Rebel Heir (Rush Series Duet 1) - Page 50

He chuckled. “Yeah. It was the bed, not my mouth on your pussy that tuckered you out.”

“You’re so crass.”

He plated the eggs in the pan just as toast popped up from the toaster. “I forgot, I have to bribe you with a drink to get you to say dirty words.” He winked. “Go sit. I’ll make you some coffee and decide what I want to hear in order for you to get any caffeine.”

We sat down together for breakfast, and I couldn’t help but ogle Rush’s body. He had a lean, yet strong, muscular build. His pecs were sculpted, abs were chiseled into a six pack—or maybe it was eight—I definitely wanted to count the peaks and valleys with my tongue at some point, and his arms were corded and bulged each time he brought his coffee mug to his lips. I won’t even get started on that thin line of hair that ran from his bellybutton down into his sweatpants.

“What’s going on in that nutty head of yours this morning?” Rush had been watching me stare.

“I’m just checking out the merchandise.”

He arched a brow.

“What? You got to see me before you decided to ask me out on a date. I didn’t get to see you.”

His brows drew down. “When did I get to see you naked?”

“In the yellow bikini.”

He smirked. “That wasn’t exactly naked. Although I did see some areola and your entire ass. So it was pretty close.”

I don’t know what it was about Rush, but he made me bold. I shot him a devilish grin. “Well, I wouldn’t want to be unfair.” I promptly lifted the shirt I had on up and over my head, tossing it on the floor. I’d left my bra with my dress in the bedroom, so all I had on was a black lacey thong.

Rush’s fork clanked to the plate. “Fuck.” He swallowed. “You’re not making this easy.”

I tilted my head coyly. “Are you saying, I make it hard for you?”

His eyes trained on my breasts. I actually watched them darken to a deeper shade of green. “You have gorgeous tits.”

“Thank you.” I sipped my coffee, trying to act casual.

“I’d like to fuck them.”

I choked mid-sip and sputtered some coffee onto my plate. I’d started this, but Rush had certainly taken over. My mouth was suddenly dry, and it was my turn to swallow. “You’d like to…”

“Fuck them.”

“Umm. Okay.”

His eyes flickered to my neck, and he pointed at it. “I love your collarbone. It’s so delicate and pretty. The skin around it is so perfect and smooth.”

“Thank you.”

“I’m gonna come on it.”


“All over your neck. After I fuck those gorgeous tits.”

I squirmed in my chair. “And when is this happening?”

His eyes rose and locked with mine. They gleamed with wickedness. “Whenever I want.”

Maybe it should have upset me that the guy I’d just started dating had just told me at breakfast that he planned to have sex with my breasts and finish all over my neck whenever he wanted, but damn…I was game.

I jumped when Rush abruptly pushed his chair back from the table. He walked to where I sat and leaned down to kiss my lips. “Put your shirt back on. I’m trying to be good.” He scooped it up from the floor and held it out to me.

I pouted.

“Titty fucking requires at least another date or two.” He turned and started to walk out of the kitchen.

“Where are you going? You didn’t finish your breakfast.”

“Use your imagination, Gia. I’ll certainly be using mine.”Rush drove me home. Even though I wasn’t ready to leave him yet, I really needed to write all day before working tonight. He idled out front instead of parking. “You’re on tonight, right?”

I nodded. “Six o’clock.”

“How about we do something tomorrow?”

“I’m working brunch starting at eleven.”

“I know the boss. I’m sure he’ll give you the day off.”

I smiled. “Okay! What do you want to do?”

“I was thinking of going in to see my mother. She wants me to meet some asshole she’s seeing, and you wanted to see her artwork anyway.”

My brows drew together. “She’s dating an asshole? How do you know if you haven’t met him?”

Rush deadpanned. “He’s dating my mother.”

I laughed. “And he’s automatically an asshole just because he’s dating your mother?”

“He starts out as an asshole and has to earn his way out.”

I leaned over and brushed my lips with his. “You’re lucky I find the protective part of you adorable, because some people really might think you’re the one who’s the asshole.”

“Go write, Shakespeare.”

I rubbed my nose back and forth against his. “Maybe I’ll write a scene where the hero goes down on the heroine since I have such a nice memory to borrow from.”

Rush groaned. “Get out of my car before I have to take another shower.”

I chuckled and opened the car door. “Later, boss.”

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Rush Series Duet Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024