Rebel Heir (Rush Series Duet 1) - Page 57


My girl.

Fuck. Did I just think that?

I did.

Gia was my girl.

What was happening to me that I actually loved the thought of being tied down? Tied up. Whatever. Fact is, I’d never wanted to be attached until she came along and taught me that there was a first time for everything.

Well, damn.

I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had a girlfriend. It was probably in high school, but even then, my relationships were short-lived. I used to think I didn’t want it. But now, I realize it was just that the right person hadn’t come along.

Gia had insisted on driving herself to my place. That was fine with me because it gave me extra time to make something for us to eat. Cooking wasn’t my forte, but I was one hell of a griller. I could marinate the fuck out of some vegetables and meat, throw it all on skewers and slap them on the grill. I made pilaf in the rice cooker and threw some garlic bread in the oven. Earlier I’d stopped at the liquor store to pick up Gia’s favorite Moscato. That definitely elevated my pussy-whipped status up by a notch.

When she knocked on the door, I put my beer down and went to let her in.

Her shoulders were rising and falling as she stood in the doorway. She looked anxious. She was wearing a red strapless dress, and her flushed skin looked like it was trying to compete with the color of her outfit.

Gia lifted her hand. “Hey.”

I pulled her into a hug, and that turned into me lifting her up in the air as she wrapped her legs around me. I kissed her so hard, sucking all the clear gloss off her lips.

When I put her down, I couldn’t help noticing how good her tits looked.

They looked huge, like they wanted to spill out of that dress.

“I missed you today,” I said.

Pussy. Whipped.

“I missed you, too.”

When I finally pried my eyes away from her breasts and looked up at her face, I noticed that it seemed like her eyes were watery.

My brows furrowed. “Are you…crying?”

She sniffled. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I just got emotional all of a sudden. I’m sorry. That happens to me sometimes. It’s random. I’m fine.” She wiped her eyes. “Really happy, actually. I promise.”

I didn’t know what to make of that. I just knew I needed to taste her lips again. Caressing her cheek, I brought her mouth to mine.

Gia took a deep breath in. “Something smells really delicious.”

“I grilled us up some dinner. Thought it was about time you sampled my meat.” I winked.

When she didn’t respond to that with laughter—in fact, when she didn’t respond at all—I knew something was still preoccupying her. It was unlike Gia not to come back with something.

Placing my hand around her waist and inching her closer to me, I said, “You sure you’re okay?”

“Yes.” She smiled.

We ended up eating dinner on the deck. We both devoured the steak tips with mushrooms, peppers, onions, and zucchini. Gia said she didn’t feel like any of the wine, which was odd. So, I tried to make her something else. Even trying to get her to say a dirty word in exchange for a Cosmo didn’t work.

We watched the sun setting as I sipped my own wine while she drank water. Hanging out on my deck like this was becoming our thing.

After dinner, Gia sat in between my legs as we stared out at the dark ocean.

Her hair was blowing in the breeze when she suddenly said, “I want to learn everything about you, Rush. I don’t want to miss anything there is to know.”

“We have plenty of time for that, don’t we?”

She turned around momentarily when she said, “No one knows how much time we ever have.”

I squeezed her. “Okay, Miss Morbid. What do you want to know? I’ll tell you. Anything at all. Shoot.”

“What’s your favorite color?”


“No surprise there. It suits you.” She chuckled. “Um…where do you see yourself in ten years?”

“That’s a bit of a jump…”

“I know. I’m just asking questions as they pop into my head.”

I thought about her question then said, “I honestly don’t know, Gia. I know the typical answer that most people would give is…married with kids and a dog or some shit. But I’m not most people. That was never how I saw my life. But I’m realizing lately that what I thought I wanted and what I actually want might be different. I don’t have a clear grasp on what ten years from now or even tomorrow looks like.” I spoke against the back of her neck. “I hope you’ll just wing this with me.”

She turned around and answered me silently with a kiss.

Then she blurted out, “How many women have you been with?”

I should’ve seen this coming at some point.

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Rush Series Duet Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024