You were injured trying to protect the woman I love. I saw the video. I know what you did—how you risked yourself for her. You showed both of us true loyalty. That deserves a reward.” I stood, not wanting to be away from Shelby for too long. “Don’t worry about money or the future. Just get well, Ryan. A job is waiting when you’re ready.”

After a tight hug from Lesley, I left the room, feeling better. Shelby would be pleased. I could hardly wait to tell her how much better Lesley looked with those few words.I studied the pictures Douglas handed me. “We’re sure?”

He nodded. “Mark confirmed it. Like you suspected, those tossers threw their so-called colleagues under the proverbial bus, and fast. Those two were definitely the ones pushing.” He tapped the picture. “And he threw the punch that caught Shelby.”

I grimaced, thinking about the second part of the offer I had made. I didn’t care about the money. “Who gets the reward?”

Douglas smiled. “Well, you got lucky, Liam. A reporter from Features was on the edge of the crowd, but not part of it. He was there doing an interview in the building when they saw the crowd and went to investigate. He and his cameraman happened to be at the right angle and got these. I was able to verify his cell was one of the numbers that made a call to 9-1-1.” He motioned to the stills I was looking at. “You can see who was behind Shelby and the two paps arguing with Ryan. There’s no doubt. The magazine wants the money donated to a charity, but they do want the interview.” He grinned. “We got a lot of offers from tons of rags and paps with pics, but these were the clearest—” he shrugged “—and they were among the first to arrive.”

I felt a flash of relief. They were, at least, a reputable publication.

I pointed to the faces in the pictures, stabbing the paper hard. “I want them punished.”

“The police already have copies. Charges will be laid as soon as they finish their investigation.” He held up the pictures. “But these helped tremendously. Samuels and Geo have a long list of restraining orders they will try to put through. All the pictures we collected showed many people you would like to see kept away.” He squeezed my shoulder. “A lot of your friends are taking up this cause, Liam. Other celebs are speaking out about the paps and their intrusiveness. Maybe with many voices, we can bring about change.”

I nodded, even knowing how difficult a fight this would be. “That would be good.” I huffed out a long breath of air. “I know I said it before, but you were bloody amazing yesterday, Douglas. This is all moving quickly because of the press conference.”

He waved my thanks aside. “Your idea, Liam. I was only the calm voice.” He studied me. “How are you holding up?”

I met his eyes, allowing my pain to show through. “I need her to be okay.” I rubbed at my chest, pushing on the ache that persisted. “I can’t be okay without her anymore.”

“She will be. She’s strong, Liam. Her body needs a chance to heal.” He paused. “I spoke with Aunty Liz today. She wants to come and be here with you. I told her I thought that was a good idea.” He watched me for my reaction. “She’ll be here tomorrow.”

I blinked. My mum would be here tomorrow. I hadn’t even thought to ask. I knew Douglas was keeping her updated, but the thought of having her close was pleasing and brought me some much-needed comfort. Being a retired nurse, she could help me when Shelby came home.

Because Douglas was right. Shelby was strong.

And she would come home.

She had to.Everett listened as I filled him in, standing on opposite sides of Shelby’s bed. He shook his head when I finished telling him everything Douglas had said. “You, ah, you’ve been amazing, Liam. I’m proud of you.”

I ducked my head at his praise. Lifting Shelby’s hand, I kissed the skin. “It’s all her.”

He grinned. “Told you she was the right person for the job.”

I kissed her fingertips again. “Bloody perfect, actually.”

A gentle flex against my lips had me freezing on the spot. My eyes flew to Shelby’s face. “Beaker?”

Her eyes moved, fluttering quickly, and if I hadn’t been looking, I would have missed it. Everett and I shared a glance. We had both seen it.

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