Boys of Brayshaw High (Brayshaw High 1) - Page 115

That fucking raspy laugh floats right into my ear and I’m ready to come.

I pull back to look at her and she nods, her tongue between her teeth.

I slam into her, over and over and over, her legs flying out, her knees sticking straight into the air.

Her pussy convulses around me and I’m fucking gone.

We both come, loud and fucking untamed.“Hello sister,” Royce jokes as I slide into the booth beside him.

“Get punched, Royce.” I steal Captain’s coffee and he frowns, but only for a half second before he motions for the waitress to bring another.

“So...” Royce grins, looking from me to Maddoc. “How’d it go?”

“Shut the fuck up.” Maddoc drops next to Captain, picks up a sugar packet and tosses it at him.

“Hey, I just wanna know if it was as hot as I imagine it was.”

“You imagine your brother fuckin’ often, Royce?” I tease, flipping through the menu.

Royce leans over. “So there was fuckin’?” He grins, making me laugh. “And he’s not my brother, ‘member? Cabin .... hotness ...”

I shake my head with a grin, catching Maddoc’s eyes on me a minute before he looks to his menu too.

“We ready to order?” Our waitress comes over with waters.

Everyone nods, gives their food of choice and she’s gone as quick as she came.

The boys start talking basketball strategy, so I slip from the booth and head for the bathrooms.

I’m just flushing when I hear the door open and a male voice telling the girl washing her hands to get out.

I hesitate a moment before unlatching the stall and walking out. I pause at the sight of Collins.

I keep a steady pace and loose shoulders as I walk to the sink. “Lost?”

“Nope. Saw you come in here.”

I nod, turning off the water and reaching for a paper towel, a way to lean against the farthest corner from where he stands near the door. “So, what’s up?”

He laughs lightly. “Checking on you is all. Seems the Brays get more protective of you by the day.”

“Seems so.”

“Wonder why.”

I keep my face blank, not answering him. Cleary, he has something he wants to say. Best way to hear it is to let him do all the talking.

“But so do you, don’t you?” He steps closer. “I could tell you, if you want. Because there is a reason.”

Pressure hits my chest but I ignore it.

“And what is it that you want, Collins?”

“Just you.”

A laugh bubbles out of me. “Liar.”

When he scowls, I stand taller.

“You want to feel like you’ve won something of theirs, gain an upper hand somehow. For whatever reason, you’ve decided that thing should be me. But you’re wasting your time, Collins. I’m as disposable as the next to come along.” I run my tongue along my teeth as acid fills my mouth at my own words.

“If that’s the case, why don’t you come home with me tonight, Rae?”

“Disposable or not, I’m not stupid.”

“You sure, not even for quick cash? You get down like your mom, right?” He tilts his head. “Tell me you can’t use the ten grand I promised.”

“You know, you’re not a smart as I thought you’d be, it’s no wonder you’re forced to be overly aggressive in your efforts.”

“What the fuck does that mean?”

“You’re getting braver, Collins. Cornering me in here like this, alone, with all three of them sitting just a few feet away. This means you’re more desperate, and you’re showing your cards. You want me away from the Brays and bad. Makes me wonder why you’d go through all the trouble just to take me off their hands. You and I both know, nothing good ever comes of a curious female.”

He blanches before he can stop himself but it’s quickly replaced with anger. “You seem to think I give a fuck what trash like you thinks. You know nothing about this world you were dropped into. Your eyes aren’t as open as they should be. You’re a fucking fool, Rae. Take the money.”

This bitch.

“The fact that you’d waste ten grand on paid pussy tells me how pathetic and underperforming you must be.” I step around him.

“You don’t belong with them, Raven.”

When I pause a moment, a dark chuckle leaves him.

“You’ll see.”

I exit the restroom and for a second, worry he won’t let me, but he doesn’t even attempt to keep me back. And that tells me all I need to know.

Collins has or does know something, or at least he thinks he does and he’s waging on my confronting the boys about it, trying to force fouls between us, but I keep my mouth shut.

Whatever it is doesn’t matter because, at the end of the day, I know where I stand, if not by their doing then by mine.

I knew from day one this was only temporary. It has to be.

I glance at Maddoc, right as he looks to me and unexpected dread fills me.

Tags: Meagan Brandy Brayshaw High Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025