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Backup Plan (Boys of Silver Ridge 1)

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He’s moving slow on purpose, somehow able to control himself, and inches his fingers down. I hold my breath, desperately waiting for him to give me more. He sucks at my neck and curls one finger over my clit. My lips part and a moan escapes me from that small movement. He moves his finger back, rubbing me again, and it feels so fucking good.

And then he lets go, stepping back so suddenly I almost fall. I start to turn but Sam is already there, hands clasping around my waist. He pushes me forward and I stumble back, holding onto him as he pins me between his body and the wall.

“Chloe,” he breathes, and hearing him say my name is one of the most erotic moments of my life. “Touch yourself. I want to watch.”

Okay, now this is the most erotic moment in my life. I swallow hard, unable to take my eyes off of Sam’s. He puts his lips to mine and takes my hand, moving it between my legs. With our fingers together, I rub my clit. Sam takes his hand off of mine and steps back, watching me touch myself.

My lips part and I arch my back, resting my head against the wall. I let my eyes fall shut, but can still feel Sam’s gaze on me. I bring my hand up only to push it back down, inside my panties. A growl comes from deep inside Sam’s throat, and he comes to me again, pulling my hand from my panties. He presses himself between my legs as he kisses me and runs his hands down my body again.

I can feel his big cock through his pants, and it sends a thrill through me. I’ve never been with a man this large, and I know it’s going to destroy me in the best way possible. My hands go to his pants again, fumbling with the button. Finally, I pop the button right as Sam kisses me, and his cock forces the zipper down. He groans when I touch him, taking in the sheer size and girth of that thing. There were always rumors about Sam being well-equipped, but having him against me like this is intimidating.

I push his pants down as we make out, Sam’s hands exploring my body. He steps out of them and drops to his knees, mouth going to my core. His breath is hot against me, and I gasp as a shiver makes its way down my spine. He looks up, gaze promising what’s to come, and kisses my stomach.

Slowly, he slides his fingers under the sides of my panties and rolls them down, letting them fall when they get past my knee. He kisses his way down my thigh and lifts up one of my feet, taking my underwear off so now it’s just hanging around one leg.

Then he widens my legs and dives right in between, mouth open. His tongue lashes against me once, but then he stands up, leaving me quivering before him. He kisses me, hand going between my legs. This time, I won’t let him tease me. I can’t handle any more of it.

I grab his wrist, keeping his hand between my legs. He works his fingers, rubbing my clit and then pushing two fingers inside me, finding the spot that brings me right to the brink of orgasm. He moves his lips to my neck, figuring out fast that I’m a sucker to be kissed in that spot.

“Don’t you…you dare stop,” I pant.

“What are you going to do if I do stop?” he whispers right back, rubbing my clit again. My entire body is tingling, so close to coming.

“I’ll…I’ll finish myself while you watch and then send you on your way.”

“Damn,” he croons and nips at my skin. He speeds up his movements, and only a minute later, my legs are shaking as the orgasm ripples through me. I cling to him, legs no longer working, and let my head roll back again the wall again as pleasure rolls through me. My pussy spasms around Sam’s long fingers and my ears ring. Before I can open my eyes or even form a coherent thought, Sam picks me up and grabs my beach towel and spreads it on the floor. He lays me down on it and goes right between my legs.

Holy fuck.

I’m still reeling from the first orgasm as he dives in between my legs, licking and flicking his tongue over my already-sensitive clit. I’m almost on overdrive, and don’t know if my body can handle another—oh fuck. Yes, yes it can.

I put one hand on Sam’s head, tangling his hair between my fingers. He alternates between licking and sucking my clit, and it doesn’t take long before my mouth falls open and my body shakes from the intensity of another orgasm. I gasp for air as the world spins around me. Sam moves over top, kissing me softly.

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