Spider Game (GhostWalkers 12) - Page 24

It wasn't the best time for her to be telling him this. She needed to sleep, and right now, his cock was so fucking hard he was afraid he would explode, just burst apart. Still, he wanted to hear it. He needed to. She thought she was giving him facts, not realizing she was giving him the world.

No one has ever done any of the things for me that you did. You made me a home. You gave me food. You talked to me like no one else has ever done. You bought me shoes and clothes. I don't know why you want me, Trap, I don't know what I can give you back, but I want this. I just don't understand your life or where I fit into it.

He understood immediately. She was all but asking if she fit into his world there in their home, and in the outside world as well.

"Baby, are you afraid I won't want you outside our home?"

There was a small silence. I'm afraid either way. I want to share every aspect of your life and feel part of it. I didn't like feeling as if I wasn't in the know with your team, that you all were part of something I wasn't. On the other hand, the thought of learning that side of things, being with your friends, out in public, that absolutely terrifies me. You weren't shielding my face from the camera because of Whitney. You knew he already knew where I was. You didn't want the world to see me.

"I wanted to protect you from that side of my life as long as possible. You need a chance to get to know me better, to trust that you can follow my lead in public and know that I'll always have your back. I want you comfortable with my friends, with my team and with bodyguards so when you have to face that side of my life, you aren't terrified. I know what I'm asking of you, and you don't yet. It's enormous. You're giving me so much more than what I'm giving you."

That isn't possible. You're giving me . . . life. I existed, Trap, but I wasn't human. No one but you has ever seen me as a woman. As a human being. As someone worthwhile.

"That may be true, baby, but any number of men who aren't arrogant and rude and have the paparazzi hanging around constantly would want to make you feel that. Someone who isn't bringing you into the mess that is their life. You aren't getting a prize. Money, maybe, but no prize life."

She pushed her body back against his. Tight. Melting into him. He felt her soft amusement there in his mind. Filling him. He loved that she made him feel as if he could never be alone because she would always be there, inside of him.

I'm getting the best prize, Trap. You'll always be that for me.

He closed his eyes, knowing he had to let her sleep. He felt her weariness and knew her fatigue was bone deep. Exhaustion had set in and she was already drifting. He hoped he was the best for her because he wasn't going to give her up. He was going to fight for her with every breath in his body.


I'm getting the best prize, Trap. You'll always be that for me.

Cayenne's voice woke Trap from his restless sleep. He was instantly alert. Aware. His body rock hard. Little jackhammers tripped in his head, drilling deep, digging relentlessly at his brain until the pain was brutal.

She was there with him. His body was wrapped possessively around hers, his hands holding her to him, his legs and arms trapping her close. She hadn't moved in her sleep, not even to put an inch between them. He would have known the moment she'd tried.

When I saw and heard you, there in your room all those nights, I wanted to crawl all over you, to put my mouth on your cock and taste you. I needed to lick you clean. I burned. I burned every night after I saw you do that and didn't really know how to make it go away.

He closed his eyes, savoring the sound of her voice, remembering the feel of her sinful mouth on him. So hot. Burning her brand into him. The jackhammers drilled deeper, insistently, sending shards of glass through his mind. His cock was pure steel, a thick, savage spike as relentless as the spikes pushing into his brain. Pushing against her body, he couldn't control the jerk of need, the throb of hunger, the rush of hot blood centering in his groin in a painful demand.

Trap inhaled, taking her scent deep into his lungs. Baby. I can't sleep anymore. It was still dark and he didn't need a clock to tell him it was around three A.M. The webs shrouding their bed added to the sensual, erotic need flooding him. I can't wait, Cayenne. If I don't fuck you soon, I swear to God, woman, I'm going to come apart.

He felt her pour inside his mind. Nerves were there, but no resistance. She was a little drowsy, but already, he could feel the same urgent need building in her. Not brutal or primitive like it was in him, but there all the same.

