Nice Girls Finish Last - Page 10

His hands wandered into the open dress, cupping her breasts. He kissed her neck, her collarbone and lower, stealing across her curves; through the lace bra she felt his tongue, the hunger of his hot, wet mouth. Her eyes closed as he muttered his appreciation, and told her what he wanted to do in about twenty minutes or so. He relished her as much as she did him and she liked it. Her breathing deepened as her skin tingled. Her nipples were suddenly so sensitive and with every stroke of his tongue across them they sent teasing rhythmic surges to her womb. Those deep, secret muscles clamped in response, winding higher, hotter. Her fingers curled into his shirt as the sensation sharpened. Her whole body contracted beneath his simple, relentless attention.

‘Oh, no.’ She was so taut she couldn’t even scream; it was a squeak.

‘Just let it happen,’ he murmured, easily supporting her when in the instant of ecstasy her strength failed.

She’d never had an orgasm this way, this easily, this sweet and savage. She panted, quickly trying to recover some kind of control, but she soon discovered that that hit of pleasure was merely a precursor. Now her body was frantic for more. She was desperate to be naked. Desperate to be possessed. She ground her pelvis hard against his, wanting to force an end to the void there.

She was so damn hungry to have him, to touch him. Her eyes shot open. Of course. There was nothing to stop her touching him now. A resurgence of energy poured through her and excitement flared. She spread her hands wide on his arms, then dropped to his waist, slipping underneath the shirt to discover the definition of his body. Eye-poppingly sharp definition.

‘What are you doing?’ he growled.

She smiled slowly, enjoying the power surge as she read the heat in his expression. ‘It’s only half an hour before you get below the waistline. I can access any area any time I want.’ And she was quite happy to torment him, given that was exactly what he was doing to her.

She chuckled as she moved, her hands zeroing in on the target. He might be happy to skirt around the danger zone, but she was going straight for the kill, unfastening his trousers. He didn’t stop her but his molten eyes sizzled. She drowned in his huge dark pupils, seeing herself in them—her desire reflected.

She pushed forward, taking her weight again. ‘What’s the matter?’ she asked softly. ‘You’re not sure you can cope?’

She lifted his shirt, he raised his arms and she stripped it from him, totally focused on every inch of skin as it was revealed. She felt liberated, thinking about nothing but the body before her.

‘You like?’ He sounded rusty.

‘Yeah, I told you earlier,’ she answered. ‘It’s not only men who like to look.’ She ran a feather-light fingertip across his shoulders, felt the faintest quiver beneath her touch. ‘You have an amazing body.’

He really did. Incredibly fit—he clearly worked out a lot. His muscles were even more sharply defined than the rugby boys’, which meant he had to put some serious hours into the gym. ‘You’ve got what I want.’ His body was everything she wanted. Maintaining eye contact, she moved her hand south into total danger territory. She gulped. ‘Maybe more than what I want.’

His muscles bunched; she could feel him holding his breath, too.

‘You might want to be careful,’ he muttered.

She sent him a coy look from beneath her lashes, while her hand stroked—anything but coy. Inside she smiled giddily. ‘You said half an hour.’

He grinned despite his gritted teeth. He even managed to talk through them. ‘Yeah, and then you’re going to be in such trouble.’

She leaned forward. ‘Oh, I know that now.’ She pressed her open mouth on his hot neck.

His hands grasped her shoulders so hard she was forced to look back up at him. As soon as she did he swooped. His tongue invaded her mouth in a way that left her in no doubt as to what that other magnificent part of him was going to do the second his inner timer went off. She went boneless against him, welcoming his plundering assault. She couldn’t wait. Her hands swept up and down his hot torso, pausing to push the trousers and boxers from his hips so she could feel his tight butt. She moaned, pulling him against her.

She let go of every inhibition, every doubt, every thought or care in the world and just felt. She took total pleasure in touching him and in his touch. Absolute freedom from emotional complications—from expectations—there were none.

‘Ding, ding, ding.’ He moved fast, stealing the next beat of her heart and the initiative. She was on the floor before she could gasp, while he was above her already. He was kneeling, with his hands on either side of her, and his eyes met hers, flashing the naughtiest smile she’d ever seen.

He lifted one hand and toyed with the hem of her dress. ‘Time’s up.’

She pressed her knees hard together—to stop herself from splaying her legs wide. But he knew because the wickedness in his expression sent the mercury soaring. And it seemed he liked a game as much as she.

‘You really think you can hold out?’ he asked slyly.

‘No.’ She parted her legs. This was too good to waste more time waiting for.

‘Mine to do with as I please.’ He chuckled—satisfied—and undid the rest of the buttons with teasing, cavalier fingers.

