My Favorite Souvenir - Page 86

I wanted nothing more than to be inside her, but I wasn’t sure where her head was. As much as I wanted it, she needed to be sure of her decision. Though, when she threaded her hands into my hair, yanked, and ground down onto my cock, I got the feeling she was telling me exactly what she was in the mood for.

Our kiss broke with a pant. “Fuck.” I leaned my forehead against hers. “This isn’t easy, Hazel.”

She grinned. “No, it’s most definitely hard.”

I chuckled and dropped my head. “Tell me what you want? Is it okay that I kiss you?”

She groaned. “I want you so badly, Matteo.” She scooted back on my lap and looked down. Biting her lip, she said, “I think I left a little evidence of that on your pants.”

Fuck. Sure enough, when my eyes dropped, I found a big wet spot right over the bulge in my jeans. Hazel didn’t have any pants on under my long T-shirt. I raked a hand through my hair. “That’s the fucking hottest thing I’ve seen in a long time. Don’t be surprised if I never wash these pants again. I’m not ashamed to say, I may even sniff them a time or two after you leave me.”

Hazel giggled, and her cheeks turned pink.

The towel she had wrapped around her head had fallen off while we’d made out, and her wet hair had tumbled down all over the place. I pushed a lock of it behind her ear and kissed her lips gently once more. “Why don’t we have this conversation when we aren’t in the heat of the moment? That way we’re more likely to be honest with ourselves about where we want to take things.”

She smiled. “Okay.”

“I’m going to go take a shower,” I said.

“But you already took one.”

“Apparently, I need to wash some parts again.” I winked. “Hope you left your face cream in the bathroom.”Chapter 26* * *MatteoThat afternoon, I figured there was no rush going to the supermarket since we were meeting my parents for dinner. The Seattle sky was blue for a change, so it turned out to be the perfect day to show Hazel some of the local sights.

We went to the Space Needle, took a ride on the Seattle Center Monorail, and then on our way back, headed over to Pike Place Market. Hazel had brought her camera, and I wanted to show her the fish market where they threw the fish around before they wrapped them for customers. I figured it would make for a fun photo op.

While we both had a good time sightseeing, the highlight of my day was really just walking around freely, holding my girl’s hand. Our road trip had been the trip of a lifetime, but we were Milo and Maddie back then. And in New York, we had to sneak around like we were doing something wrong. So being out and about, our fingers laced while I showed Hazel my city, getting to watch her smile as she saw things for the first time, was about the best afternoon I could’ve asked for.

Hazel loved the fish market and snapped at least a hundred pictures of the workers throwing gigantic mackerel and cod. When she was done, I grabbed us two large coffees and told her I knew the perfect spot to have the conversation we’d started this morning. I walked us a few blocks, around the perimeter of Pike Place Market and down a quiet alley to the backside of some of the fish stores. One store had at least fifty milk crates stacked up behind their door, and next to them was a pungent-smelling dumpster. I grabbed two of the stacked milk crates from the pile and set them facing each other on the side of the foul steel container.

I motioned for her to sit. “Here we go. This is the place. Have a seat.”

Hazel’s face wrinkled up. “You want to sit and have our coffee here?”

“I do. I can’t think of a more perfect location.”

She laughed. “But it stinks!”

I sat down on one of the crates. “My point exactly. We’re about to have a conversation about sex. I figure if anything can keep our heads screwed on straight and our libidos in check, it’s sitting next to this thing.”

Hazel seemed unsure whether I was kidding or not, but when I crossed one leg over the other and settled onto my milk crate, sipping my coffee, her eyebrows perked. “Oh my God, you’re not joking, are you?”

I shook my head. “I take my discussions about fucking you very seriously. Now take a seat, and let’s get this over with before we both pass out from the fumes.”

Hazel looked at me like I was nuts, but the smile never left her face. Eventually, she pulled the other crate closer to me and sat. Sipping her coffee, she said, “Okay, let’s talk about sex, Mr. Duncan.”

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024