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Backup Plan (Boys of Silver Ridge 1)

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My eyes flutter open and shut, needing to look at Sam’s handsome face. I’ve imagined this day for years…wondering if actually sleeping with Sam would be as good as I hoped it would be. And tonight he’s proven that it’s even better.

But he hasn’t even fucked me yet.

“Where’s your room?” His voice is low, heavy with want, and rattles right through me.

“Up…upstairs,” I pant, and he scoops me up, strong arms holding me against him. He knows there’s no way I could get up and walk right now, and he effortlessly carries me up the stairs.

“First door,” I tell him, and my heart, which was finally slowing down, starts to speed up again as I think about Sam pushing that big cock inside of me. He lays me down on my bed, and I suck in a breath, pushing up on my elbows.

He pulls his shirt over his head, dropping it on the floor. The outside lights dimly light the room, giving me just enough to admire Sam’s muscular body.

He moves between my legs, and I bend one leg up. “You are everything, Chloe,” he breathes and puts his lips to mine. I reach down, pushing at the elastic of his boxers. He helps me strip him bare, and now we’re together with nothing in between us. “I never should have waited to tell you I love you.”

He lines his cock up with my entrance and kisses me, waiting just a beat before pushing inside. I cry out from the tight fit. Moving slow at first, he pushes all the way in and then slowly pulls back only to thrust in again. He repeats it over and over, fucking me harder and faster with fluid movements.

“You are so fucking hot,” he pants, pushing his cock in balls deep. I open my mouth to tell him that he is too, but I’m overcome with pleasure again and my words turn into a loud moan. I’ve never come from penetration before, and I’ve had some very eager contenders swear they’d be able to make me.

The orgasm comes from deep inside, spreading through me like wildfire. My pussy contracts around Sam’s cock. My toes tingle and I see stars floating above us. Sam’s breathing becomes ragged and he pushes his cock deep inside me, holding it there as he comes.

Holy. Shit.

The world is spinning. My heart is racing. And Sam told me he loves me.

He kisses my forehead and slowly pulls out, lying next to me and wrapping me in his embrace.

“I love you, Chloe Fisher,” he says, voice still breathy. “I’ve loved you for years. I needed to say it again.”

“I like hearing it. And I love you, too.”

He pushes up on one elbow and brushes my hair back. “I’m sorry for being such an idiot before. I never should have let you run away.”

“You shouldn’t have, but I forgive you. We were young. I’m not going to hold it over your head forever.”

“Good.” He smiles and kisses me again. My heart is racing and I’m sure it’s going to be that way the rest of the night. I slip away to use the bathroom and clean up, hurrying to get back to bed and next to Sam. He spoons his large body around mine and slowly drags his fingers up and down my arm. I want to stay awake and soak up every second of this moment. Things finally fell into place, and I know there are still details to work out, but for right now, everything is how it should be.“Good morning.”

My eyes flutter open, and I turn my head up, looking at Sam. I’m still enveloped in his arms.

“Morning,” I say back, voice thick with sleep. I stretch out and roll over, resting my head on Sam’s chest. “You were right.”

“I usually am, but I’m gonna need you to specify this one.”

“You’re an idiot.” I splay my fingers on his bare chest. “We could have been doing this for years.”

He pulls me closer and kisses my neck. “We’ll have to make up for it.”

“Mhhh,” I moan, agreeing with him. “But let me pee first.” My eyes flutter shut, and I lie there for another few seconds before finally forcing myself up. I can feel his eyes on me as I walk butt naked out of the room and into the bathroom. I clean myself up as fast as I can, quickly brush my teeth, and run a comb through my hair.

Sam isn’t in the bedroom when I get back. Clanking dishes echo from the kitchen, and I smile as I grab a pair of sleeper shorts and a tank top. I get dressed and go downstairs, finding Sam by the coffeepot. Two mugs are out, and the smell of coffee fills the air. He’s wearing just boxers, and his hair is even messier than usual. I smile, feeling all hot inside since I know his hair is messy due to how much time he spent between my legs last night.

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