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Leopard's Wrath (Leopard People 11)

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Then his mouth was on her right breast, and his hand was at her left, kneading and massaging, fingers pinching down on her nipple until she wanted to scream. Then, when he let up, the blood rushed straight to her clit and pounded through her sex. He covered both breasts, with his hands and mouth, until the fire was back, a fevered pitch.

How could he do that when he wasn’t touching her anywhere else? She’d never felt so beautiful, or so wanton. His hair brushed her skin, adding to the fire sweeping through her. He lifted his head, looking into her eyes.

“I want to fuck you until neither of us can breathe. You do that to me, Ania. Your leopard has subsided. So has mine, and I still want you. My fuckin’ cock feels like it’s going to shatter.”

She circled his neck with her arms. “I’ll take care of that when we get home.” She knew they were on the road that swept up to the hills, getting close to home. Her heart pounded, and she ached for him.

“You’ll take care of it now.”

“Now?” Her hand dropped down to the front of his trousers. Her heart went crazy. Her mouth actually watered, and her breasts throbbed. She loved his voice when he went all commander on her. She didn’t understand the difference when that same tone annoyed her outside of any sexual activity.

“Yes, now.”

She rubbed her hand over the very expensive material. “I don’t know, honey. Are you certain?”

His eyes blazed fire at her and he reached out, unsnapped her seat belt and yanked her down so she was lying across the leather seat. He stripped off her panties and jeans so fast she hardly realized he’d done it. She tried her best not to smile when his hands conveyed impatience and his eyes had gone feral. He opened his trousers, somehow managed to turn on the seat, and then his mouth was between her legs as he straddled her.

Hot. Wild. Insane. She caught his hips, but there was no stopping the press of his cock into her mouth. He might have been intimidating, as she had very little control. The leather of the seat was at her back and he rode her mouth, pumping in and out in a slow glide. She used her tongue and alternated licking and sucking, doing her best when he was controlling the action.

It was difficult to think when his mouth was attacking her, driving her up so fast while his cock burned her lips into a wide stretch and slid over her tongue, a scorching-hot treat. She dug her fingers into his hips, pulling him closer, her own hips bucking a frantic rhythm against his mouth.

Twice he went so deep that she nearly panicked, unable to breathe, but when she began to fight, he lifted his mouth from between her legs. “Stop. You’re fine. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.” He waited until she stilled before pulling his cock from her, so she could get air.

Already she was chasing after him, eager to get the pulsing promise as his cock swelled and she could feel his heart beating right through his shaft. He began that easy glide again, his mouth once more driving her wild, and then it happened a second time, his cock sliding deep, pushing her boundaries, her comfort zone, holding her helpless there. She tried to be still, but panic rose and once again she found herself fighting him.

“Ania.” His voice was very calm. Just as before, he didn’t move. “Learn to trust me. You’re my world. I wouldn’t harm you.”

Again, it took a tremendous effort on her part to be still and allow him to cut off her air. The moment she stopped struggling, he pulled back, let her take a breath and then began that exquisite pumping again. His cock swelled, pushing at the silken mouth. She rubbed over him with her tongue. All the while her body coiled tighter and tighter until she couldn’t hold back the waves burning through her.

His cock grew thicker, and then it was jerking hard, and she was forced to swallow the hot liquid pouring down her throat. There was something exciting, even thrilling, about lying on a back seat with his cock in her mouth, his mouth between her legs, orgasms rolling through both of them.

It took a moment to realize the car had ceased moving. A hand hit the top of the vehicle. “Get the hell out, Mitya,” Sevastyan’s voice was tight. “I’m heading for the bar and I’m done for the night.”

Mitya moved, pulling his spent cock free of her mouth as he sat up. He gave a soft groan. His cousin was a shifter. A leopard. He had heard every sound coming from the back seat. Smelled every scent. Heard her screams. He had to be desperate for a woman. He cursed himself.

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