Unwritten Rules (Filthy Florida Alphas 3) - Page 72

“And how he managed it,” Babs agrees.

“I told you, he’s with Cherry,” Desi insists.

“There’s no way he could have gone down the hall to her room, honey. I never moved from the bathroom door.”

“I know how…” Desi says cautiously.

“You know what, honey?”

“I know how Harley dis’peered,” she says.

“How?” Babs and I both ask.

“Through the mirror.”

“I think you watched that Narnia movie too much, baby cakes,” Babs says.

“No! Really. I’ll show you,” Desi says, already wiggling to get down. She practically jumps down and then goes in the largest stall. She fumbles around with the mirror and it pops open.

“Fuck me,” Babs whispers and I think the very same thing, but resist saying it because of Desi. “I better go get one of the boys,” she says, turning away.

“Take Desi with you,” I order her.

“Where are you going?”

“To Cherry’s room to find my son,” I growl, taking off running down the hall.67Marcum“What the fuck is going on?” I growl, looking at what’s left of the third dirty bomb we’ve found. It was a coordinated strike and damn sophisticated. I’ve got some heavy duty security around the club, but we are not fucking prepared to have bombs dropped in by a fucking drone.

“Welcome to the age of robotics,” Max growls, grinding a piece of the burned drone into the charred ground. It was a rude bomb to have such a sophisticated drop. There were three bombs. One was explosive and centered on taking out our garage and all of our fucking bikes and cars. The other had fucking nails exploding and was centered on the club itself. If we had our family in there…

Fuck, just the thought of what would have happened if Toi and the kids had been in there scares me to death.

The third bomb was another one filled with nails and it dropped on our guardhouse. It took out three of our best prospects. They dropped one right after the other and then…


“I’d say we should do some scouting and try to track the fuckers down, but…” Ride shrugs

“Our garage is fucking toast?” Ghost growls.

“We’ve got two SUVS in the garage by the swamp. Use those, but I doubt you will find shit,” I answer, raking my hand along the side of my face.

“You think it was the Alvaro and his men?” Max asks.

“Probably. I need to get Kuzma on the phone.”

“Jesus we’re in the middle of a fucking mob war,” Topper mutters.

“Weren’t you the son of a bitch who was complaining shit was getting too calm?”

“Don’t remind me, Dawg. Damn, I’m going to need a drink.”

“You and me both,” I agree. I take out my cell and hit the button for the programmed number I put in earlier. I take a few steps away from the others and after the third ring Kuzma picks up. Max falls into step behind me. I hate that I’m putting his family in danger, but it’s damn good to have him by my side.

“Kincaid, my employees don’t normally call. They wait for my call,” Kuzma answers

“I’m not your damned employee,” I growl.

“You can’t back out now. I handled your—”

“You didn’t handle shit. My club just got hammered, the garage is a complete loss and I’ve got casualties.”

“Garcias? They gave me their word the contract would be canceled.”

“Well, maybe they’re getting even at having their plans derailed. Fuck if I know, but you promised to get the assholes off my back and keep my woman safe. Got to tell you man, I’m not feeling fucking safe.”

“I’ll deal with it,” he snaps.

“Not if I deal with it first,” I tell him, hanging up the phone before he can respond. This is why I don’t like dealing with fucking suits.

“Marcum, we got problems,” Moth yells from within the club.

I crash through the doors, looking at the carnage and debris everywhere. I get ahold of Alvaro and I’m going to slice his balls off with a dull knife and feed them to him.

“Tell me something I don’t already fucking know, Moth.”

“Harley’s missing.”

Fuck. Fear slams through me and crashes hard against my chest, my heart stopping.

“What the fuck do you mean?” Max asks.

“Toi took him to the restroom during the lockdown. She let him go in alone, and when he wouldn’t answer she broke in and he was gone.”

“Someone took him?” I ask, still barely able to catch my breath.

“No man. He found the passage to your room.”

“Motherfucker, that boy is too damn smart for his own good.”

“Have you searched the place? I want it turned upside down. You hear me?” I yell, breathing a little easier. So he’s hiding out somewhere in the club. I’ll make his fucking ass bright red for worrying me… after I hug him. “Where’s Toi? She’ll be upset. We find him, I’ll want her to—”

“Marcum, buddy…”

Something in Moth’s tone scares me.

And I mean it fucking scares me.

Tags: Baylee Rose, Jordan Marie Filthy Florida Alphas Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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