‘No,’ she argued huskily, writhing under his gentle caresses. ‘You’re mine to please me.’

He inclined his head. ‘Same thing.’ He spread her dress, bent and kissed her, his hands working first to remove her bra and then skimming up her thighs to her knickers. Slowly, too damn slowly, he tugged them down.

Seth watched her expression as he bared her body. Her eyes were luminous—pale green glittering in the thinnest of rings around huge black pupils. Her lips cherry red from desire, not lipstick. Satisfaction jolted at how urgent her need was. She intended to ravish him. His erection strained harder. He didn’t think he’d ever met a woman so hungry. Deeply, beautifully hungry for pleasure. From him.

Her gaze devoured his body. Her hands stroked, she propped up on her elbows and licked his nipple, her tongue lashing stronger than he expected. The response in his blood was stronger than he expected, too. He burned, unsure he could stand the pressure of this, the hottest moment of his life. He pushed her back and she moaned when he ran his tongue from her navel to her breast. Yeah, it was his turn to taste.

Seth was used to women trying to impress him. He knew it was because of his bank balance more than anything, but women fluttered their lashes and pulled their best moves. And he appreciated it, he did. But the woman writhing beneath him now was in no way trying to impress. She was almost out of it with pleasure, her eyes blind with passion.

‘Lena,’ he murmured, licking her from breast to breast with slow, teasing strokes, swirling around each taut peak. He liked that it was him rousing her this high, this intensely.

‘Mmm.’ She was lost in sensation, unbelievably warm and responsive. Her hips rose, rotating—no longer merely inviting, but demanding. And he was powerless to deny that demand. He couldn’t deny himself. The need to taste her, to satisfy her, overwhelmed him. Yeah, ecstasy was all she wanted—and that was what he wanted, too, right? Nothing could give him greater pleasure this second.

He grinned as he kissed down her torso. Her breathless cries increased—pace, volume, pitch as he neared her most sensitive part. He thanked the stars her desire had conquered her defences and she’d given in to the electricity between them.

His focus sharpened as he spread her wide and tongued her soft and then deep. Her thighs shook, her fingers clenched, her screams hoarse. Yeah, he wanted this and more. He gripped her harder. Her uninhibited response was stunning and made him push her beyond it. He kissed deeper, stroked, teased, twisted—everything and anything to make her convulse with ecstasy again and again.

When he finally rose to all fours, her eyes were closed but she had that smile on her face. He waited expectantly. Saw her shoulders lift just a little, and then it emerged. A couple of chuckles. Low and breathy but powerful enough to drive him crazy.

‘You’re incredible,’ he said, sliding his hand up her thigh with a strong, foreign feeling of possessiveness. He wanted to know more. She was an unpredictable enigma. He wanted to unwrap her—wanted to know why she was so hungry, why she’d hesitated, why she’d done this with him and none of the others. Why she was famed for saying no when she clearly loved to say yes.

But first he wanted the rest of it.

Lena wriggled, restless for him to finally get that perfect piece of masculinity right into where she was wet and wanting and waiting. She’d had her orgasm—more than one—but it seemed they weren’t enough. The ache inside could only be filled by finishing this off completely. And she wanted to see him finish.

She reached to hold his face between her palms, brought him down to kiss him. Her body rocked beneath his, begging for him to join with her. Passion overtook her initial tease. Suddenly wild again with need, she grabbed his tight butt and pulled him towards her, rubbing the head of his erection between her legs, and thrust her hips. ‘Condom!’ She screamed her demand before she lost her mind completely.

Panting, he flung back onto his knees, fingers digging through the mess of material for his pocket and his wallet. Working fast to roll on the protection.

Impatiently she watched the play of muscles under his gleaming skin as he moved, drinking in the rush of his breath and the pent-up energy in his actions. She moved restlessly. She couldn’t wait any longer. He glanced up and caught her—his eyes dark, fierce, more potent than any drug. Swiftly he arched, covering her body with his. Held fast by his intent gaze, she stilled for that magical moment before it all changed.

It blazed in his face a split second before he moved. Pleasure, such pure, profound pleasure.

She gasped, sucking in a deep breath that she held for ever as the incredible feeling of him rippled through her. She shook her head, shivering from the inside out, her body convulsing with excitement. Through her fast-tunnelling vision she saw his hand clenching hard into a fist beside her. His knuckles marble white. She looked back up to his face and read the agony there, the painful determination to hold his control. Pure, power-filled delight bubbled from within, finding release in a breathy laugh. His tension broke and he smiled down at her. She bit her lip as the intensity within her sharpened to overwhelming and emotional. Her eyelids lowered—just enough for some respite from this attraction. He was so gorgeous and so focused on her and making her feel so good, it almost made her cry.

Tags: Natalie Anderson Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024