He slid his hand up her belly to cup her breast. So soft. Nothing like it. You feel like pure silk. He used his finger and thumb to roll her nipple. To tug gently. An exquisite torture for both of them. He knew from the night before that her breasts were sensitive. He applied a little more pressure, a pinch then a soothing brush. A flash of heat and then another soothing touch.

I want my mouth here. Right now, baby.

His hand urged her to turn slightly so she was on her back. Again she didn't protest. She went onto her back for him, his body tight against hers, his hand still on her breast. He didn't wait for her to settle, he dipped his head and took the offering. His mouth closed over her lush right breast, his hand working her left one. He suckled while his fingers kneaded. He used his teeth and tongue while his fingers rolled and tugged.

He may have started out gently, but with every hitch of her breath, every keening gasp and soft mewling cry, he got a little rougher. He used the edge of his teeth, and heard more sweet music from her. He marked her deliberately, several strawberries over the slope of each breast, suckling strong, branding her. His teeth tugged and his tongue soothed.

She arched into him, giving him more, her arms going around his head to hold him to her. He fucking loved that. No matter how much he took, she offered him more. She responded to his rough play, and when he interspersed harsh with gentle, her body writhed against his, silently begging for more.

He slid his hand down her soft belly to trace the pattern of the hourglass nestled in the center of the black curls. Her curls were silky, the red of the hourglass even silkier if that was possible.

I'm going to get a tattoo of this, he murmured softly into her mind, more of a thought than words. The pads of his fingers brushed through the tight curls. A spiderweb and a couple of spiders with this beautiful red hourglass.

You like it? In my hair and also down there? I can't make it go away. She sounded breathless. Shocked. Sensual. As if the thought of a tattoo matching her hourglass meant something to her.

He was absolutely honest with her. I would be very upset with you if you found a way to make this beautiful hourglass go away. It's part of you. Why would you want to change that? There was an edge to his voice and in his mind. I fucking love the hourglass. In your hair. In your curls. He stroked the design, feeling the soft tiny straight hairs nestled inside the vee of curls.

I look different from other women.

You look like you. I love the way you look, everything about the way you look, especially the hourglass right here and in your hair.

His hand cupped the patch of curls, fingers curling, finding her warm, wet entrance. His thumb brushed across all that damp heat. For him. Satisfaction eased some of the tightness in his gut. In spite of her nerves, she hadn't pulled away, and her body responded to his closeness. More, when he slid a finger into her, her body clamped down hard, trying to hold him inside, trying to take him deeper.

She was tight. Hot and tight. He was big and getting inside her might be a challenge, especially because he didn't want to hurt her. He turned more fully into her, one arm pinning her against him, fastening her there, as if he was afraid she would try to get away. He slid his finger out of her and brought it to his mouth. Her eyes, watching him, went wide and darkened with desire.

You look exotic, Cayenne. Beautiful and exotic. You taste the way you look. I want you until I can't think of much else. I am going to devour you, baby. I've suddenly got a ravenous hunger for your taste.

I wou

ld very much like that, Trap.

He heard the but in her voice. Felt it in his mind.

He nuzzled her breast again, afraid of losing her to fear. You're supposed to like it. I want you to love everything I do to you. He licked along her nipple and then used his teeth to tug, unable to resist. Are you afraid?

I'm nervous, she admitted. Really nervous, but I can feel how much you want this.

He knew it would be impossible for her not to feel how hard he was. How hot and ready. His cock was pushing hard against her hip, the blood pounding, engorged and hungry for her. He hadn't tried to hide that from her. He wanted her to know what he was like. More, she was in his mind and she couldn't help but feel the jackhammers tripping in his brain and know he had to have her.

I want you to want it too, baby. I like sex, Cayenne. I fucking love sex. When I come off a project, that's all I can think about. Now, with you close to me, it's the same way, but far worse, far more urgent and only for you. I want you every minute of the day. I'm walking around with a fucking hard-on and it's damn painful. I'm not going to lie to you. I'm going to want you all the time.

