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Leopard's Wrath (Leopard People 11)

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“Go ahead, Sevastyan.” Mitya’s hands on Ania’s shoulders helped her into a sitting position.

“The others will be here if you need them.”

Mitya heard the strain in Sevastyan’s voice. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t stop myself. She needed . . . care.”

Ania wrapped her arms around her middle and rocked herself. Her body was still on fire, but now she was embarrassed. Mitya put his arm around her.

“Is that what you call it? I’m gone,” Sevastyan snapped.7THE rain had finally stopped, although the windows were covered with drops. Beside Mitya, Ania was asleep, worn out by the nearly violent sex they’d shared in the car. He kept his body tight against hers, his arm circling her waist, hand cupping her breast. He inhaled her scent. She’d taken a long bath as soon as they’d gotten home, hurrying into the house and upstairs, his jacket covering her.

He found he could barely keep his hands off her. He loved that he could touch her when he wanted. That he could take her anytime, night or day. He’d gone so many years without a woman’s touch, without her hands or mouth on him, because he feared when he achieved his release and he was vulnerable, his leopard would strike at the woman. Now, he had a woman he had come to almost revere, and she wanted him every bit as much as he wanted her.

He knew Ania was still unsure of him. She believed he was with her solely because his leopard had claimed her leopard. She didn’t realize Mitya had claimed Ania. She was his. He liked her. More, that affection was growing into something else. The way she cared for her father. The way she worried about Annalise’s future. She was even paying for an apartment for Annalise, so she wouldn’t have to see the terrible end to her father’s life. The fact that she had begun her own investigation and was shaping herself into a sniper. He loved all of that in her.

He rubbed his thumb back and forth over the soft swell of her breast. Everything about her appealed to him, even that little streak of defiance she had. He knew she thought she could get away if she wanted. He also knew she couldn’t. There was no going back for either of them. He pressed a kiss into the nape of her neck. He knew how lucky he was. The odds of finding his mate were a million to one, and yet she was there in bed with him.

He savored the sight of her, lying there curled up in that way she had. She was naked because he liked her that way. She complied with his wishes when it came to anything in the bedroom. Never once had she said no to him, not that he would have accepted that. The only reason his woman might say no was if she was afraid, and he didn’t want her to ever be afraid of anything they did. If that happened, he’d back off and introduce her much more gently to whatever it was she feared.

He lifted his head again to look down at her face, the long sweep of her lashes and her full lips. He had never thought he was capable of love. He didn’t count his cousins, because he didn’t think in terms of love with them. He didn’t identify emotion. But Ania . . . She was different. She was getting into him. Deep. He thought of her continuously. He didn’t like her to be upset. He wanted her trust above all else.

Mitya considered what he was asking of her. She had to accept him, believing he was a criminal. Not just any criminal, but a very high-ranking one. He was asking her to do that. No, he was demanding it of her. He wanted her trust on every level, yet he had no intention of allowing her into his business. It was too dangerous, and he wasn’t taking chances with her life.

In a very short time, he knew he had grown to need her. Not just the sex, although he was totally addicted, but the promise of her. The brightness of her. The beauty that was far more than skin-deep. He wanted her loyalty. Her faithfulness. Her love. That was the bottom line. He wanted Ania to fall so deeply in love with him, she would never consider leaving him.

“I’ll never leave you,” he whispered aloud. “We’ll make this work, kotyonok.”

Although Mitya spoke softly, barely allowing a thread of sound into the room, she stirred, her lashes fluttering. “Mitya? Are you all right?” She turned over, her body sliding against his. Her arms circled his neck and she laid her head on his chest. “I’m right here. Tell me what you need.”

His heart did a slow somersault. His gut tightened into a thousand knots. That was why. Right there. How could he not fall in love? He hadn’t intended to. This was about her loving him, not the other way around, but she was tearing him up inside. What did he need? Was he all right? That was Ania. Thinking only of him.

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