Off Course (Off 4) - Page 4

Coming out from behind the bar, I loop my purse over my shoulder and walk by him. His hand reaches out and again snatches my wrist. It's warm and I can feel my pulse speed up. I'm sure he can feel it thumping against his palm and I mentally slap myself to get it under control.

His thumb rubs a circle against my wrist. "Come on... don't be that way, cailin alainn."

I start to jerk out of his hold but those words stop me, and the memory of that night comes flooding back to me. "What did you just call me?"

Cillian steps in closer but doesn't release his hold on me. With his other hand, he reaches up and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear, looking into my eyes. "I called you 'cailin alainn'. You recognize it, I'm sure. It's the same exact thing I called you five years ago, Renner."



Renner's eyes go wide when she realizes I recognize her.

And how could I not remember someone like her?

It's been five years since I saw her last and every detail of her stunning face is just as I remembered it. Her sinful, dark red hair still flows down her back in soft waves, and her pale green eyes are staring up at me in astonishment. I want to do something right now to make her pupils constrict and see if I can get those irises to darken up a bit.

For a woman that I only kissed once, she's played a recurrent role in my fantasies. No matter where I've traveled, no matter who I've met, no matter who I've had sex with...Renner's face most often dominated my thoughts.

And here she is again.

I'm going to kick Cady's ass for not telling me she was in Dublin. Over the years, I've casually asked Cady how Renner was doing, but she was always vague and nondescript. Which I know is bullshit, because Renner and Cady are close. I'm guessing my casual inquiries weren't so casual after all, and I'm betting Cady doesn't want me within a hundred yards of her dear cousin.

Which doesn't offend me. If I had a daughter, I wouldn't want me near her either. Because all I can think of right now is about ten different ways I want to dominate Renner in bed.

"You remember me?" she asks in awe.

Stepping up close to her again, I grab her chin between my thumb and forefinger so her gaze stays locked on me. I swear a feel a sizzle of electricity from the contact of my skin on hers. "That I do. Five years ago, I kissed a girl that was fresh, and young, and innocent... and so not ready for the likes of me." Releasing her chin, I rake my eyes down her body and slowly move them up again. I like what I see...a lot, and I take pleasure in the fact that her breath hitches just a little under my perusal. "You're all grown up, Renner. I'm bettin' you could handle me now."

She lets out a shaky breath, and there it is... her eyes go dark. The knowledge that my words alone do that to her thrills me beyond measure. I can't wait to see what type of response my tongue can get.

"Now, let's go get that drink and we can see just how well can you handle me."

The blinding smile I expect to get from her doesn't come. Instead, her eyes lighten back up and there's now a scowl on her forehead.

Putting her hands on my chest, she pushes me back away from her. "In your dreams, O'Bradaigh," she sneers. "I may have been stupid enough to fall for your sexy lines before, but you're right... I am all grown up now and I have better things to do than waste my time with an arrogant musician."

I stare at her for just a moment, stunned she's turning me down. Then I throw my head back laughing. She glares at me and crosses her arms across her chest. She clearly doesn't get my amusement but I am indeed amused with her. If she wants to play hard to get, I have time to play.

Reaching out, I wrap my hand around her throat, skimming my thumb softly along her jaw. "My cailin alainn has some claws. I'm going to enjoy them when they're sunk deep into my back while I'm riding you."

"Aaaagghhh," she screams in frustration, at the same time knocking my hand away. I take a step back for good measure, just in case she decides to let a fist or foot fly my way. "You are a conceited, egotistical, jackass and the only place my claws will be sunk will be in your balls if you try to touch me again."

I give her a well-calculated smirk. "Now that thought just turns me on, Renner. You have a gift for words."

In all actuality, it doesn't turn me on... thinking about her ripping my balls to shreds, but I'm having far too much fun teasing her.

Now... that lovely high and angry blush she's wearing? Yes, that's turning me on. I wonder if her cheeks will get that red when she comes. I bet she blushes all the way down to her breasts.

Taking a deep breath, Renner looks me squarely in the eyes and grits out. "Just do me a favor. Stay away from me. I'm not interested."

She spins around and heads for the door. Just as she reaches it, I call out, "That sounds like a challenge to me, Renner. I'm looking forward it."

She pauses briefly, her shoulders stiffening. I think she may turn around and lay into me again, but then she opens the door and walks out into the night.

Well, that certainly didn't go as I had planned, but I so enjoyed the hell out of that exchange. Poor Renner will be seeing a lot more of me.

Just twenty minutes ago, I was somewhat dreading this summer in Dublin. I was bummed because we had just come off a very successful tour and my manager was insisting I take some time off before I burned myself out. I haven't had a vacation in almost four years, and again, my manager is insisting--no, more like demanding--I take the time. But that's just not me. I'm not one to sit around and do nothing. I like to work, I like to make music, and I like to climb the ladder of success. Taking this summer off had not seemed like the best idea to me. But now, knowing that Renner is here... yes, this could be a very pleasant summer after all.

Turning around, I head back into the party I had just vacated. It was an end of tour and homecoming celebration all in one. I wouldn't be getting any enjoyment from Renner the rest of the evening, so I might as well go back and party with my mates.


Swallowing the last of my Guinness, I set the pint glass down and indicate to Maureen that I'll take another. I'm well on my way to getting drunk, and I'm hoping it will fuzzy my thoughts up a bit where Renner is concerned. Twice, after she left, I had the sudden urge to track her down...go to her apartment or wherever the hell she's living, and... and... what? Kiss her? Fuck her? Hell, I don't know... but I need something.

Picking up my cell phone, I shoot Cady a text.

Why didn't you tell me Renner was in Dublin?

My reflexes are muddled from the alcohol and it takes me a few minutes just to type that one message.

I wait and wait for her to respond. Maureen brings me my next Guinness. What is that... like twelve already?

Finally, my phone vibrates and I look down at Cady's response.

Didn't I tell you? I thought I did.

Oh, bollocks! Who does she think she's kidding? I may be well on my way to a vicious hangover tomorrow, but I've still enough wits to know she's trying to pull one over on me.

I try to type a response, but after several futile moments where my fingers don't seem to be working, I dial Cady instead. She answers on the second ring.

"Howeya, Cillian. What's up?"

"Save the 'howeya'. You know what's up! Why didn't you tell me Renner was here?"

"What do you care? You don't even really know her."

Really, why did I care that Cady didn't tell me? It's not like Renner and I are friends. Hell, we're barely acquaintances. Still, I can't shake the feeling Cady is trying to keep some distance between Renner and me, and that makes Renner suddenly seem like forbidden fruit. And you know, that didn't work out so well for Adam and Eve.

"Come on, Cady. What's the deal?" I hope my words don't sound as slurred to her as they are sounding to me.

I can hear Cady sigh on the other end. "Look Cillian... Renner's a nice girl and she's been through a lot recently. She doesn't need someone screwing with her head."

"I wouldn't screw with her head!" Other parts of her body

, yes... but not her head.

Cady gives a bitter laugh. "You may not mean to, but you'd do it all the same. Just give it a rest, Cillian, and leave her be."

It's a sad fact, but when I get drunk, I can sometimes get mean. It's in the genes, after all. And I don't like one bit that Cady is demanding I leave Renner alone. Nothing gets my hackles up more than someone telling me no. "What the fuck do you know, Cady? What the fuck do you really know anyway?"

My intent is to hang up on her before she can reply, but my finger doesn't move fast enough to disconnect the call, and I hear her clearly say, "I know you, Cillian. I know you well."

Tags: Sawyer Bennett Off Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024