Leopard's Wrath (Leopard People 11) - Page 13

Evangeline stood as well.

“Evangeline,” the man called out, ignoring the two bodyguards. “I’d like a chance to talk with you.”

“Keep walking,” Ania said. “Don’t even turn around.” She fell into step behind Evangeline, not once looking in the direction of the policeman.

Evangeline headed straight to the women’s room and threw herself into the wide armchair just inside the door. “I can’t believe he would think I would want to talk to him.”

Ania was a little disconcerted by her color. Evangeline looked pale. “Are you all right?”

“I have something called hyperemesis gravidarum. I get very sick and can’t stop vomiting at times. It’s been a little better lately. I’m hoping it goes away. The doctor assured me that it does in most cases after the fourth month or so. I’m not quite there yet, so I still have hope.”

“Should I send Ashe in?”

Evangeline shook her head and pulled out her cell phone. “I’m going to text Fyodor. He’ll send a car or come himself. Thanks, though, Ania. I’m so glad I was here today and got a chance to visit a little with you.”

“Me too. It’s been fun. Lately, I haven’t had a lot of fun in my life. My father has been very ill, and the business is demanding.”


Evangeline was clearly trying not to be sick. Ania detested that she was getting worse right in front of her eyes, and she blamed the two men who had come in and upset her.

“Excuse me,” Evangeline said, and rushed into one of the stalls.

Ania stood there for a moment listening to the terrible retching and then she marched out, straight up to the two men just getting their baked goods from Ashe. She was furious. “She’s sicker than a dog, and you had no right coming in here and upsetting her. She’s asked you several times not to come in here and you don’t listen. I swear I’m reporting both of you to your superiors.”

Looking like a haughty princess, she ignored both men and turned to Ashe. “She’s really sick, and she didn’t have a chance to get ahold of anyone.”

One of the bodyguards had already stepped to the ladies’ room door the moment Ania had vacated, pushing it open and listening as Evangeline got sick. It occurred to Ania he’d made certain that she hadn’t done anything to harm Evangeline.

Ashe immediately had her phone out and was texting fast, even as she rounded the counter and hurried back toward the bathroom. As she did, the door to the shop opened and the bodyguard, the one Mitya had called Sevastyan, entered. Ania’s heart began to pound. His gaze swept over her, the cops, the bodyguards and Ashe running for the ladies’ room. His gaze came back to settle on Ania.

She didn’t like the look on his face. He had known she was there. She knew immediately someone had texted him. Evangeline? She doubted it. Ashe? Maybe. One of the bodyguards? How would they know who she was or that she’d met Mitya? She hoped they didn’t know she had come so often just looking for him. She’d never chased after a man in her life. Now she felt like a stalker.

She hurried back to the table, ignoring the entire drama. Embarrassed that she’d been so persistent in trying to connect with him when Mitya hadn’t felt the same need, she just wanted to go. She had her back to the door, but she knew the moment he entered. He had a presence, and it filled the room. She turned slowly to face him.

He was even more amazing than she remembered. It had been dark, and they’d only had a few minutes there in the small confines of the car, but he’d made a lasting impression. She could see why. He was sheer power. Dangerous. A predator among sheep. He wasn’t handsome in the accepted sense of the word. He was too rough-looking. Too scarred, his features too rugged. He looked masculine without one hint of a softer trait.

Her heart pounded harder than ever. From fear or attraction, she didn’t know which; she only knew she was in trouble with this man. Something wild in her responded to him. She’d tried so hard to stamp down the wild in herself, now especially when her father needed her to step up for him. Her iron will didn’t matter. Her body responded instantly to Mitya’s presence, growing damp and hot. Needy. It was crazy.

His gaze took in everything and everyone in the room, then settled on her before moving past to the two policemen who seemed frozen, caught there in the center of the bakery. Behind Mitya, two more bodyguards slipped into the room. She recognized them also from the other night, and then behind them, Miron, the man who had changed her tire. They spread out, boxing the cops in. She was in the direct line of fire. Mitya strode forward, Sevastyan moving with him.

Tags: Christine Feehan Leopard People Paranormal
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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