A Merry Vested Wedding - Page 24

“What the hell?” Richard bellowed.

“I think he does now.” My dad smirked.

We raced around the corner. Richard was standing in front of Heather’s desk. Reed and Heather were behind it, both looking rumpled. Heather’s mouth was swollen, and Reed’s hair was messy, as if someone’s fingers had been in it. Namely, Heather’s.

“You had better tell me that Heather was choking and you were providing assistance,” Richard snarled.

“Daddy,” Heather protested. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Don’t you ‘Daddy’ me,” Richard demanded. “What is going on?”

Reed straightened his shoulders. “I was kissing Heather.” He put his hand on her shoulder. “My girlfriend.”

Richard inhaled sharply. “Your girlfriend?”

Heather slid her hand over Reed’s. “His girlfriend,” she repeated.

Richard looked at my dad. “Did you know?”

“Recently, yes. I thought she had told you.” My dad pulled on my arm. “We’ll leave you to, ah, talk.” He paused. “And Richard?”


“No blood. We don’t allow blood during business hours.”

“I can’t promise anything.”

“Dad! Stop overreacting!”

“I’ll decide when I’m overreacting, young lady.”

She rolled her eyes. “Give me strength. I’m calling Mom.”

“She’ll be on my side on this one.”

Heather picked up the phone. “We’ll see.”

My dad and I backed out of the office, pulling the door shut.

“Is that a good idea?”

He grinned. “If you survived Bentley, Reed can handle Richard. He’s been working out with Aiden and Van. He can take him.”

“You’re really not worried?”

“I have no doubt Heather will calm him down. Especially if Katy is involved.” He clapped my shoulder. “I am getting too old for this shit.”

Richard had calmed down eventually. He had always liked Reed, so that helped. His trips to visit happened more frequently for a while, though.

Nan’s throat-clearing brought me back to the present. “And Jaxson?” she asked, her eyebrow raised.

“Ah, that’s just Gracie’s boss,” Addi replied, looking uncomfortable. “He helped her get here today.”

Sandy leaned forward and kissed her. “And Richard was Katy’s boss. History has a way of repeating itself.”

They left, and I slid my arm around Addi. “Ready?”

“I think so.”

Bentley suddenly appeared in front of us. He smelled of cigar smoke and scotch, and his normally shrewd gaze was cloudy. He cupped Addi’s cheek. “Be happy, baby girl. Don’t forget me.”

She struggled to hold back her grin. “I’ll see you in two days, Dad.”

“I know. Cut me a little slack, okay? I love you.”

“I love you too. Now go back to the balcony and finish your cigar. No more scotch.”

He chuckled and reached out for my hand, shaking it wildly. “Welcome to the family, Brayden. I’m happy you’re my son-in-law.”

“Thanks, Bent.”

“Hurt her, and I will dissect you into such small pieces, they’ll never find you.”

I blinked. “Good to know.”

Then he grinned. “Nah. Kidding.”

He walked away, calling over his shoulder. “Aiden will, though.”

He stopped by the table and bent to kiss Emmy. She said something to him, and he waved his hand. He headed back to the balcony, and all the women at the table burst into laughter.

I chuckled. “I think your dad is a bit drunk. I’ve never seen him drunk.”

“It’s been a hard day for him.”

I bent close and kissed her. “You okay?”

She sighed and leaned her head on my shoulder. “Yeah, but I can’t take much more emotion tonight. Can we slip out, or is that rude?”

I looked over to the mothers’ table and indicated the door with my chin. Emmy and my mom nodded and waved, both still looking amused.

I kissed Addi’s head. “We’re covered. The car is out front. Let’s go.”

She picked up her purse and the cardigan. “I’m with you.”“I can walk!” Addi protested as I slipped her from the car and into my arms.

“Nope. I’m carrying you over the threshold. It’s tradition.”

“Oh.” She relaxed in my arms. “Okay, then.”

I chuckled, dropping a kiss to her head. “Besides, you fell asleep before we even left the parking lot. You’re exhausted, my little elf.”

Inside, I set her on the sofa. “Stay.” I waggled my finger.

She rolled her eyes dramatically. “So it begins.”

Laughing, I returned to the car and grabbed the basket, returning to the warmth of the house. I set down the basket and held out my hand. “Let’s get you out of that dress so you can eat.”

She sighed. “I imagined you peeling it off me in the bedroom and ravishing me right after.”

“How about I peel it off you, kiss every inch I uncover, then we can eat and relax.” I smiled at her indulgently. “We have the rest of the night for me to ravish you.” I chuckled at her trying to cover up her yawn, and I held out my hand. “Come with me.”

In our bedroom, she gasped. I’d had it filled with flowers and candles while we were gone, wanting it romantic for her. There was a bottle of champagne chilling and a single rose on her pillow.

“Bray.” She turned to me, her hands clasped. “It’s so beautiful.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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