Leopard's Wrath (Leopard People 11) - Page 36

She heard her choking cries of pure elation, but he kept moving through her orgasm, unrelenting, stroking deep like a piston. Harder. Faster. Then he was pounding into her, lifting her hips to meet his every demand until she was in a frenzy of need again. His eyes glittered at her. His hands were tight, strong, possessive. He changed angles slightly and the burn was back. Growing. Scorching. Spreading like a wildfire out of control.

Then his cock seemed to double in size, pushing at her tender sheath. Insisting she belong to him. A volcano, so hot it needed to explode. Her body clamped down on his like a vise. He swore between clenched teeth. The hot splash of his seed coated the walls of her channel, triggering the wild flames sweeping through her body in rolling waves of orange and red. She felt every jerk and throb of his cock as he emptied himself into her. Every splash pure fire so that aftershocks rocked her.

Mitya collapsed over top of her, giving her the complete weight of his broad, muscular body. He had the build of a leopard—dense, with roped muscles—and he was heavy. He trapped her beneath him and buried his face between her neck and shoulder. Then his teeth were in her. Pain flashed through her, but strangely, her body reacted with more liquid heat and several aftershocks. The bite felt more erotic than violent. He licked at the small wound, and that felt erotic as well. Everything he did was sexy. Everything he said was sexy. She was so lost she was terrified. Somehow, he had welded them together.

She didn’t want him to move, although he was pressing her deep into the mattress and she had to breathe shallowly. He was buried in her and she could feel his heart beating right through his cock. She felt as if she truly belonged to him. For this time, when they both lay quietly together, she felt as if he cared for her. It wasn’t about their leopards. They didn’t have to be together. It was about them—two people. She wanted, even needed, to feel that, if only for a moment.

He shifted his weight far too soon, sliding out of her, sending delicious little shivers through her body as his cock withdrew. He kissed her breasts and then her throat before going up to her chin and finding her mouth. She tasted herself on his tongue and it added an extra layer of wickedness to the fiery kiss.

“Give me a minute and I’ll get a washcloth,” he said as he turned over to lie on his back beside her.

She lay very still, her heart beating far too fast. She’d just given herself to him. Wholly. No going back. She had no idea how he actually felt about her, and yet she’d locked herself into a relationship. “Mitya?” She had to ask. “We’re exclusive, right? For as long as this lasts, we’re exclusive.”

He sighed. She closed her eyes against the sound. She should have asked questions before she’d had sex with him, not after.

“We’re getting married, Ania. You’re going to be my wife. Your female is my male’s mate. You want another man, you’d better know that I’ll fuckin’ kill him with my bare hands. There aren’t going to be other men in your life. No one else touches you. They don’t kiss you. They don’t put their hands on you, or their mouths. They don’t fuck you. You’re mine. You. Your heart. Your body. Your soul. That’s all mine. There’s no going back. There’s no divorce. You have a problem with something I’ve done, you come talk to me about it.”

She lay for a long time in silence, and then, just as he rolled to get up to get the washcloth, she sighed. He turned his head to look down at her. One hand slid possessively from her belly to her breasts.

“What is it?”

“That’s all about what you’re going to do if I take another man as a lover, or some such weird thing. At no time did I hear what you intend to do with other women.”

“Baby, you’ve been outside for what? The last three years? Training to be a sniper? You think I’m stupid enough to let another woman touch me when you’re that kind of woman? I’m not. I’m also not a man who would ever disrespect my wife, my woman, by cheating on her. I don’t want another woman when I have you. You light up for me like no one else ever could. I intend to get every damn thing I’ve ever wanted or fantasized about from you. I don’t like the word no, and don’t expect to hear it from you in the bedroom. In any case, if I tried to fuck another woman, not only would you be after me, but my leopard would kill her.”

Tags: Christine Feehan Leopard People Paranormal
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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