She didn't tense up at his warning--and it was a warning. He wanted her with every cell in his body. He knew once he had her, it wouldn't be enough. He'd want more. All the time. Just her scent called to him. When her body was close, it was impossible to ignore his body's reaction to her.

You have to be certain, Cayenne. This is about both of us, not just me and what I want. You have to want and need this every bit as much as I do.

I think you can tell I want it too.

He pressed his mouth to her silken skin. He loved the feel of her against him. There was nothing like warm silk. He couldn't help wondering if she would feel like silk inside her tight, feminine sheath, surrounding him, massaging his hard cock with silken fingers.

What is it then, baby? If you want me too, what is your "but," because there is one, I can feel it in your mind.

Her tongue touched her bottom lip. Licked. Then her top one. Moistening both. I love that you're hungry for me, Trap, but I'm just as hungry for you. I dreamt of taking your cock in my mouth again. I love the feel of you. Velvet yet so hot and hard.

At her admission, his cock jerked hard. A fireball rushed through his body and seemed to lodge in his pulsating shaft. He lifted his head to look into her eyes, but his gaze fell on her mouth. That mouth had taken him to paradise. She had full lips. Pouty. A perfect bow. Sinful and tempting. He had loved watching her take his cock, her mouth stretched around him, working him. He bent to take her mouth with his.

I'll give you any fucking thing you want, baby. You name it, it's yours.

She opened for him instantly, her response hot. Fire burned through him. His veins ignited. His heart hammered right through his cock. Beating hard. Jerking and pulsing with hunger. He was used to that, but not like this. Not with this terrible brutal unrelenting need pounding through his body and centering in his groin. Heavy and aching beyond anything he'd ever known.

Then I want to go first. I have a feeling once you get started, I won't be getting my turn for a very long time.

She was not wrong about that. He kissed her over and over, drowning in her. Coaxing her response at first. She followed his lead easily, learning fast. Sex had always been great, but he'd never felt like this before. So on edge. So hungry. Desperate for her taste. He had planned to devour her, and he was doing just that.

Her mouth moved under his. Sweet. So sweet. A promise of paradise. Her hands slid up his chest and one curled around his neck. The other hand crept into his hair, fingers tunneling into the unruly mass. Her response added a new element, so that he deepened the kiss, his heart fluttering strangely. His arms pulled her close, locking her to him, but with a tenderness he hadn't known he was capable of.

Baby, you want to go first, I'm going to give you that, but when I say you're done, you stop. I'm going to be inside you when I get off. He was going to explode. The rockets were going off already. Everywhere in his body, hot blood surged. Cells were alive and firing. Fingers of lust, mixed with something far sweeter and heavier, danced up his legs and down his chest, centering in his groin, where hunger and need mixed into one throbbing, hard spike.

Trap was acutely aware of everything about her. Her taste. Her scent. The fullness of her lips. Soft yet firm. Her hot mouth. Her body moving against his, all those lush curves, yet so small and delicate. Her body was pure silk and felt like heaven against his. His hands were huge on her, stroking down her breasts to her belly, fingers unerringly finding the hourglass and then dipping lower to press into her tight welcoming entrance that was even hotter than her mouth.

Cayenne moved her body subtly, breaking the kiss, sliding her hand over the heavy muscles of his chest and then down to his defined belly. She loved the way his body was so hard, all that steel under his skin. Every muscle defined and rippling at her touch. Trap radiated hunger--for her. She had never felt more wanted or more powerful than she did at that moment.

She wasn't an insect to be pinned to an exam table, she was a desirable woman. No. More. She was Trap's woman. She loved being his woman. It was thrilling, exhilarating and scary all rolled into one, but she believed him when he said he would have her back and take care of her. She didn't need taking care of, but she loved that he wanted to. She loved that he knew she would want to take just as good care of him. She wanted to take care of him right then, because she was in his mind and once he got started, he wasn't going to give her this moment, and she needed it.

She had enjoyed the night before and giving him this would take a little time, allowing her nerves to steady. She wanted this, to belong fully to him, but that didn't mean she wasn't nervous. He was very well proportioned and that meant that he was big. He didn't look as if he could possibly fit inside her. That terrified her, because if she couldn't handle him, she would lose him.

