The Contract (The Contract 1) - Page 22

“It’s been a pleasure, but I’m out of here. Good luck working for the bloodsucker we all know as David.” The doors opened and he dropped the boxes inside, then swept his arm in a wide arc. “After you, my lady.”

I stepped in, my face flushed with embarrassment. As the elevator doors began to close, he stuck his arm out, forcing them to reopen. “And by the way, so you can stop gossiping and wondering, yes, Katharine and I are together. She’s the best thing this company ever did for me.”

With those words, he grabbed me, dragged me to him, kissing me as the doors shut, closing off the shocked gasps.Immediately, Richard moved away from me. I stumbled back against the wall, breathing fast. His kiss had been hard, deliberate, with an edge of anger to it.

“Why did you do that?”

Bending down, he picked up the boxes and shrugged. “Might as well leave with a bang.” He chuckled. “The way the gossip mill works in this industry, this will be everywhere by tonight.” He started to laugh, his head falling back on his shoulders. “That fucker did me a huge favor and he has no idea.”

The doors opened, and I followed him to his car. I waited until I sat beside him before I asked. “Favor? Did you . . . did you plan all this?”

He grinned, looking almost boyish. “No. I planned on doing it differently, but when he barged in, I went in another direction.” He winked as he slid on his sunglasses. “I do that well, Katharine. The client wants it changed, you learn to think on your feet. David knew what was happening as soon as he saw the boxes. I decided a scene would be a good thing.”

“Good for whom? It was embarrassing.”

“It was advertising. The name of the game. In one move, not only did the entire company get to see the dissolution of my relationship with David, they also found out about us. By the time we get to Graham’s place tomorrow, he will have heard about it. He’ll know I punched David for talking trash about the woman I love. It’s perfect. I couldn’t have planned it better if I tried.”

I shook my head, flabbergasted. I never would have considered what just happened as “perfect.”

“Relax, Katharine.” He snorted as he skillfully wove in and out of traffic. “You’re done. You don’t have to go back there. I’ll call my lawyer and make sure we send the first volley to cut David off at the knees.”

“First volley?”

“David hates negative publicity for the firm. If he thinks I’m going after him for broken promises and an unhealthy work environment, he won’t try anything. It’s just for insurance.”

I sighed and rested my head on the cool glass.

“You have the afternoon free. Maybe you should do some shopping.”

“Must I?”

“Yes. I told you—I need you to look the part. I have a personal shopper lined up. I’ll call her and arrange for you to see her this afternoon. We can stick with our plans for the evening.”


He turned up the music, tapping out a rhythm on the steering wheel, ignoring my sarcasm. I hated shopping—mostly because I could never afford to buy much. Maybe not having to pay the bill, it would be fun.

I hoped so. After this morning, I needed something to distract me.Not long after we arrived back at the condo, Richard signed for an envelope. He opened it and thrust a black credit card at me.

“What’s this?”

“For you to shop.”

I looked at the face of the card, seeing my name emblazoned in silver.

“How did . . . ? Never mind.” I sighed. It was obvious, whatever Richard wanted, he got.

He sat down, reaching for the card. “Sign it and use it. I called Amanda Kelly—she’s the personal shopper I told you about. She’s expecting you in an hour.”


“What’s the matter?”

“Couldn’t she send me a dress for tomorrow? I’m sure you’ve already informed her exactly what you want me to wear.”

He shook his head. “This isn’t solely for tomorrow, Katharine. I meant what I said. Get rid of the clothes you’ve been wearing. I want you in dresses, well-tailored suits, smart outfits. Decent shoes. A whole new wardrobe.”

“Do I have to toss my underwear, as well?” I questioned, and even I could hear the snark.

For a minute he blinked, then started to laugh. “You do have a little backbone in there somewhere. Yes. Toss it. All new. All in keeping with the role you’ll be playing.”

I rolled my eyes, taking the card. “Fine. It’s not as if anyone will see my undergarments, anyway.”

“What is it with you?” He growled. “I’ve never had to beg another woman to spend my money. Usually, they can’t wait to get their hands on my bank account. Why are you so fucking stubborn?”

Tags: Melanie Moreland The Contract Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024