Game of the Stepbrothers (2 Wicked Stepbrothers 1 Innocent Girl 4) - Page 2

He groans loudly and curses before I feel him pulsing in me, finally releasing his cum, which I crave so badly. I feel the

liquid running down my leg as he releases his hold inside me, and I don’t waste a second.

Not even waiting for him to finish and still dizzy from my own orgasm, I move from under him and to the side while he collapses on the bed next to me, still moaning.

Then, I move down and take his throbbing cock in my mouth, licking him clean.

The taste of his cum was an acquired taste, but now it’s like I have an addiction. I lick every last drop and suck him dry until he can only gasp with each movement of my tongue over his thick head.

Finally, when I’m satisfied with my own work, I let Blane cradle me in his arms, giving him a mischievous smile.

“Now it’s a good morning,” I say wickedly, and his grin mirrors mine as I settle in his arms, the sheets damp with our combined juices.

And it’s moments like this, the blissful mornings, the crazy orgasms, that I can forget about the predicament we’re in … If only for a few minutes.

Chapter 1

“I’m home!” Blane’s voice interrupts me from downstairs and I put down my book, rushing down to meet him. As engrossed as I get in my romance novels, I’m always transported back to reality as soon as I hear that much loved baritone.

My book forgotten, I rush down the stairs, crashing into Blane’s arms as he walks through the door. He laughs out loud, raising me in his arms and twirling me around like I weigh nothing. I let myself have that moment of pure pleasure, the happiness soaking through my skin.

“Missed you,” I whisper in his neck when he slowly lowers me down, his hands on my ass, not releasing me for a second. “You were gone for a long time …”

“I was gone for three hours,” Blane objects with a grin, to which I reply with a pout.

“But it’s Saturday.”

He gives me an apologetic smile, setting me down and pressing a loving kiss to my forehead. Next, he heads into the kitchen and I follow in his steps like a lost puppy.

A lot has changed since those early days when our parents died and left us the company …

At first, I acted as the head of the company, but it was pretty apparent I didn’t have much of a clue what I was doing. So instead, we decided I would stay at home and help with the bigger decision, while Blane worked in the office.

But that means he’s head of the company now, and also that he will be called to work at the most outrageous time of day when there is a crisis - and lately, it seems like that’s all we’re having. I wonder how the business is even staying afloat with all these terrible problems.

I listen to him prattle on about work, but I don’t mind the slightest. And not only because this is the man I love, and I would listen to him telling me a story about grilled cheese. It’s because the company was started by my mother and their - his father, and it’s our only legacy. It is important to both me and Blane to keep it afloat and as successful as can be.

“I have a surprise for you,” Blane finally says, mischief sparkling in his eyes, and my pupils dilate as I clap my hands excitedly.

“What is it?” I wonder happily, and he comes closer to me, hiding something behind his back.

“Close your eyes,” he tells me, and I obey, shaking ever so slightly. I know I’m just a big kid, but I freaking love surprises. This makes me happy, and he knows it very well, which I love about my man.

Pulling my hands to my front, he puts something thin and papery in them and allows me to look. I immediately do so, stopping on his face first before my eyes fly to the object in my hand.

It is indeed a piece of paper and it says ‘Congratulations’ on it.

I look up at Blane, feeling more than a little confused, but giddy at the same time. I know this is going to be good, whatever it is.” What is this?” I ask, barely holding back my excitement.

Blane wraps me in a big hug, pressing another kiss against my lips. “Remember that charity auction we did?”

I think back a few weeks, remembering an auction we held for a local charity. We ended up raising a lot of money by selling some paintings, and if I recall collectly, there were some raffles for prizes for the guests as well.

“We won the raffle?” I ask with surprise. “I thought that wasn’t allowed.”

Blane shrugs before explaining what happened. “Guess they just pulled our name when they had the draw. We won a trip to Hawaii.”

I look at him, my eyes widening with excitement. “Can we go?” I ask hesitantly, fully expecting him to postpone the entire thing because of work. But what he says next takes me completely by surprise.

“I’ve booked a flight for tonight,” he says softly in my hair, and I can’t help myself - I actually squeal, like I’m some teenager. We laugh together as I exclaim I need to start packing and Blane wraps me in his strong embrace, whispering in my ear of some other plans he has with me before we leave …


The flight that night is peaceful and with no turbulence at all. I’m a nervous flyer, but I’m so giddy with excitement and happiness I probably wouldn’t even notice a few bumps on the way to Hawaii.