For the last four months, ever since she'd first laid eyes on him, there in her cell when all hope had been lost, she had wanted him. Her voice was a weapon, yet it didn't work on him. For some reason, she loved that it didn't--that he could resist her commands and could turn the tables on her. She knew she could paralyze him with a bite, or wrap him in her silk if necessary, so she was safe enough, but still, she liked the knowledge that he was her equal in every way.

She kissed his chin and then his throat. He lay back, allowing her to take the lead. She loved that too. The fancy veils hanging around the bed added to her feeling of safety, creating a warm, sensuous cocoon for the two of them. She loved her webs, the masterpieces she created. She'd been exhausted, but the wide-open space had made her feel vulnerable. Given the chance, knowing she would wake up to Trap, she had put effort into making the intricate webs especially beautiful--and she'd succeeded.

She kissed her way down his chest. She hadn't been able to touch that part of him the night before due to the silken ropes she'd tied him down with. Now, she took her time, memorizing every inch of him with her mouth, tongue and fingertips. She traced each muscle with her tongue, lapping at his skin. He tasted masculine. Perfect. He felt masculine. That was even more perfect.

Her tongue teased at his hard, flat nipples. She suckled gently and then, when his breath hitched, a little harder. She flicked with her finger and brushed with her thumb, watching his face to see his reaction.

Baby, I'm burning up here. You want this, you need to get to it.

She smiled against his belly as she licked down the path of his ribs to that particularly hard area. She loved the way his muscles rippled under her touch. She threw one leg over his thighs, straddling him. Holding him in place while she took her time exploring.

So impatient.

He made a single sound. A growl. It seemed to rumble up from his chest and sounded like a large menacing cat warning it was about to pounce on prey and tear it apart. She took the warning for what it was. Her man was definitely getting impatient and he wasn't going to wait much longer. She loved that. Loved

that he wanted her so much. Still, she was fairly certain, she could slow him down by giving him something else to think about.

She used her hands, now warm from his skin, to slide up his inner thighs, to cup the heavy velvet sac, rolling gently, all the while watching his face. She loved watching his eyes darken and the way the lines in his face deepened with desire--with need and hunger. She loved knowing she could do that to him even though she hadn't a clue what she was doing.

She had studied every book online she could find once the Internet was up and running again in Trap's home. He'd left one computer unprotected, for her to use, so she'd put it to good use, trying to learn as much about the outside world and, after seeing him at night, as much about sex as she could.

She put that knowledge to use, all the while watching his eyes, those blue flames burning hot behind the ice. Her fingers stroked and caressed. She bent her head, allowing her hair to slide over his bare thighs as she kissed the velvet softness and then used her tongue and mouth on him. His breath left his lungs in a gasping rush. His hips moved restlessly and one hand crept down to fist in her hair. All that told her she was doing something right.

She licked up his shaft, slid her tongue just beneath the crown while her thumb brushed over the soft, flared head, smearing those precious pearly drops. His breath hissed out of him.

Cayenne. The warning came through in a gruff, unmistakable command.

She smiled up at him, her gaze on his as she took him into her mouth. He was hot. Delicious. Thick and very, very hard. She loved the texture of him. The taste of him. She used her mouth, suckling hard and then butterflying her tongue before taking him deeper and then withdrawing. She worked at drawing liquid, at taking more of him into her mouth. It wasn't easy. He was thick, but she was determined. She enjoyed what she was doing and more, she loved what it was doing to him.

Don't look away.

She loved the sound of his voice. Low. Commanding. Edged with hunger. So erotic she was burning between her legs. She kept her eyes on his as she worked his cock with her mouth and tongue. His hips moved. Bucked. Drove him deeper. She knew her eyes went wide with shock, but she took him deeper and felt the answering rush of liquid heat between her legs.

Tags: Christine Feehan GhostWalkers Paranormal
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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