My Favorite Souvenir - Page 8

He stared at me for a few seconds. “That might be a story for another time.”

I shook my head. “There’s not going to be another time. We won’t see each other after today.”

He winked. “The night is young, sister.”

Who is this man and why am I so captivated by him that I almost completely forgot I was snowed in at this damn hotel? Why am I telling him my life story?

I had so many other questions for “Milo,” but he soon changed the subject back to me.

“So, who are you really, Maddie?”

Moving the last of my cocktail around in the glass, I answered honestly. “I’m not sure anymore, Milo. I’m really not. I feel very lost right now, like I don’t know which direction to take my life.” I looked up at him. “But at this moment, I’m quite happy to just be Maddie, to forget about my troubles for a while.”

“Then Maddie you shall remain.” He smiled. “Whatever makes you happy. Think of our time here as a little adventure.”

“I’d like that. Mr. Hooker.”

“Very well, Ms. Hooker.”

I sighed. “I lost my sense of adventure over the past few years. I have wondered if my fiancé calling off the wedding might have been a sign I was headed in the wrong direction. Every day had become the same as the last. And as much as I appreciated the stability, I don’t know if that kind of life is in my nature.”

“That’s my girl. Look at what happened as your ticket out—on to bigger and better things. I can see the need for adventure in your eyes.”

“What does a need for adventure look like? A tired, crazy person?”

He just laughed.

We stayed at the bar, enjoying our conversation for a while longer until we decided to call it a night. Milo left Ed a huge tip before we walked together back toward the elevators.

After arriving at our adjacent hotel rooms, we lingered before entering.

I was the first to speak. “Well…it was nice chatting. Thank you for the drinks.”

Despite my essentially saying goodbye, we continued to stay in our spots.

Milo suddenly shook his head. “No.”

I was confused. “No?”

“This can’t be how it ends—I go back to my room. You go back to yours. We fall asleep and then part ways in the morning. You said you wanted adventure, right?”

My heart sped up. “What do you have in mind, Mr. Hooker?”

“You have your camera with you?”

“Of course. What kind of a photographer would I be without my camera?”

His mouth curved into a mischievous grin. “Good. Grab it. Then meet me down in the lobby in about ten minutes. Wear your coat and dress warm.”Chapter 3* * *MatteoShe said she wanted adventure; I planned to give it to her.

I wanted to see if I could put a smile on her face. This girl—whoever she was—had gotten a raw deal. Why not make the best of being stuck in Vail? There were worse locations to be trapped. If anyone knew how to make the most of this place, it was me. Though I hadn’t lived here permanently for years, I still had a major in at one of the best attractions in town.

The only problem would be getting there in this blizzard.

I was waiting for her in the lobby when Maddie exited the elevators. Damn, she was beautiful. Wild red hair and a dusting of freckles over her nose. She wore a white knit hat that matched her white puffer jacket. She looked like a living snow angel. Despite the obvious pain she’d experienced lately, her whole face still it up when she smiled. Yeah, there were definitely way worse situations to be stuck in. I wasn’t minding this at all.

My adventure partner had her camera strapped around her neck inside a leather case. She looked like she’d put some lipstick on. This girl was gorgeous without a drop of makeup, but the fact that she’d done that made me wonder if she was trying to impress me. She hadn’t given me any inkling that she was interested. I was sort of sick for even thinking about it since she was fresh off getting her heart broken. Technically, she was supposed to be on her honeymoon. That was so fucked up. I’d had a little rage brewing inside me ever since she’d told me what her ex pulled—definitely a weird reaction to have on behalf of someone I barely knew.

When she was right in front of me, I could also smell that she’d added some perfume.

“You look nice.”

“Thanks.” Her fair skin turned pink. “So, what’s this all about?”

“You’ll see. Wouldn’t be an adventure if I told you, now would it?”

“Oh boy. What am I getting myself into?”

“You’ll be fine. I’d never let anything happen to my sister.” I winked.

The first thing I needed to figure out was how the hell we were going to get from point A to point B.

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024