Billion Dollar Stranger - Page 14

And his body.

God, his body had been something else. My other three exes look like boys in comparison. My stranger was lean but muscular; massive biceps, broad chest, and a stomach that an army of women could have washed their clothes on for days. I wish he'd let me touch him. I wish I'd gotten to appreciate everything he had going on. For the first time in my life, my tongue actually longed to lick a man's skin.

It's weird to think about someone that I know so intimately but will never see again. I'm not really sure how to deal with my feelings. Our encounter was seriously hot and totally outside anything I had ever done before. I mean, he tied me up, ordered me around, and did things to me in a cold and clinical way that had me panting and moaning and coming harder than I thought I could bear.

God, when he spread my legs and then eased open my lips, looking at my pussy with those hungry eyes, I swear I couldn't breathe. And his words. The dirty things he said just made everything so much hotter.

Thinking about him and reliving it has my pussy tingling all over again, something I definitely need to get rid of before my meeting today. It doesn't take me long to make myself come so hard with a mind full of filthy thoughts inspired by a man whose name is still a mystery. It's blissful and empty all at the same time.

In the bathroom, I study my body, trying to see what he saw. My hipbones are more prominent than I remember, probably from all the days of being unable to eat after discovering Jonathan's betrayal. My thinness suddenly angers me. Why did I punish myself when it was him at fault? I should have pampered myself, nurtured my soul with my favorite foods and wine, and spent time with friends instead of languishing at home and drowning myself in work.

I have marks around my nipples where my stranger nipped and pinched, and the ends of them are reddish pink from his ministrations. I run my palms over them, remembering how it felt when he cupped my breast at the end. It was a possessive and affectionate gesture that didn't really fit his other actions.

The shower is bliss on my aching muscles and it soothes my sore flesh. I feel sad to wash all trace of him from my body, watching the water disappear into its plughole spiral, thinking about his sweat that had cooled on my skin. As I towel myself dry, I feel a touch of sadness. Not a lot, just a hint. He made a big impression on me in a way. He woke me up.

One night.

One night of freedom from the constraints I burden myself with.

It will have to be enough.

I dress to impress, in a black fitted skirt suit, pink blouse, and my highest black heels. I need to make a powerful impression to back up my sales pitch. I would usually put on some sexy lingerie under an outfit like this but instead, I wear simple cotton panties to avoid any unnecessary pressure on my tender lady parts. Applying flawless makeup and simple jewelry, I wonder what the offices will be like. Aaron Harrington Pharmaceuticals is a global operation, but this is their headquarters. I expect it'll be clinical, with extremely professional receptionists and glass elevators.

I have a light breakfast in the hotel restaurant; well, pancakes and fruit. Who can resist the allure of American buttermilk pancakes with a growling stomach? On my way out, I have to walk past the hotel bar, and my heart skips as I remember what happened there only hours before. I take a taxi to the offices of my client, computer in a briefcase, professional and ready for my sales pitch.

As I expect, the offices are modern and minimalist. The tall glass building opens through revolving doors into an echoingly cavernous lobby area with clusters of Barcelona chairs, sleek glass tables, and eclectic potted plants and statues. The employees that are heading in or out seem efficient and professional. The receptionist is polite and immaculate, reminding me of one of the hostesses that served me on my flight across the Atlantic. I'm escorted to a meeting room where I'll be meeting Holden Davis, my longstanding contact that I have never met in person but have video-conferenced with regularly. I wait for fifteen minutes in the stark room, wondering what the holdup is, but as I shuffle back through my papers, there is a brisk knock. I stand up and face the door, hand ready to shake Holden's, but it isn't him entering the room with a wicked smile on his face.

"Nicole," says a deep and familiar voice that makes the hairs on the back of my neck rise. "I'm Aaron Harrington, CEO of Aaron Harrington Pharmaceuticals. It's so nice to finally put a face to a name." He grins at me broadly, and I die a little inside. "Take a seat. Can I get you a drink?" When I flop back on the chair in shocked horror, I forget about my sore pussy and moan when my bottom hits the hard surface. Aaron laughs. "Gin and tonic then, or shall we make it a whiskey?"

Tags: Stephanie Brother Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024