Blane grins at me every so often, responding to some last minute work e-mails on his tablet. I gaze at him adoringly most of the way there, thinking that this is the first holiday we’ve managed to take together. Since we’ve been together for about three years now, it really is a shame. But that doesn’t take away from my mood in the slightest.

Arriving at the hotel, I’m awestruck by the beauty of our surroundings. All lush greens and juicy looking fruit and flowers, it’s like we’ve gotten lost and ended up in paradise. A kind hotel receptionist shows us to our room.

I say room, but it’s really a huge, beautiful suite. I fall in love with the space immediately, but am even more impressed when I walk to the balcony, looking at the beautiful view. It’s all azure, crystal clear water, and a small island a few miles off the shore. It really is beautiful, and I wish we could stay here forever, just blocking out all the bad things that have happened in our lives so far.

As if on cue, my scar starts throbbing and I scratch it subconsciously, my brows furrowing. Then, a pair of strong arms envelops me from behind as I hear the front door click, signaling that the receptionist has left.

“My love,” Blane whispers in my ear, and I settle in his warm embrace for a few blissful moments, watching the sun set over the balcony. “My only one …”

His words like soft caresses on my skin, I feel a little better instantly - but Blane knows me better than anyone else, and he can feel the tension in my body.

“What’s wrong?” he asks, and I bow my head down.

He won’t take no for an answer, though.

He grabs me by the shoulders and gently turns my back to the fence on the balcony, so I’m facing him. He reaches for my chin, tilting my face up until we’re looking into each other’s eyes. “Tell me, baby,” he asks, and it breaks my heart, knowing what I have to admit.

Instead, I purse my lips and fight back the tears that are threatening to escape my eyes, biting back a scream of frustration.

I hate you Aiden, you sick fuck.

He’s ruined everything, every small, perfect moment like this one. Every single second of my life is scarred by what he did to me, to us.

I hope you rot in hell.

“Emme,” Blane says softly. “Come on now. You can’t be thinking about all that again?”

I raise my eyes defiantly to meet his. “How can you not?” I whisper angrily.

He sighs heavily and his arms leave my shoulders, leaving a dark and empty spot behind them. “I can’t keep talking about this. What happened should stay in the past where it belongs. Aren’t we happy together, baby? Don’t you love me?”

I can’t help but nod my head, though this does not help the problem at hand in any way. “But …”

“No buts,” he asks, pressing a strong finger to my lips. He looks at me thoughtfully for a moment before breathing a heavy sigh. “It’s so beautiful here, isn’t it?”

I nod thankfully,

happy for the change in topic.

“This would be a beautiful place to take our kids …”

And he’s changed it to something even less favorable.

“Blane,” I say with worry in my voice. “We’ve talked about this …”

He raises his hands in the air defensively, signaling defeat. “I won’t bother you too much,” he says. Finally, he looks back into my eyes and gives me that mischievous grin I’ve always loved.

His smile is infectious, and as hard as I try to fight it, my expression soon mirrors his.

“I did get something for you before we left,” Blane admits softly, and once again, my eyes widen with surprise. This day keeps getting better and better, and my heart swells with love I feel for this man.

My one and only.

He pulls a long velvet box out of his pocket and I clap my hands with excitement. Blane is not one for big romantic gestures, and he’s never gotten me jewelry. He used to take me to expensive shops and let me choose whatever I wanted to, but he never brought me anything himself.

“What is it?” I ask shyly, and am met by Blane’s sexy, dark grin.

“Why don’t you open it and see?” he suggests.

I take the box out of his hands with trembling fingers, slowly lifting the lid. When I see what’s inside, I gasp lightly. It truly has taken my breath away.

I have to steady my fingers so the box doesn’t clatter to the floor, and I lift out a beautiful necklace with a shaky hand.

Dangling from my fingers is the most beautiful long silver necklace with a pendant on the bottom. It’s some kind of precious stone, carved in the shape of a doe.

“How beautiful,” I whisper softly.

Blane gently takes it from my fingers and I move my hair to the side so he can slip the pendant on. My fingers take the necklace and I admire the beautiful stone, which is somehow still raw yet so smooth.

“It’s made of amethyst,” Blane explains, his voice hoarse and embarrassed. “The doe … she reminded me of you, darlin’.”

I nearly melt on the spot, but instead, I leap into his arms and he chuckles as I whisper ‘I love you’ in his neck over and over again.

Tags: Stephanie Brother 2 Wicked Stepbrothers 1 Innocent Girl Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024